Zakázka: Three years contract for the management of Frontex official website Zadavatel: (the European Border and Coast Guard Agency), Warsaw Short description – Hosting of Frontex website and register of documents– Maintenance of Frontex website and register– Additional website development Jde o neveřejnou…
Tendr: Organisational development of the EP’s campaigning team towards the next European elections Zadavatel: Evropský parlament, Directorate-General for Communication Smlouva na 12 měsíců / budget €90.000 Deadline 24.10.2021 Jde o tendr na výzvu, dá se počítat s velmi nízkou účastí.
Call: Electronic Reporting Platform for data collecting, extracting, analysing and visualizing for UNECE Contractor: UNECE – The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneve EOI Phase – Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: 20 Sept. The basic technical requirements for the online reporting…
Call: Security, Network and Authentication & API Management Contractor: Interpol, Lyon 2 stages: 1) application + NDA, 2) restricted tender CONTEXT: To enhance global police cooperation, INTERPOL provides Web Services / Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to member countries and partners, through “INTERPOL Secure…
Tendr: Provoz, údržba, zdokonalení a propagace interaktivního internetového portálu „Build up“ Zadavatel: Evropská Výkonná agentura pro klima, infrastrukturu a životní prostředí (CINEA), Brusel Kontakt na 4 roky / budget €2.500.000 Background: CINEA hodlá uzavřít smlouvu o poskytování služeb, jejímž účelem je „provoz, údržba,…
Call: Digital Communications services Zadavatel: EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), Řecko Maximum budget: €500.000 over 4 years Background: ENISA requires support for its digital communications including design of related communication campaigns and plans, digital mapping, production of content and digital assets, campaign implementation…
Call: Design and Implementation of Awareness Raising Campaigns Zadavatel: EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), Řecko Maximum budget: €600.000 over 3 years Background: ENISA organises annually numerous awareness and promotion activities around cybersecurity topics and best practices. The aim is to collaborate with companies…