Category: instituce EU
Tendr: Rámcová smlouva na audiovizuální vybavení a podpůrné služby pro konference a akce Zadavatel: Evropský parlament, Brusel Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €104.000.000 Zakázka bude rozdělena na šest samostatných, na sobě nezávislých částí: Lot 1 – Návrh a zpětná kontrola audiovizuálních, multimediálních, IT a/nebo konferenčních řešení. Položka zahrnuje následující služby: • návrh a vývoj…
Call: Web Development Services Contracting Authority: ENISA (EU Agency for Cybersecurity), Athens-Heraklion-Brussels To be open very soon – but you can have the tender specs immediately (just write me at or call +32 473 116804) Budget €2.400.000 over 4 years ENISA seeks to conclude a single framework service contract with an economic operator capable of…
Outsourcing of Communication Services European Parliament (Bxl, Stras) Budget €138.000.000 for 48-months framework contract Deadline 16/3 The procurement procedure should result in the signing of framework contracts ‘in cascade’ with a maximum of three framework contracts per lot to be signed with the first three economic operators, ranked in descending order after the evaluation of…
Call: Služby podpory při organizování akcí a dalších komunikačních a informačních činností kontaktní kanceláře Zadavatel: Evropský parlament, Brussels (EPs Liaison Office – EPLO, Prague) Rámcový kontrakt na 48 měsíců Celkový rozpočet: €575.000 Deadline pro nabídku: 16/3 Popis zakázky: Cílem je poskytnout podporu a technickou pomoc při organizaci komunikačních a informačních činností kanceláří EPLO. Kanceláře EPLO…
Consolidated, Managed and Outsourced Services (COSMOS) European Commission, Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT), Brussels Framework contract with a single contractor for 96 months Short description: Provision of managed services in relation to the hosting of information systems and for the execution of day-to-day EC data centre operations in Luxembourg and Brussels. Provision of managed services in…
IT Consultancy for Application and Data Integration, Event Streaming, Data Virtualisation and Python Platform Services (INTEGER)European Investment Bank, Luxembourg Short description: The objective of this call for tenders is to award a framework agreements to up to five successful tenderers for the provision of IT consultancy services for maintenance, support, development and implementation of application…
Assistance in supporting the Digital Innovation activities of the EIB Group internal Digital Transformation Programme EIB – European Investment Bank, Luxembourg Multi-operator Framework Agreement with a maximum of five service providers. re-opening of competition Duration: 1-year duration with up to 4 tacit extensions of one year each; the total duration shall not exceed 5 years…
Tendr: Poskytování poradenských služeb pro obchodní procesy správy zařízení, migraci dat, správu dat a pro CAD, podporu správy dat pro konstrukční a strojírenské výkresy a dokumenty Zadavatel: Evropská centrální banka, Frankfurt a/M Kontrakt na 4 roky / celkový budget €1.410.000 Deadline: 7/12 Stručný popis: ECB hledá dodavatele, který zajistí poradenské služby pro obchodní procesy správy…
Call: Supporting activities in the area of electronic identification, trust services and digital wallets Contracting Authority: ENISA – European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, Greece Budget €600.000 / years The purpose of this Call for Tenders is to provide support for ENISA’s work in the area of electronic identification, digital wallets and trust services, throughout the…
Call for: Provision of ‘Media and Communication Support’ Contracting Authority: European Defence Agency (EDA), Brussels Framework Contract for 4 years / budget €2.500.000 Short description: The aim is to provide support in a wide range of media and communication disciplines, ranging from video and multimedia support, social media, publications and promotional materials, to event support.…