Provision of a UNFCCC event access platform UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), Bonn April 2 (EOI deadline) DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: The UNFCCC secretariat is seeking a qualified service provider for an online platform that will enhance the inclusivity, transparency and…
Video Production for a Conference UNIDO (The United Nations Industrial Development Organization), Vienna Deadline 27 March Objective of the project: The Vienna Food Safety Forum 2025 (VFSF) is a global forum supporting the transformation of food safety systems through innovation, collaboration, and knowledge…
Call for: Video streaming and archive platform Buyer: CTBTO (The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization), Vienna Deadline: 7 April SCOPE OF WORK The objective of this contract is to provide the Commission with access to a suitable, modern video streaming…
Rámcová smlouva (na 5 samostatných lotů) – for the supply of medical facilities, vehicles and individual equipment for partner armed forces supported by the European Peace Facility Kupující: European Commission, FPI – Service for Foreign Policy Instruments, Brussels Odhadovaná celková hodnota bez DPH:…
Printing, Premedia, Multichannel and PDF Remediation Services Kupující: European Commission, Publications Office, Luxembourg Budget (bez DPH): €23.500.000 Doba trvání: 48 Měsíce Lhůta pro doručení nabídek: 30/04/2025 – 10:00:59 (UTC+2) LOT-0001: Printing services. Odhadovaná hodnota bez DPH – €10.000.000 LOT-0002: Premedia and multichannel services (Psaní, zpracování textů a stolní typografie – €3.000.000 LOT-0003: Remediation services…
European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) Call for tenders ENISA/2025/OP/0002 – Development, consultancy, support & maintenance services for IT assets Framework contract, 48 months, budget €15.000.000 The total estimated budget for the framework contract is fifteen million € over a maximum duration of…
Provision of Communications Services for the Global Matchmaking Platform The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) The total duration for the whole assignment is estimated to be 12 months starting at the contract award. Deadline: 27.03.2025 17:00:00 CET Background: The Global Matchmaking Platform…
Technical support for operational equipment Buyer: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), Warsaw Duration: 48 Months Estimated value excluding VAT: 12 000 000,00 EUR Deadline for receipt of tenders: 07/04/2025 – 16:00:59 (UTC+2) LOT-0001: Central technical support for Frontex Operational Equipment (Implementation,…
Exploring communication techniques and messages for social impact Estimated value excluding VAT: €300.000 Buyer: European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), Vilnius Duration: 48 Months Deadline for receipt of tenders: 24/03 Purpose: EIGE seeks to conclude a framework contract with company/ies capable of providing…
Call: Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) Communication Services Buyer: European Investment Bank, Luxembourg Framework Contract – 96 months Budget: €22.800.000 Deadline: 13/03/2025 – 15:00:59 (UTC+1) Details: The objective of this Call for Tenders is to award a Framework Agreement…
Call: Video production with actors for educational purposes Buyer: European Union Agency for Asylum, Valletta, MALTA 4-years long framework contract (single) / budget €1.000.000 Deadline: 6/2 Objectives: The overall objective of the contract resulting from the present procurement procedure is the provision of…
Production of videos, multimedia assets and associated services Estimated value excluding VAT: €10.000.000 Buyer: European Parliament, COMM – Directorate-General for Communication Just for planning: the tender will be launched in mid-March LOT1: Social media video and other multi-media services for the Web Communication…
Thematic Communication ServicesBuyers: 5 EUs Joint Undertaking based in Brussels (Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking, Chips Joint Undertaking, EDCTP3 JU – Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking, Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking, SNS JU – Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking)Estimated value excluding VAT: €3.402.850Duration:…
European Environmental Agency (EEA, Copenhagen) – graphic design Interactive media and graphic design and communication support services for the European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) Deadline 6/2 Framework contract for 4 years, budget €460.000 Description: The subject of this…
Marketing and Communication Services for EIT Youth Education EIT RawMaterials, Berlin Deadline 15/2 FWC without cascade, smaller, for 10 months only (with possibility of extension) Background: EIT RawMaterials is a ‘Knowledge and Innovation Communities’ (KICs) created by the European Institute of Innovation and…
IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support (MAIA) Buyer: European Commission, DG DIGIT – Digital Services, Brussels Framework contract – duration: 36 months Deadline: 7/3 Lot 1 – IS development, maintenance, migrations to cloud, operations and support predominantly in AWS. Estimated value…
Call for: Graphic design servicesInteractive media and graphic design and communication support services for the European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC)Estimated value excluding VAT: 460 000,00 EURBuyer: European Environment Agency (EEA), CopenhagenDeadline for receipt of tenders: 31/01/2025 – 16:00:59…
Digital Marketing Agency Services EIT RawMaterials GmbH, Berlin Germany 4-years long contract Time limit for receipt of tenders: 2025-01-16 00:00 o’clock Short description: EIT RawMaterials GmbH intends to award a contract for the provision of Digital Marketing Services. EIT RawMaterials, one of eight…
Call: Providing support on Communication and Outreach Buyer: European External Action Service (EEAS), Brussels Estimated contract value: €40.000 Description of the procurement: Strategic Communication and Foresight (SG.STRAT) Directorate at the European External Action Service is seeking for one senior Communication Consultant to develop…
Marketing communications services Skills Institute EIT InnoEnergy KIC InnoEnergy SE (https://www.innoenergy.com/skillsinstitute/), Eindhoven, The Netherlands Deadline for submission proposals: 2024-12-31 Intended date of notification: 2025-01-13 Closing tender: 2025-01-20 Campaign Duration: April 1st, 2025 – January 31st, 2026 Scope of work: Interested parties are requested…
Call for Industry regarding Maritime Autonomous Systems Buyer: Allied Command Transformation – NATO’s Strategic Warfare Development Command, Norfolk Virginia Request for Information (RFI) call to industry for their input to NATO’s requirement for testing the implementation and performance of Maritime Autonomous Systems Capabilities.…
Media and presentation techniques workshops Buyer: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), Warsaw Contract for: 48 months Budget without VAT: €360.000 Deadline: 20/01/2025 – 16:00:59 (UTC+1) Description: Frontex COMMS would like to organise a series of media and presentation techniques workshops both…
Data Processing and Reporting Services for the Operations Directorate (OPS) Buyer: European Investment Bank, Luxembourg Budget witgout VAT: €5.000.000 Contract for: 48 months Deadline: 03/02/2025 – 15:00:59 (UTC+1) Description: Data Processing and Reporting Services for the Operations Directorate (OPS) The objective of this…
Networks – Security Solutions for SatCen Buyer: European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen), Torrejón de Ardoz, Spain Budget without VAT: €2.000.000 Deadline: 27/01/2025 – 16:00:59 (UTC+1) Contract: 48 months Description: The objective of this procurement procedure is to award a framework contract for the…
Supply and Installation of Data and Communication cables The European Spallation Source (ESS), Lund, Sweden Framework agreement Last tender day: January 27, 2025 ESS wish to conclud an agreement for installation of data and communication cables. The procurement is divided into two lots:…
Call for: RPAS Services for Multipurpose Maritime Surveillance Buyer: European Maritime Safety Agency, MAR – European Maritime Safety Agency, Lisbon Planned budget: 67 000 000,00 EUR Framework contract for 48 months Deadline: 12/03/2025 – 16:00:59 (UTC) LOT1: RPAS for maritime surveillance in open…
Provision of Biometrics Information Multimodal Identity Solution Buyer: The International Criminal Court (ICC) The Hague, The Netherlands Request for expression of interest (EOI) – closing date: 13 December 2024 Background: It is anticipated that the ICC will shortly be issuing a solicitation for…
Digital Equipment/Furniture for expanded Meeting Room of the International Criminal Court Buyer: The International Criminal Court (ICC) The Hague, The Netherlands Request for expression of interest (EOI) – closing date: 12 December 2024 Background: It is anticipated that the ICC, will shortly be…
RFI: Wayfinding, indoor navigation solution for visually impaired Buyer: United Nations Procurement Division Closing Date for Receipt of RFI: 27 December OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to provide the Office of Information and Communication Technology with information from…
Call: Design and digital printing for facilities and events visual communication Buyer: Eurojust, The Hague EUROJUST/HAG/2024/LVP/0016-EXA Description: The subject of this procurement procedure is the ad hoc and time sensitive production of communication/exhibition items including the graphic design, layout of texts and digital…
Call: Strategic media advice and media auditing (benchmarking) services Buyer: European Commission, DG COMM – Communication, Brussels EC-COMM/2024/MVP/0905-EXA Description: DG COMM wishes to procure the services of a leading consultancy company that can provide strategic media advice and benchmarking services to enable the…
Call: Provision of Print and Layout Services to Eurojust Buyer: Eurojust, The Hague Background: Eurojust needs a contractor to deliver print, design and layout services: creating layout for and printing publications, reports, wall calendars, leaflets, business cards and other public or limited distribution…
Fotovoltaické systémy – dodávka, instalace, uvedení do provozu Evropské patentová organizace (EPO), Mnichov Stručný popis: Dodávka, instalace a uvedení do provozu několika fotovoltaických systémů o celkovém výkonu cca 400 kWp v souladu se specifikací VDE-AR-N 4110. Datum zahájení práce: 01/04/2025 – datum ukončení:…
Copernicus Flight Operations Segment Archive Dataspace Buyer: European Space Agency Deadline: not specified yet Budget: not specified yet Description: The Copernicus program, managed by the European Union in collaboration with ESA, represents the most ambitious Earth observation program to date. It is designed…
Global Emerging Markets Data AggregatorBuyer: European Investment Bank, LuxembourgBudget without VAT: €4.666.356 / contract for: 60 monthsDeadline: 13/1Brief description of the required services: Global Emerging Markets (GEMs) Data Aggregator is a cooperation platform among 26 Multilateral Development Banks and Development Financial Institution to…
European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) se intenzivně chystá vypsat tendr na IT systém pro kontrolu předepisování velmi drahých léků v jednotlivých členských státech. V zemích s nízkými objednávkami následně Evropská komise doplatí výrobci vzniklé náklady na zajištění dostupnosti léku na daném…
Stavební služby – Evropský patentový úřad (Mnichov)Půjde o vnitřní vybavení a vnější fasádu budovy, technické vybavení (HVAC a ELT), každé s podílem demolice a likvidace.Zakázka je rozdělena na tři zcela nezávislé samostatné části (tj. můžete se hlásit jen do jedné, dvou nebo všech…
Call: Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) Communication Services Buyer: European Investment Bank, Luxembourg Estimated value excluding VAT: 22 800 000,00 EUR Duration: 96 Months Deadline for receipt of tenders: 13/02/2025 Description: The objective of this Call for Tenders is…
In the tender for ICT consultancy for the European Labour Agency for a total of €40,500,000, 18 bids were received, mostly from consortia. In my opinion, the main deciding factor is the presence offered directly on-site at the agency’s HQ and the price…
Call: Winter Clothing Buyer: NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA), Capellen LUXEMBOURG Deadline: Nov 29 List of item Quantity
Call: Production and supply of branded promotional material Buyer: EU Agency for cybersecurity (ENISA), Greece Maximum budget: € 300.000,00 over 4 years Deadline: Nov 19, 2024 Details: The scope of this tender is the production and supply of high quality and environmentally friendly,…
Call: Audio-visual media production support Buyer: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), Warszawa Poland Framework contract for 48 months / est total value: €2.300.000 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 06/12/2024 – 16:00:59 Details: The purpose of this tender is to establish multiple…
Call: IT Operations, Engineering and Evolution services Buyer: European Court of Auditors, Luxembourg Estimated total value: rough estimate €1.500.000/year = €6.000.000 Framework contract – maximum contract duration: 48 months Deadline for receipt of tenders: 17/12/2024 16:00 Europe/Luxembourg Description: Provision of services for the…
Call: Production and supply of branded promotional material Buyer: European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), Greece Estimated total value: €300.000 EUR Framework contract – maximum contract duration: 48 months Deadline for receipt of tenders: 19/11/2024 12:00 Europe/Athens Description: Production and supply of high…
Wayfinding, indoor navigation solution for visually impaired Buyer: United Nations Procurement Division (globally) Closing Date for Receipt of RFI: 15 November 2024 OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to provide the Office of Information and CommunicationTechnology (OICT) with information from…
Provision of a cloud-based e-Procurement platform OSCE Vienna deadline 18/11 5-years long contract 2. Project objective(s) 2.1 The primary project objective is to procure, configure, implement, host and maintain a cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) e-Procurement solution (the “Solution”) through the best-value services…
Provision of ERP-related implementation, maintenance, consultancy and related services Buyer: European Patent Organisation, Munich Deadline for receipt of requests to participate: 07.11.2024 12:00 Estimated date of dispatch of the invitations to submit tenders: 19.11.2024 Description: The European Patent Office (EPO) is seeking to…
Development, Consultancy and Support for an Age Verification Solution Buyer: European Commission, DG CNECT – Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Brussels Duration: 24 Months Estimated value excluding VAT: €4.000.000 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 18/11 Description: This procurement will enable users of online…
Provision of Optical Character Recognition processing and conversion of scanned images and PDF documents to coded data and data extraction European Patent Organisation, Rijswijk NL Contract for 36 months Description: The European Patent Office receives daily a large amount of confidential new patent…
Call: Global Digital Services for UNHCR private sector partnership Buyer: UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency) Deadline: 21/11/2024 2:00 PM Background:UNHCR aims to further enhance its global digital presence to deliver enduring, sustainable solutions that offer refugees security, dignity, and a promising future. Through our…
Call: Digital marketing platform services for UNHCR Private Sector Partnerships in the Europe region Buyer: UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency) Closing date & time: 25 October 2024 – 23:59 hrs CET Objectives and Purpose of assignment The Digital Strategy of Private Sector Partnership (PSP)…
Phoenix Design Aid A/S, The Visual Agency s.r.l. , GLOBAZ, S.A., Nathan Abela, MISSING ELEMENT SPOL SRO, Ketchum NV, C.M.G.C. d.o.o., NETCOMPANY INTRASOFT, Emporij d.o.o., MUNIQ Design GmbH, Silk Software House. Fingers crossed:)
Cloud-based Learning and HR Platform for EIT RawMaterials Submission deadline: Nov 6, 23:59 EIT RawMaterials, Berlin Short description: EIT RawMaterials GmbH intends to award a contract for the provision and operation of a cloud-based learning and HR Platform for EIT RawMaterials. The EIT…
Not so long ago, NATO headquarters abandoned its old, inadequate headquarters and moved across the road to a new… Here we go again, more office containers are going to be bought again: RFI: Design, construction, exploitation and dismantling of temporary office buildings at…
Call: Call for tenders on horizon scanning system for medical devices & in vitro diagnostic medical devices Buyer: European Health and Digital Executive Agency Planned publication date: 29 October 2024 Deadline date: 6 January 2025 Description: HaDEA has published a prior information notice…
Call: EU4Health call for tenders to set up a support centre for the European electronic health record exchange format and interoperability of health record systems Buyer: European Health and Digital Executive Agency Planned publication date: 24 October 2024 Deadline date: 19 December 2024…
Call: Metropolitan Area Network Buyer: European Patent Office, Munich Germany Deadline Oct 11 Duration in months: 36 Description: The network connectivity between the different EPO buildings in Munich is provided through dark fibre connections from each building to the Isar building and to…
CMRE (NATO) Provision of DELL computer workstations and accessories – deadline 10/10 CMRE (NATO) Provision of support and maintenance of DELL Storage Infrastructure – deadline 24/10 CMRE (NATO) Replacement of DELL Backup and Archive Infrastructure – deadline 24/10 UNICEF, EDGE computing devices, UNICEF,…
Integrated Marketing and Communications Services EIT RawMaterials GmbH, Berlin Germany Deadline 25/10 – 23:59 local time Short description: EIT RawMaterials GmbH intends to award a contract for strategic communications services for the Raw Materials Academy: A Mission to Train Europe’s Next-Gen Raw Materials Workforce.…
Call: EU Publication Office Portal Managed Services Buyer: European Commission, Publications Office, Luxembourg Estimated value excluding VAT: €7.500.000 Duration: 54 Months Deadline for receipt of tenders: 06/11/2024 – 16:00:59 Description: The objective of the procurement procedure is to procure managed services related to…
Provision of Digital Solutions Development Services on Time & Means Basis F4E – Fusion for energy, Barcelona Response deadline 28/10/2024 16:00 Estimated contract value and volume: The maximum FWC value for the total duration of 4 years, without this being binding to Fusion for…
Provisioning and Maintenance Support of End Users, Digital Workplace, IT Infrastructure and Operations Services Buyer: European Union Intellectual Property Office, Alicante, Spain Duration: 60 Months Estimated value excluding VAT: €70.000.000 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 03/12/2024 Description: With the aim to achieve operational…
Call: Audiovisual and Graphic Design Services Buyer: European Commission, DG JRC – Joint Research Centre, Sevilla, Spain Estimated total value excluding VAT: 600 000,00 EUR Deadline for receipt of tenders: 18/11/2024 LOT-0001: Audio-visual and storytelling services for scientific communication Estimated value excluding VAT:…
Call: ICT Systems Administration Support Services Buyer: European Training Foundation (ETF), Italy, Torino Framework contract for 48 months / budget €450.000 Deadline: 29/10 Details: Comprehensive ICT Administration support and expertise in implementing and managing solutions within the ETF ICT environment. Services involve systems…
EIT Health needs full service corporate communications services in Munich Call: Digital Communication Buyer: EIT Health e.V. (body of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology), Munich, Germany – www.eithealth.eu Scope of the contract – estimated value excl VAT: €2.500.000 Duration in months:…
Call: Provision of ICT Consultancy and Project and Programme Management Buyer: European Labour Authority (ELA), Slovakia, Bratislava Estimated value excluding VAT: €40.500.000 / 4-years long framework contract Deadline 24/10 Description: The primary objectives of this tender are as follows: ICT Consultancy Services: The selected contractors will…
Operational and consultancy support for ELA’s Information and Services activitiesBudget: 1 381 000,00 EURBuyer: European Labour Authority (ELA), Bratislava Lot 1: Enhancing information provisionDescription: The open procedure to conclude a framework contract with reopening of competition to deliver standard consultancy services for feasibility…
Travaux de câblage pour les réseaux télécom/informatiques dans les bâtiments et dans les salles informatiques (DATACENTER) occupés ou qui vont être occupés par le Parlement Européen Valeur estimée hors TVA :: 10 000 000,00 EURL’acheteur: European Parliament, ITEC – Directorate-General for Innovation and…
Production and supply of custom-made and branded promotional materialsBudget: €400.000Buyer: European Union Agency For Law Enforcement TrainingContract for: 48 monthsDeadline: 12/09/2024 Description: Production, supply and distribution of branded promotional materials Based on the Single Programming Document 2024-2026, under Objective 4.3.4 CEPOL needs to…
Provisioning of services relating to the integrated financial management system based on the SAP S/4HANA and related technologiesBuyer: The General Secretariat of the Council of the European UnionContract for: 48 monthsDeadline: 30/09/2024 – 16:00:59 (UTC+2)Description: The objective of the present call for tenders…
RecFishing: an electronic system for catch reporting of recreational fisheriesBudget excl VAT: €1.130.000Buyer: European Commission, DG MARE – Maritime Affairs and FisheriesFWC for: 36 monthsDescription: 16/09/2024 – 16:00:59 (UTC+2)Popis: The revised Control Regulation (Regulation EU 2023/2842) came into force on 9 January 2024.…
AV services: Motion picture and video tape production and related services Buyer: Committee of the Regions of the European Union, CDR – Committee of the Regions of the European Union, Brussels Estimated value excluding VAT: €2.400.000 48-months framework contract Deadline for receipt of…
Technical assistance services – Digital Transformation of Water Sector: Strategic Planning & Capacity Development Buyer: Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM Secretariat), Barcelona Duration: 28 Months Estimated value excluding VAT: 120 000,00 EUR Deadline for receipt of tenders: 18/09/2024 – 13:00:00…
Provision for the Implementation, Maintenance and Support of a Transport Management Solution Buyer: International Post Corporation, Brussels Deadline for receipt of expressions of interest: 16/08/2024 17:00:00 (UTC+2) Description: IPC seeks a Transport management System (TMS) to support the “IPC CRONOS” service. • IPC CRONOS is…
Production of videos, photos, podcasts, audio visual and streaming services European Patent Office, Munich In view of the services required, the contract is divided into three Lots, as follows: – Lot 1: Production of films, videos and photos – Lot 2: Streaming services…
Evropská pohraniční stráž potřebuje nové kovové skříně na zbraně Tendr: Skříně na zbraně a individuální skříňky na zbraně Zadavatel: FRONTEX – The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Evropská agentura pro pohraniční a pobřežní stráž), Varšava Rámcová smlouva na 4 roky / budget…
Call for: Business Intelligence Global Support Buyer: ITER (https://www.iter.org/org) The purpose of this framework contract(s) is to procure: A-Services category: Covers the business intelligence stack -Evolution and maintenance of Data Warehouse; – Evolution and maintenance of Data Integration Service; – Evolution and maintenance…
Multiple Framework Contract for the Provision of the Services for Designing, Implementing, Managing, Operating and Supporting Information Systems under Time and Means Conditions (DESOPS) Estimated value excluding VAT: €186.500 .000 Buyer: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), Warsaw Duration: 48 Months Deadline…
I. OP Portal Managed Services Buyer: European Commission – Publications Office, Luxembourg Estimated value excluding VAT: €7.500.000 Buyer: European Commission – Publications Office, Luxembourg Duration: 48 Months Description: The objective of the procurement procedure is to procure managed services related to the Portal…
Multiple framework contract for impact assessments, evaluations and related studies and services in the field of communication Budget without VAT: €30.000.000 / 4-years long Framework Contract Buyer: European Commission, DG COMM – Communication, Brussels The extended deadline for submission is 28/06/2024 LOT-1: Impact…
Production of audiovisuals, mobile applications, electronic publications based on HTML, video games, applications based on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies, and publications with interactive information visualisations EU Publications Office, Luxembourg Lot 1 – Production of audiovisual (AV) publications 1 PEDIO MEDIA SA…
Development and Implementation of a Climate and Weather Chatbot for Destination Earth Buyer: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Germany, Bonn Budget €500.000 Deadline: 17/07/2024 Description: The main deliverable of this contract is a weather and climate web-based chatbot that needs to…
Teleconferencing services Buyer: European Parliament, LINC – Directorate-General for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences, Belgium Estimated value without VAT: EUR 22 000 000,00 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 10/06/2024 LOT-0001: Joint public procurement open procedure LINC/EUVC – Lot 1 – Video-conferencing system Duration:…
Call: Publication Production Works Buyer: European Central Bank, Německo, Frankfurt am Main Budget without VAT: €1.600.000 Contract from: 01/01/2025 to 31/12/2026 Bid deadline: 18/07/2024 Scope of deliverables The deliverables to be procured are the technical production works of publications as described further in…
I am looking for an IT hardware supplier who can compete in international tenders (EU, NATO, UN) with established companies such as Bechtle, Cancom or NTT. I will lead you to victory, as in the case of Autocont… How about this? Two to…
This tender illustrates how European tenders can be truly international. You can work from anywhere. The Luxembourg-based European Investment fund selected suppliers from eight countries (Luxembourg, UK, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Hungary, Croatia, Spain Call: Provision of Services in the Field of Marketing Consultancy…
Provision of Business and IT Services (Specification, Development, Maintenance, and Support) The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), Brussels Framework contract for 48 months Budget €50.000.000 Deadline 19/7 Objectives of the Framework Contract The main objective of the framework contract is to…
Audiovisual production services buyer: European Training Foundation (ETF), Torino contract: FWC for 48 months budget: €1.000.000 deadline: 21/06/2024 – 16:00:59 (UTC+2) Background: This procurement procedure is launched with a view to concluding a four years’ framework contract for audiovisual production services (research, design…
Copernicus Joint Services ECMWF, Reading UK Lot 1: Content production and distribution Lot 2: Event management and brand experience Deadline 18/6 ECMWF as the European Commission’s entrusted Entity for operating Copernicus Climate Change Service and Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service, invites tenders to work…
ITU Social Media Management Tool Deadline 19 Jun 2024 15:00:00 Strategic Context: The Corporate Communications Division of ITU requires an effective solution for managing our social media presence and for social listening across various platforms. The tool must enable us to manage our…
Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of IT services to ECHA Buyer: European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in Helsinki Through this dynamic procurement system (DPS), ECHA plans to acquire services related to the planning, consultation, management, operations, development and maintenance of various digital services…
Content Management Platform Buyer: European Parliament, COMM – Directorate-General for Communication, Brussels Budget: 6.000.000 EUR Contract: 60 months deadline: 01/07/2024 Executive Summary The audio-visual unit has a long-term vision under the concept of « Content Management Platform » that aims to embrace transformation…
Provision of services in production of interactive digital learning products including instructional design, and educational animations Buyer: European Union Agency For Law Enforcement, Budapest FWC: 48 months Budget without VAT €800 000,00 EUR Deadline: 27/06/2024 Background: The need for content authoring services, including…
Call: Virtual Museum of Stolen Cultural Objects Buyer: UN agency Background: The Virtual Museum will represent a breakthrough for the international community’s efforts to raise awareness among the relevant authorities, culture professionals and the general public, notably young generations, on the trafficking of…
The tender documentation for the new EU promotion and marketing campaigns related to the agri-food sector is still in the drafting phase, but if you want to start preparing and get a head start, you can. The contract for more than 30 million…
Managed services / Digital analytics Buyer: European Commission – Publications Office, Luxembourg Estimated value excluding VAT: €3.000.000 Duration of the framework contract: 48 Month Description: The objective of the procurement procedure is to procure managed services related to Digital analytics. The contractor should…
Portal of the Publications Office Managed ServicesBuyer: European Commission – Publications Office, LuxembourgEstimated value excluding VAT: €7.500.000Duration of the framework contract: 48 MonthDescription: The objective of the procurement procedure is to procure managed services related to the Portal of the Publications Office (“OP…
Call for: Video co-production series: PLAYFUL PARENTING Buyer: UNICEF Deadline April 11 Project Background UNICEF defines Parenting as the interactions, behaviors, emotions, knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and practices associated with the provision of nurturing care. This refers to the process of promoting and supporting…
Call for: EMS Cooperative communications for the Universal Postal Union Buyer: Universal Postal Union, Berne Switzerland Deadline April 16 Scope of the call for tenders: This call for tenders concerns the provision of services with regard to all aspects of the current EMS…
Call for: Digital Workplace UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), Geneve Deadline May 3rd Pre-selection criteria Only companies being compliant with the below pre-selection criteria will be considered for the selection process. Pre-selection criteria Documents and information to be provided to establish…
Call for: Study on pornographic platforms Buyer: European Commission, DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Brussels Max value €142.999 Contract duration 5 months Deadline to express interest: 27/03/2024 17:00 Indicative launch: 28/03/2024 Background: With the introduction of the Digital Services Act (“DSA”),…
Call for: Provision of UNFCCC Mobile multi-event app for conferencesBuyer: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), BonnEoI deadline: 18 March 2024Description: The secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) hereby solicits your expression of interest for the…
Call for: Developing Solutions on the Microsoft Power Platform Buyer: Chips Joint Undertaking (European Partnership), Brussels Description of the contract: Chips Joint Undertaking is launching a procurement for the creation of solutions leveraging the Microsoft Power Platform, focusing on Power Apps, Power Automate,…
Information, promotion and marketing campaigns or stand-alone actions related to the agri-food sectorEstimated value excluding VAT: €30.000.000Buyer: Research Executive Agency (REA), Belgium,BrusselsDescription: Information, promotion and marketing campaigns or stand-alone actions related to the agri-food sector – The call for tender concerns the organisation…
IT consultancy services in the area of metadata cataloguing and data warehousing support. Estimated value excluding VAT: 600 000,00 EUR Buyer: European Environment Agency (EEA), Denmark, Copenhagen Deadline for receipt of tenders: 16/04/2024 14:00:59
Call: External Service Provision – European Railway Agency Information Systems Development 7 Buyer: European Railway Agency (ERA), Valenciennes Framework contract for 4 years / estimated value excluding VAT: €5.000.000 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 17/04/2024 Background and objectives: “ESP-EISD 7: External Service Provision…
Call: End-to-end Implementation and Operation of the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS)/2024-2027 updates Buyer: European Environment Agency (EEA), Copenhagen Duration: 48 Month / estimated value excluding VAT: €7.550.000 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 15/04/2024 – 14:00:59 (UTC+2) Description: Production of the 2024, 2025,…
Call for: Integrated audiovisual production, distribution and archiving services Buyer: European Commission, DG COMM – Communication, Brussels Framework contract 72 months / total budget €66.000.000 LOT-0001: Audiovisual production, editing, transmission and distribution of audiovisual material, maintenance and support of audiovisual infrastructure. Budget €55.000.000…
Call: Sourcing of professional services for IT: consulting, development, operations Buyer: European Commission, DG DIGIT – Digital Services, Brussels Estimated value excluding VAT: € (= in words: one billion two hundred million euros) Duration: 48 Month The tender should be launched in early…
Platform for Advanced Virtual Human Twin Models Buyer: European Commission, DG CNECT – Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Brussels Estimated value excluding VAT: €24.000.000 Estimated date of publication of a contract notice within this procedure: 08/04 Description: A virtual human twin is a…
Mixed Multiple Framework Contract for Thematic Communication Services Buyers: various EU institutions and agencies Total estimated value excluding VAT: €180.000.000 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 28/4 Description: The “Mixed Multiple Framework Contract for Thematic Communication Services” will offer contractual solutions for all types…
Long Term Agreement for Communications Products (Graphic Design, Data Visualizations, Audiovisual Products, Digital and Interactive Reports) UNITAID, Geneve Published: 21/2 Deadline: 13/3 Requested start date: April 2024 Completion date: April 2027 Duration of contract period: Three years, renewable twice for an additional period…
Organizace United Nations Global Service (UNGSC, Brindisi – Itálie) hledá vhodně kvalifikovaného dodavatele, který zajistí návrh, dodávku, instalaci a uvedení do provozu 3D tištěného ubytovacího prototypu v UNGSC Brindisi. Background: Tábory OSN, které hostí mise v terénu, jsou obvykle složeny z prefabrikovaných ubytovacích…
IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support (Hosting, Maintenance and support of Sitecore based sites) International Post Corporation, Brussels Estimated value excluding VAT €700.000 Estimated duration: 5 years with potential to extend a maximum of two extensions of one year Deadline for…
Kdopak se to hlásí do tendru na Strategic, digital, production and training communications services pro European Banking Authority? Jenom pět firem: 1. DELOITTE CONSEIL SAS 2. RUMEUR PUBLIQUE 3. konsorcium INDEPENDENT PICTURES LIMITED + Restless (Europe) BV 4. MARCO DE COMUNICACION SA ……
Call: Dynamic Purchasing System for the Supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Buyer: European Commission, Directorate-General Health Emergency Preparedness andResponse Authority (HERA)Deadline for participation in the DSP (Phase I): 31/05/2026 The purchases are organized directly by the European Commission (or its Directorate- General for…