Tendr: Poskytování průřezových cloudových bezpečnostních a integračních služeb a jejich řízeníZadavatel: Evropský investiční fond, LuxembourgKontrakt na 3 roky (možnost prodloužení na 7)Budget €5.606.500Deadline 30/6 Popis zakázky: V nejranější fázi projektu povede EIF jednání za účelem nastavení srozumitelného a zdokumentovaného řízení všech služeb. V…
Call: Production and distribution of professional audio-visual material in disasters and crises, and on EU relevant response Zadavatel: European Commission – Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO). Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €2.000.000 Deadline: 22/7 Zájemci o…
Tendr: Inter-institutional multiple framework contract in cascade for the provision of services in the field of communication and organisation of events Zadavatel: EASME (The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), Brusel – jménem desítek dalších EU institucí a Agentur Deadline 10/7 Kontrakt…
Zakázka: Multimedia Production Zadavatel: Interpol, Lyon Jazyk tendru: angličtina Deadline: 25/6 Background: To improve the capacity and possibilities to fulfill requests to produce multimedia products, the Communication Office pursues to have a shortlist of multimedia production companies / individuals, which it can contact for outsourcing requests. This will enhance the flexibility…
Call for: Web Hosting and (Plone) Web Development services Contracting Authority: ENISA (EU Agency for cybersecurity), Thessaloniki Greece Deadline: 22/6 Maximum budget €950.000,00 over 4 years* Out of the overall budget of EUR. 950.000,00 a maximum of €150,000.00 can be attributed to ‘’Web…
Call: UX/UI Analysis for the future Vaccine Safety Net Portal Contracting Authority: WHO (World Health Organization), Geneva Closing Date: 28/05/2020, 05:00 PM CET Evaluation method: quality 60% x price 40% Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking offers for an in-depth analysis…
Tendr: Design and UX services Zadavatel: agentura EU Rámcový kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €200.000 Deadline konec června Požadované služby: 1. Service design: Assistance, advice, guidance and/or provision of services in the areas of service design and design thinking. 2. User experience: Assistance,…
Tendr: Development of a Global digital awareness campaign Zadavatel: INTERPOL, Lyon Deadline 29/5 Jazyk tendru: angličtina Proposal should deal with these three main capacities: 1. Defining a Communication plan for a campaign in an effort to raise global awareness amongst INTERPOL’s National Central…
S vítězem tendru uzavře agentura OSN se sídlem v Paříži dlouhodobý kontrakt na 4 roky. Objem odhaduji na €300 až €400 tisíc. O co půjde? Čistě o grafický design vlajkové publikace agentury – specializované výroční zprávy o 370 stranách – a další navazující…
Tendr: Provision of Firewall and Security Orchestration Solution Contractor: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna Deadline: 1/6 Background: The provision of the Solution includes the supply, delivery, configuration, installation, testing and commissioning, as well as technical and consultancy services. Training will also be…