Category: AV produkce
UN needs creative social impact agency to make a mobilization campaign for International Women’s Day
Call: Global video engagement and mobilization campaign for International Women’s Day Contracting Authority: UN Women Deadline Dec 3 Objectives: The creative social impact agency will lead on a global engagement and mobilization campaign for International Women’s Day (8 March) under UN Women’s flagship Generation Equality campaign to not only raise awareness on gender equality and…
Call: Graphic Design and Motion Design services Contracting Authority: European Patent Office, Munich, Germany Deadline: 3/11 Framework contract for a 3+2 years Lot 1: Graphic Design The following work areas are included: • Interactive reports / studies / image brochures: Design and layout of reports, studies and image brochures with interactive functions according to the…
Call for: Internal Communications Services Contracting Authority: UNHCR (Geneva) UNHCR is seeking support for: 1. Internal Communication Support – implementation of the global internal communications strategy (Lot 1.A) 2. Development of a campaign to strengthen the risk management culture in UNHCR (Lot 1.B) 3. Productions of videos and podcast contents as part of the risk…
Tendr: Poskytnutí video, fotografických, rozhlasových a multimediálních služeb pro Evropský parlament v Bruselu a Štrasburku Zadavatel: Evropský parlament, Directorate-General for Communication, Directorate for Media, Audiovisual Unit, Brussels Rámcový kontrakt na 4 roky / celkový budget €64.900.000 Stručný popis: Cílem výzvy je poskytnutí audiovizuálních služeb v rámci pracovišť Evropského parlamentu v Bruselu a Štrasburku a příležitostně…
Call: Space Surveillance & Tracking Promotional Videos Contracting Authority: The European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen), Madrid EOI deadline: 3/7 The European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen) is planning to award a contract for the production and delivery of two short videos to promote the European Union Space Surveillance & Tracking (“EUSST”) Support Framework. The videos will…
Tendr: Audiovizuální služby Zadavatel: Výbor regionů EU, Brusel Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €2.000.000 Deadline 17/7 Stručný popis: Cílem výzvy je zajištění audiovizuálních služeb. Služby se týkají hlavně tvorby audiovizuálního tvůrčího obsahu, zajištění hlavních akcí Výboru regionů a poskytnutí materiálu a zařízení pro novináře v oblasti audiovizuálního a rozhlasového přenosu. Výbor regionů hledá agilního,…
Tendr: Procurement of Post-Production for Equator Prize 2020 Videos UNOPS (The United Nations Office for Project Services), HQ – Kodaň UNOPS is seeking a video production company to conduct the post-production/editing of video footage for video spotlight stories about the Equator Prize 2020 winners as well as videos for the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum 2021,…
Call: Production and distribution of professional audio-visual material in disasters and crises, and on EU relevant response Zadavatel: European Commission – Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO). Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €2.000.000 Deadline: 22/7 Zájemci o detaily a pomoc s přípravou nabídky volejte nebo piste: / +32-473-116804.…
Tendr: Inter-institutional multiple framework contract in cascade for the provision of services in the field of communication and organisation of events Zadavatel: EASME (The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), Brusel – jménem desítek dalších EU institucí a Agentur Deadline 10/7 Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €130.000.000 Základní požadavky na uchazeče: * Average…
Zakázka: Multimedia Production Zadavatel: Interpol, Lyon Jazyk tendru: angličtina Deadline: 25/6 Background: To improve the capacity and possibilities to fulfill requests to produce multimedia products, the Communication Office pursues to have a shortlist of multimedia production companies / individuals, which it can contact for outsourcing requests. This will enhance the flexibility and reactiveness of the Communication Office. Type of work: The selected companies will…