Tendr: Provision of electronic signature services Zadavatel: European Asylum Support Office (EASO), Valletta – Malta Kontrakt na 12 měsíců (s možností prodloužení až na 3 roky) / budget €140.000 Deadline pro projevení zájmu: 16. října Vítěz tendru bude dělat: Work Package 1 “SIGNING…
Tendr: European Digital Media Observatory (core service platform of a digital service infrastructure serving fact-checkers and academic researcher with expertise in the field of online disinformation) Zadavatel: European Commission, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology Budget: €2.500.000 / doba trvání kontraktu: 30…
Tendr: Koncepce vizualizace dat – podpora pro vývoj a výrobu Zadavatel: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound), Dublin – Irsko Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €200.000 Deadline 4/11 Background: The choice to invest in data visualisation is…
Chcete se dostat k mezinárodním zakázkám, ale jít do velkých tendrů se zatím bojíte? Rádi byste si vyzkoušeli, jak to v EU funguje? Pak přesně pro vás tu jsou tzv. středně-rozpočtové tendry EU, s limitem €144.000 (zhruba 3.7M korun). Jde o soutěže “pouze…
Call for: Contract for the supply of a multisystem touchscreen and configuration of an integrated presentation system Contracting Authority: European Satellite Centre (SatCen), Madrid Deadline of EOI: 3/10 SatCen seeks to award a contract for the purchase of one multisystem touchscreen 98″, together…
Call for: Technical assistance Contract for the implementation of a new web interface in Angular 7 Contracting Authority: European Satellite Centre (SatCen), Madrid Deadline of EOI: 4/10 Description of the contract: SatCen developed in 2010 an important application to manage its internal production…
Call for: Websites Hosting and Maintenance services and related Digital Developments (Framework agreement) Contracting Authority: UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) Italy Deadline 23/10 The proposal for maintenance and development of current websites and maintenance of web services and other system integrations…
Call for: Contract for the supply of a tape storage system with maintenance and installation services Contracting Authority: European Satellite Centre (SatCen), Madrid Deadline of EOI: 7/10 SatCen seeks to award a contract for the following: 1) purchase of a tape storage system…
Tendr: ICT Security and Business Continuity Management Services Zadavatel: EUROJUST (The Hague, NL) Hodnocení: 70% kvalita (technická nabídka) x 30% cena Hodně práce on-site Rámcová smlouva na 4 roky / budget €1.250.000 Scope: to provide consultancy services in the areas of ICT Security…