Tendr: Budování a provoz European Web Intelligence Hub – systému pro sběr a analýzu údajů o pracovních pozicích inzerovaných on-line Zadavatel: CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training), Thessaloniki Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €3.000.000 Deadline 30/7 Stručný popis: CEDEFOP…
Provision of software development services in Angular 8+ The European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen) EOI deadline 18/6 The SatCen needs to procure software development services that would involve developer(s) working on-premises at SatCen, in collaboration with in-house staff. The developer(s) may work a…
Acquisition of wall screens and installation services The European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen) EOI deadline 18/6 SatCen is planning to award a contract for the acquisition of a Planar video wall or equivalent, with the following specifications: • Supply of a 4×2 Planar…
Hosting and Streaming – ICC Public Website International Criminal Court (ICC), The Hague Kontrakt na 5 let EOI deadline 20/6 Summary Scope of Work: The purpose of the upcoming Request for Proposal is to select a vendor to migrate existing. The International Criminal…
Tendr: Procurement of Post-Production for Equator Prize 2020 Videos UNOPS (The United Nations Office for Project Services), HQ – Kodaň UNOPS is seeking a video production company to conduct the post-production/editing of video footage for video spotlight stories about the Equator Prize 2020…
Call: Provision of Software Development and Maintenance of STMS Platform Web Application on a Call-off Basis. Zadavatel: CTBTO (The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization), Vídeň Deadline 6/7 Background: CTBTO has implemented and deployed web-based applications, known as the STMS Platform,…
Tendr: Public Relation Services to Enhance Global Visibility and Media Profile of IRENA Zadavatel: IRENA – International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi, UAE S vítězem bude uzavřena dlouhodobá smlouva na jeden rok s možností prodloužení Deadline pro odevzdání nabídky: 29/6 Deadline pro EOI:…
Tendr: Služby komunikační podpory Zadavatel: Evropské středisko pro prevenci a kontrolu nemocí, Solna, Švédsko Rámcová smlouva na 48 měsíců / celkový budget : €1.150.000 Deadline: 6/7 Zakázka bude rozdělena na dvě samostatné/na sobě nezávislé, části: Lot 1 – EU public affairs and PR…
Provision of an AI-based Network Traffic Analysis tool SatCen – The European Union Satellite Centre, Spain Description of the contract: The European Union Satellite Centre (“SatCen”) seeks to award a contract for the provision of an AI-based Network Traffic Analysis tool (“the AI-NTA…
Pro jeden OSN tendr potřebuji minimálně jednoho senior graphic designera (víc než 7 let praxe) se zkušeností s přípravou obsáhlejších publikací (např. typu výročních zpráv) nad 150 stran… Mohli by být i knihy apod… Prozatím bude stačit, když podepíše letter of intent s…