Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Category: NATO

  • Call for Industry regarding Maritime Autonomous Systems Buyer: Allied Command Transformation – NATO’s Strategic Warfare Development Command, Norfolk Virginia Request for Information (RFI) call to industry for their input to NATO’s requirement for testing the implementation and performance of Maritime Autonomous Systems Capabilities. Industry wishing to respond to this RFI should read this document carefully…


  • Call: Winter Clothing Buyer: NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA), Capellen LUXEMBOURG Deadline: Nov 29 List of item                                                                    Quantity


  • Not so long ago, NATO headquarters abandoned its old, inadequate headquarters and moved across the road to a new… Here we go again, more office containers are going to be bought again: RFI: Design, construction, exploitation and dismantling of temporary office buildings at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium Buyer: NATO HQ Closing 31/10 Background:…


  • Vrchní velitelství spojeneckých sil v Evropě (SHAPE) se sídlem v belgickém Monsu hledá firmu, která mu opraví / zmodernizuje zařízení na změkčování vody. Účelem zakázky je demontáž a odstranění změkčovačů vody a všech armatur. Nové zařízení na úpravu vody se bude skládat z pěti změkčovacích kolon. Práce by měly být dokončeny do konce roku 2024. Datum zahájení tendru:…


  • Call for: Digital Asset and Web Content Management System Authority: NCIA (NATO Communication and Information Agency), Brussels Estimated Amount: €7.600.000 NOI closing: 23/06/2023 RFQ closing: 28/07/2023 Exp. Contract award: 15/12 Project Objective a. NATO Headquarters’ Public Diplomacy Division (PDD) is undergoing a transformation program to improve the communication infrastructure of the alliance. b. The project…


  • Zakázka: Design and Implementation of the Why Ukraine Matters (Slovakia) campaign Zadavatel: NATO HQ, Brussels Budget by se měl pohybovat mezi €80.000 a €150.000 (doporučení zadavatele) Kampaň by měla trvat od května do srpna 2023 DEADLINE pro nabídku: May 19, 15:00 Cílem kampaně je zvýšit na Slovensku povědomí o tom, proč je pokračující podpora Ukrajiny důležitá,…


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  • Provision of an Open Source Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Alerting Platform as SaaS Contracting Authority: NATO HQ, Brussels Deadline: April 3rd NATO intends to award a one year contract, with the possibility to extend the initial contract duration through the exercise of four one-year extension options STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES 2.1.        Corporate Objective 2.1.1.    Ensure a cost-effective…


  • RFI: Project “NATO Software Factory – DevSecOps Platform” Contractor: NCI agency (NATO Communications and Information Agency), Brussels NCI Agency is seeking information from Nations and their Industry regarding available managed services to meet the requirements for a NATO Software Factory DevSecOps platform managed service on the high side. Responses are requested to be submitted by…


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  • Call: Rámcová smlouva na různé interiérové práce v centrále NATO v Bruselu Zadavatel: NATO HQ, Brusel Povinná prohlídka: 7. a 8. prosince Deadline pro nabídku : 11/1/2022 Popis požadavaných služeb: Concept TRAVAUX DE DEMONTAGE ET DEMOLITION MURS ET CLOISONS Démolition d’un mur en blocs de bétons, épaisseur  9 cm ou 14 cm  Démolition d’un mur en…


  • Tendr: Supply and Installation of Office furniture and chairs Zadavatel: Headquarters Maritime Allied Command, Northwood (United Kingdom) Deadline: 12 November 2021 This requirement has been split into 3 Lots; Lot 1- Atlantic Building Office Furniture Lot 2- Neptune Building Office Furniture Lot 3- Office Chairs You are requested to complete and return the Annex A-…

