Author: Tomas Horejsi
Tendr: Brand Monitoring Services Zadavatel: UN – World Food Programme, Řím – Itálie WFP is looking for a tool to unify our real-time brand monitoring needs. We are in the process of upgrading the monitoring and evaluation system and aligning to Association for Monitoring and Evaluation principles and framework. WFP requires a tool to standardize…
Communication Assets for Common Bid / Digital Public Goods initiative UNICEF, New York + další místa Deadline: 22/10 – 23:59 NY Time INTRODUCTION: UNICEF Innovation seeks a service provider specializing in communications strategy, brand building, presentation materials, and web content to develop an investment case in narrative form for a new initiative led by International…
Tendr: Project management services – Direct Marketing Platform Zadavatel: Universal Postal Union, Ženeva Deadline: 1/11 Budget: The Vendor shall be remunerated in accordance with the UPU Financial Rules and Regulations, as per the financial offer submitted to the UPU and accepted by the latter; under no circumstances shall such remuneration exceed 40,000 CHF. Scope of…
Tender: Global order fulfilment for WHO publications Contracting Authority: WHO – World Health Organization / Světová zdravotnická organizace, Ženeva – Švýcarsko Deadline: 28/10 This RFP covers the final phase of the progressive outsourcing of WHO’s distribution mechanisms. WHO requires the successful bidder, the Contractor, to provide a system for sales and global order fulfilment for…
Tendr: Mapping the attack surface in the next-generation of mobile communication networks Zadavatel: EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), Řecko Jednorázový kontrakt, budget max €40.000 Deadline pro projevení zájmu: 17/10 Details: The next-generation of mobile communication networks (5G) combine several technological innovations into a complex, service oriented and low latency system. A network based on the…
Tendr: Provision of electronic signature services Zadavatel: European Asylum Support Office (EASO), Valletta – Malta Kontrakt na 12 měsíců (s možností prodloužení až na 3 roky) / budget €140.000 Deadline pro projevení zájmu: 16. října Vítěz tendru bude dělat: Work Package 1 “SIGNING SOLUTION”, including 1. Software: * Signing software which includes Signature Creation Application,…
Tendr: European Digital Media Observatory (core service platform of a digital service infrastructure serving fact-checkers and academic researcher with expertise in the field of online disinformation) Zadavatel: European Commission, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology Budget: €2.500.000 / doba trvání kontraktu: 30 měsíců Deadline: 16/12 The subject matter of the contract is to provide…
Tendr: Koncepce vizualizace dat – podpora pro vývoj a výrobu Zadavatel: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound), Dublin – Irsko Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €200.000 Deadline 4/11 Background: The choice to invest in data visualisation is built on the fact that Eurofound produces a wide range of high-quality…
Chcete se dostat k mezinárodním zakázkám, ale jít do velkých tendrů se zatím bojíte? Rádi byste si vyzkoušeli, jak to v EU funguje? Pak přesně pro vás tu jsou tzv. středně-rozpočtové tendry EU, s limitem €144.000 (zhruba 3.7M korun). Jde o soutěže “pouze pro vyzvané” – zadavatel musí vyzvat alespoň 3 a obvykle jich ani…
Tendr: Delivery and installation of computer data network components Zadavatel: EPO (Evropský patentový úřad), Rijswijk NL – rozloha 180.000 m2 (3 budovy, dvě datacentra) Kontrakt na 4 roky Deadline 5/11 Požadavky na personál – technical support staff shall at least have the following qualifications: Head Technician : MBO or Kenteq level 4 (or equivalent)…