Author: Tomas Horejsi
Tendr: MaxDB and MS SQL onsite expert consultancy support services Zadavatel: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Vienna Kontrakt na 3+2 roky / 160 hours per year Details: The UNIDO server software environment includes, inter alia, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 64-bit, VMware, NetWeaver 7.x, SAP, MaxDB and MS SQL. The servers are housed and operated…
Tendr: Social Media Analytics Services Zadavatel: UN-Water (the UN inter-agency collaboration mechanism), Ženeva Deadline: 11/2 Objectives: • Deepen the knowledge about UN-Water’s followers and communities to see how to better serve them; • Better understand the digital brand and the perception of UN-Water on digital platforms; • Identify new communities and target audiences to reach.…
Tendr: Poskytnutí služeb v oblasti IKT pro bránu školního vzdělávání (SEG) a mobilní aplikace IMS Zadavatel: Evropská agentura pro námořní bezpečnost (EMSA), Lisabon Deadline 6/3 Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €1.600.000 Práce “na dálku” Stručný popis: Cílem agentury EMSA je uzavřít rámcovou smlouvu se zkušeným poskytovatelem služeb podpory při opravě kódů, vývojové údržby, IT…
Tender: Mobile Application Contracting Authority: UNDP-India request from eligible bidders to submit a proposal for “Creating a Mobile Application and Cloud-based Survey Software for the Project: Creation of Village Level Database in Assam” Deadline: 14/2 The overall objective of the project is to: Design and develop mobile-based applications as tools for data collection for…
Největší EU agentura Frontex se už začala naplno připravovat na svůj přesun do nového sídla na kraji Varšavy. Pozemky už má, dostala je od polské vlády. Teď půjde o to “vymyslet”, jak bude nová centrála pro několik tisíc lidí vlastně vypadat. Frontex zrovna vypsal tendr na “Feasibility Study on real estate financing & contracting methods…
Po kontraktu na tisk pro EU agenturu pro Fundamental Rights (FRA) získávají klienti Bruselské spojky i kontrakt na Supply, installation and support of HPE Systems on a Call-off basis (Autocont) od vídeňské OSN agentury “Preparatory Commission for the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty organization” (CTBTO) a nakonec i na “služby grafického designu a layoutu” od International Centre…
Call for: UX/UI Design Experts Contracting Authority: International Telecommunication Union (the UNs specialized agency for ICTs), Geneve RFI closing date: 5/2 – 12:00 ITU is looking for: UX/UI Design Experts. The solution developed shall be highly responsive, easy to navigate and user-friendly applications. * The supplier shall lead redesign of the user experience, by developing…
Tendr: Development of the Interactive Toolkit: “Find your Faro Way” Zadavatel: Conseil de l´Europe (CoR) – Rada Evropy, Štrasburk FR Deadline pro projevení zájmu: 19. února (POZOR: jde o datum doručení, EOI se posílá fyzicky – poštou!) Jazyk tendru: angličtina Background: The Faro Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society is first and…
Tendr: E-mail Security on iOS Mobile Devices Zadavatel: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna Deadline: 24/2 Scope: IAEA needs to implement the E-mail Security Solution on iOS mobile devices for the Department of Safeguards within the International Atomic Energy Agency. The Solution shall consist of iOS email client, SmartCard and SmartCard Reader. The Solution shall…
Tendr: Provision of Radio Frequency Identification Plastic Cards Zadavatel: United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV), Austria Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: 14 February 2020 Details: The Procurement Unit of the United Nations Office at Vienna hereby invites qualified vendors to submit their Expression of Interest (EoI) for the provision of RFID Identification Plastic Cards…