Category: komunikace, propagace
Zakázka: Design and Implementation of the Why Ukraine Matters (Slovakia) campaign Zadavatel: NATO HQ, Brussels Budget by se měl pohybovat mezi €80.000 a €150.000 (doporučení zadavatele) Kampaň by měla trvat od května do srpna 2023 DEADLINE pro nabídku: May 19, 15:00 Cílem kampaně je zvýšit na Slovensku povědomí o tom, proč je pokračující podpora Ukrajiny důležitá,…
Development and maintenance of the HealthData@EU platform infrastructure Contracting Authority: European Commission, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), Brussels Brief description: The activities carried out through this call for tenders are expected to support the development and maintenance of the HealthData@EU platform infrastructure. As proposed in the European Health Data Area Regulation, the…
You need to express your interest before March 15th, 15:00. Ask me how: / +32 473 116804
Call: Amplification of WHO’s health messages on digital and social media channels Contracting Authority: World Health Organisation, Geneve Start date: 10/04/2023 Total duration: 3-6 months Requirements. WHO requires the successful bidder, to carry out the following tasks: 1. Develop a one-pager identifying a target audience and propose an innovative way to reach it online (e.g.…
Tendr: Rámcová smlouva na audiovizuální vybavení a podpůrné služby pro konference a akce Zadavatel: Evropský parlament, Brusel Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €104.000.000 Zakázka bude rozdělena na šest samostatných, na sobě nezávislých částí: Lot 1 – Návrh a zpětná kontrola audiovizuálních, multimediálních, IT a/nebo konferenčních řešení. Položka zahrnuje následující služby: • návrh a vývoj…
Communication Services: Content Writing, Design and Animations; Event Organisation; Social Media Support; Media Relations The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking budget €2.260.000 deadline:: 20/03/2023 17:00 description: The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) is a EUR 2 000 000 000 partnership between the European Union and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) that funds projects advancing competitive circular bio-based industries in Europe.…
Outsourcing of Communication Services European Parliament (Bxl, Stras) Budget €138.000.000 for 48-months framework contract Deadline 16/3 The procurement procedure should result in the signing of framework contracts ‘in cascade’ with a maximum of three framework contracts per lot to be signed with the first three economic operators, ranked in descending order after the evaluation of…
Tender: Dodání a instalace značení a panelů v budovách Evropského parlamentu v Bruselu Zadavatel: Evropský parlament, Luxembourg Rámcová smlouva – doba trvání 4.5 roku – předpokládaná hodnota €1.350.000 bez DPH Proběhne povinná prohlídka místa realizace (dva termíny: 21/2 a 22/2) Deadline pro podání nabídky: 16/3 Požadavky: Minimální roční obrat €450.000 v posledních 3 letech Reference za poslední 5 let –…
PROVISION OF GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES to UNFPA HQ (UNFPA/USA/RFP/23/001) • LOT 1: Print and promotional materials • LOT 2: Social Media packs • LOT 3: Digital design and web design UNFPA – United Nations Population Fund, Marmorvej 51, 2100 Copenhagen DENMARK *** 3-years long long term agreement (LTA) with one or more *** EVALUATION: Total Score…
Communication Services (Lot 1) and Event Organisation Services (Lot 2) for EFCA European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA), Vigo – Spain Framework contract 48-months long / total budget €4.145.000 LOT1 – Communication Services – €1.165.000 LOT2 – Event Organisation Services – €2.980.000 Deadline 6/2 Place of performance: The contractor shall be able to deliver the services or…