Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Category: NATO

  • NETROUFÁTE SI, ale některé zakázky tady vypadají dost lákavě? Jakoby NA MÍRU pro vás? Proto sem občas zajdete a na chvilku se ZASNÍTE, jaké by to bylo vypadnout z toho českého smrádečku…? Jestli na to máte, což zjistíme za pár týdnů, pomůžu vám začít vyhrávat zajímavé mezinárodní tendry. Mám dokonalý přehled o veřejných i neveřejných příležitostech…


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  • Tendr: Cyber Threat Intelligence Reporting Services Zadavatel: NATO HQ, Brussels Deadline 13/9 Kontrakt na max 5 let. Budget zhruba €150 tisíc ročně a víc. Bezpečnostní prověrka není třeba Background: the provision of a subscription-based Cyber Threat Intelligence Reporting Services to support the needs of NATO’s Cyber Threat Assessment Branch Corporate objective: Acquire cyber threat intelligence…


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  • Call: HR Learning and Development services to Executive Management Division of the NATO International Staff Zadavatel: NATO HQ, Brussels Deadline 20/9 The purpose of this Request For Proposals is to award Framework Agreements for the provision of HR Learning and Development services to Executive Management Division of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization International Staff. The…


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  • Call for: Deployable Modular Kitchens Contracting Authority: NSPA – NATO Support and Procurement Agency Tentative RFP Date: 02 August 2021 Estimated Quantity                         –              Up to six (6 ea.) Deployable Modular Kitchens equipped for hot and cold food preparation; –              Up to four (4 ea.) flatbed trailer for Modular Kitchens and ISO 10’ Containers transportation; –             …


  • Call for: Provision of Deployable Field Camps made from Modular Prefabricated Structures Contracting Authority: NSPA – NATO Support and Procurement Agency Tentative RFP Date: 01 September 2021 Background: Deployable field camps throughout Europe with duration from 6 months up to 10 years. The Contractor / or the Contractors shall have the capability to supply deployable…


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  • Call: The supply, delivery and installation of a total amount of eighty-two (82) lockers units. NATO HQ, Brussels Registration for Mandatory Site Visit deadline: 27/4/2021 18:00  Mandatory Site Visit: 30/4/2021 10:00 Deadline for the Bid: 28/05/2021 12:00 Due to the different locations where those lockers units must be installed, the request is to have three…


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  • Tender: Cyber Threat Intelligence Services Zadavatel: NATO HQ, Brussels Deadline: 10/5 – 15:00 Budget: A option – 1-year contract: max €300.000 – min €100.000 (as non-realistic) B option – 3-years contract: max €900.000 – min €300.000 (as non-realistic REQUIREMENTS: The Contractor must provide a web-based, searchable threat intelligence platform, technical IOC database and additional accompanying…


  • Contract: for the creation of a Media Environment Portal using SharePoint 2016 or 2019 standalone Contracting Authority: The Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) – Jåttå, Stavanger,  Deadline 19/2 Background and Scope of Work: The JWC Media Simulation team requires a SharePoint site template (comprising of three sub-sites) for their media environment, as well as an image…

  • Tendr: Conception and production of high-quality video and multimedia content (2 lots) Zadavatel: NATO HQ Deadline 15. března 15:00 The purpose of this Request For Proposals is to award a single contract per lot for the provision of high-quality video and other multimedia content. NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division (PDD) intends to work in close cooperation…