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Video a multimediální obsah pro NATO: tendr zahájen

Tendr: Conception and production of high-quality video and multimedia content (2 lots)

Zadavatel: NATO HQ

Deadline 15. března 15:00

The purpose of this Request For Proposals is to award a single contract per lot for the provision of high-quality video and other multimedia content. NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division (PDD) intends to work in close cooperation with the selected contractor(s) to produce a large variety of multimedia content in support of the objectives defined in NATO Communications Strategy. NATO PDD uses a multichannel approach to visual storytelling and aims to engage priority audiences in the story of NATO in the spaces in which they are active and on the devices that they use, with content that interests them. NATO PDD is striving to follow the latest trends in social media and multimedia production. NATO PDD expects the Contractor(s) to become a true partner engaged with NATO in a win-win partnership.

This solicitation covers the two lots described below. Bidders may opt to submit offers for a single lot award or for both lot award:

LOT 1: The Contractor must plan, coordinate and organize coverage of NATO activities, missions, operations, training and military exercises, under the supervision of the NATOChannel multimedia team. The Contractor may be requested to deploy at very short notice to any country, including demanding environment and war zones. The Contractor must build and grow a network of stakeholders within NATO military chain of command, Allied armed forces, and Defence Ministries to facilitate information-sharing, access and coverage. The Contractor will also be required to strategically conceive and pitch innovative multimedia projects, conduct research, write scripts, produce short teasers, mid-length and long-form video storytelling, including documentaries, produce stills and micro-content for social media; produce soundbites and b-roll footage. Close coordination and daily exchanges with NATO will be expected.

LOT 2: The Contractor must strategically conceive and produce high-quality digital multimedia projects (branded content/advertising clips, 2D and 3D animations, illustrated videos, social video including motion graphics, social media graphic templates); as well as social media campaigns and possibly augmented reality/virtual reality elements. Lot 2 can also include coverage of NATO activities but it will not be the main task of the contractor. The Contractor will not be required to travel to conflict or war zones.

The total firm fixed price of a proposal must not exceed the following amount limitations:

For Lot 1: *** The total annual price specified in the Price Schedule A1 (firm fixed-price requirement) and Price Schedule A2 (cost reimbursable provision for authorized costs) must not exceed EUR 470,000. Proposals submitted in excess of the stated figure will be determined to be non-compliant and eliminated from further consideration; and *** A proposal may be rejected if it is determined that the lack of balance, realism, or reasonableness poses an unacceptable risk to Organization. In this respect, Bidders must note that total annual specified (firm fixed-price requirement) and Price Schedule (cost reimbursable provision for authorized costs) is lower than EUR 300,000 may be considered as non-realistic and eliminated from further consideration without further clarification

For Lot 2: *** The total annual price specified in the Price Schedule A1 (firm fixed-price requirement) and total price calculated in accordance with estimated amount for price options specified in Price Schedule B must not exceed EUR 100,000. Proposals submitted in excess of the stated figure will be determined to be non-compliant and eliminated from further consideration; and *** A proposal may be rejected if it is determined that the lack of balance, realism, or reasonableness poses an unacceptable risk to Organization. In this respect, Bidders must note that total annual specified in Price Schedule A1 (firm fixed-price requirement) and the total price calculated in accordance with estimated amount for price options specified in Price Schedule B (purchase options) is lower than EUR 50,000.00 may be considered as non-realistic and eliminated from further consideration without further clarification

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