Category: komunikace, propagace
Call: Single Framework Contract for Media Relations, Outreach and Interactive Online Actions Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG COMM — Communication, Brussels, (on behalf of many other EU institutuins and agencies) Contract for 4 years / total budget €45.000.000 The contract is not divided into separate lots, all services must be provided Short description: This procurement…
Tendr: Multimediální platforma a související služby. Zadavatel: Evropský parlament, Brusel Kontrakt na 60 měsíců / celkový budget €6.500.000 Zakázka bude rozdělena na 2 samostatné / na sobě zcela nezávislé části (tj. lze se hlásit jen do jedné, druhé, nebo obou…): Lot č. 1: Multimediální platforma Evropského parlamentu: Multimediální platforma EP je oficiálním veřejně dostupným úložištěm…
Nákup výstavních panelů (modulů) Evropský parlament, Direction générale de la logistique et de l’interprétation pour les conférences, Bruxelles Nákup výstavních panelů v podobě modulů o výšce 200 cm a šířce 100 cm s maximální nosností 5 kg pro tři pracovní místa EP (Brusel, Lucemburk a Štrasburk). Kontrakt max 5 let / celkový budget €810.000 Deadline…
Program: Media freedom and investigative journalism Evropská komise – DG CONNECT Celkem k dispozici: €3.900.000 (EU zaplatí až 90% uznatelnách nákladů) Deadline 20. ledna 2021 Podporu lze získat ve třech kategoriích: 1) EU-wide rapid response mechanism for violations of press and media freedom is meant to mitigate the consequences of the deterioration of press and…
UN needs creative social impact agency to make a mobilization campaign for International Women’s Day
Call: Global video engagement and mobilization campaign for International Women’s Day Contracting Authority: UN Women Deadline Dec 3 Objectives: The creative social impact agency will lead on a global engagement and mobilization campaign for International Women’s Day (8 March) under UN Women’s flagship Generation Equality campaign to not only raise awareness on gender equality and…
Tendr: Strategic Communication Consultancy Services for the Communication Campaign on the Modernisation of Support Services at the European Commission Zadavatel: European Commission – DG Human Resources and Security, Brussels Budget max €59.999, ideálně spíš kolem €30k Kontrakt na 5 měsíců Cíl: Ředitelství pro HR chce zlepšit své podpůrné služby v rámci celé Evropské komise a…
Call for: Design and development of a global web platform and associated mobile application to promote and serve as entry point to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Contracting Authority: UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization, Paris Deadline: 9/12 The expected deliverables are as follows: • showcase website…
Call: Global creative artist talent platform/network/company for gender equality advocacy art campaign Contracting Authority: UN WOMEN DEADLINE: 20/11 Expected start date: 22 November-30 November 2020* Expected end date: 30 April 2021 OBJECTIVES: UN Women’s Communications & Advocacy Section, within the Strategic Partnerships Division, seeks to launch an art-focused campaign activation online to engage with a…
Call for proposals: European museum collaboration and innovation space Authority: European Commission, The Directorate‑General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology The deadline for the call for is 12th January 2021 at 17:00 Brussels time. Budget: The new call for proposals will allow museums to cooperate with creative and technology partners in experimental projects to develop…
Brusel dá €2.2M malým online médiím na boj s fake news Call: EU grants for small-scale online media: supporting high-quality news products and tackling fake news Authority: European Commission, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology Budget available: The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of the projects under this call for proposals is estimated…