Tender: Mobile Application Contracting Authority: UNDP-India request from eligible bidders to submit a proposal for “Creating a Mobile Application and Cloud-based Survey Software for the Project: Creation of Village Level Database in Assam” Deadline: 14/2 The overall objective of the project is to:…
Největší EU agentura Frontex se už začala naplno připravovat na svůj přesun do nového sídla na kraji Varšavy. Pozemky už má, dostala je od polské vlády. Teď půjde o to “vymyslet”, jak bude nová centrála pro několik tisíc lidí vlastně vypadat. Frontex zrovna…
Po kontraktu na tisk pro EU agenturu pro Fundamental Rights (FRA) získávají klienti Bruselské spojky i kontrakt na Supply, installation and support of HPE Systems on a Call-off basis (Autocont) od vídeňské OSN agentury “Preparatory Commission for the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty organization” (CTBTO)…
Call for: UX/UI Design Experts Contracting Authority: International Telecommunication Union (the UNs specialized agency for ICTs), Geneve RFI closing date: 5/2 – 12:00 ITU is looking for: UX/UI Design Experts. The solution developed shall be highly responsive, easy to navigate and user-friendly applications.…
Tendr: Development of the Interactive Toolkit: “Find your Faro Way” Zadavatel: Conseil de l´Europe (CoR) – Rada Evropy, Štrasburk FR Deadline pro projevení zájmu: 19. února (POZOR: jde o datum doručení, EOI se posílá fyzicky – poštou!) Jazyk tendru: angličtina Background: The Faro…
Tendr: E-mail Security on iOS Mobile Devices Zadavatel: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna Deadline: 24/2 Scope: IAEA needs to implement the E-mail Security Solution on iOS mobile devices for the Department of Safeguards within the International Atomic Energy Agency. The Solution shall…
Tendr: Provision of Radio Frequency Identification Plastic Cards Zadavatel: United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV), Austria Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: 14 February 2020 Details: The Procurement Unit of the United Nations Office at Vienna hereby invites qualified vendors to submit their…
Tendr: Content creation for European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) campaign Zadavatel: ENISA (EU Networks and Info Security Agency), Greece Deadline pro formální EOI: 31/1 Negotiated Procedure – maximum budget: €60.000 ENISA aims at procuring supporting services for the European cybersecurity month campaign 2020…
Tendr: Creative Communication ServicesZadavatel: sekretariát UNFCCC (Rámcová úmluva OSN o změně klimatu), Bonn – Německo jazyk: angličtinadeadline pro EOI: 14/2 Background: UNFCCC Secretariat is seeking a qualified vendor who can provide the following creative services: • Design for digital and print (web, app,…