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Category: EPO

  • Production of videos, photos, podcasts, audio visual and streaming services European Patent Office, Munich In view of the services required, the contract is divided into three Lots, as follows: – Lot 1: Production of films, videos and photos – Lot 2: Streaming services – Lot 3: Production of podcasts A separate contract will be signed…

  • Call: Provision of services of disposal of e-waste and related services with a reduced carbon footprint Zadavatel: Evropský patentový úřad (EPO), Mnichov Doba trvání: 36 měsíců Short description: Provision of a comprehensive, flexible and sustainable ICT and electronic disposal service. By using an effective single point of service for multiple brands and types of ICT…


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  • For a long-term HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) contract I need 2-3 people constantly present in Munich, Germany. Or a smaller company. Some ideas? let me know: / +32 473 116804


  • Call: Graphic Design and Motion Design services Contracting Authority: European Patent Office, Munich, Germany Deadline: 3/11 Framework contract for a 3+2 years Lot 1: Graphic Design The following work areas are included: • Interactive reports / studies / image brochures: Design and layout of reports, studies and image brochures with interactive functions according to the…

  • Tendr: Web agency services and web site testing Zadavatel: The European Patent Organisation, HQ v Mnichově, sites in The Hague, Berlin, Vienna and Brussels LOT 1 – WEB AGENCY SERVICES Bidders should be able to provide the following services for intranet, internet and extranet sites (unless otherwise stated): 1. Project management (in the scope of…


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  • Tender: Software Development and Maintenance and Technical Support Zadavatel: European Patent Organisation, Rijswijk-NL Deadline: 20. ledna 2020 Service Categories: 1: Software Development. 2: Adaptive/Perfective Maintenance. 3: Corrective Maintenance. 4: Preventive Maintenance. 5: Deployed Resources in 3rd Party Locations (e.g. EPO external stakeholders) where scope of work is same as the activities defined for Service Categories…


  • Tendr: Delivery and installation of computer data network components Zadavatel: EPO (Evropský patentový úřad), Rijswijk NL – rozloha 180.000 m2 (3 budovy, dvě datacentra) Kontrakt na 4 roky Deadline 5/11 Požadavky na personál – technical support staff shall at least have the following qualifications:  Head Technician : MBO or Kenteq level 4 (or equivalent)…


  • Tender: Poskytování služeb v oblasti zpracování optického rozpoznávání znaků (OCR) Zadavatel: European Patent Organisation, Mnichov DE, Rijswijk NL Short description: EPO receives daily a large amount of confidential new patent applications, forms, free text letters as well as patent and non-patent literature containing plain text, tables, chemical and mathematical formulae as well as drawings relating…


  • Call: Strategic management consultancy on communication services Contracting Authority: European Patent Organisation, Munich – Germany Deadline for EOI: 2/8 12:00 Checklist for EOI: 1) confirm and provide evidence that you have knowledge of strategic consultancy services in the area of organisational (corporate and public authority) communication in an international context. 2) confirm and provide evidence…

  • Tendr: Maintenance of Security Applications Zadavatel: European Patent Office (EPO), Haag Doba realizace: start 01.11.2019 – end 01.11.2021 Deadline pro podání nabídky: 29/7 CURRENT STATE: The Physical Security Department, PD4401, of the EPO is running a number of Security Control Room (SCR) applications to provide for Physical Security Information Management, CCTV services, Video Analytics and…

