Category: web: analýza, vývoj, správa
Call: Hosting services, maintenance, technical support and development to two externally hosted internet sites of the Youth Department Zadavatel: Council of Europe, Štrasburk The call for tenders is divided into two lots, corresponding to each of the internet sites concerned. Bidders are entitled to bid for one or all lots. These sites are as follows: …
Call: Provision of Expert Support in Strategic Planning and Creative Services Contracting Authority: The World Food Programme (WFP) Deadline for the EOI: 23/12- 16:00 Brussels time WFP is seeking to invest in new solutions so as to spike response from individual fundraising. Given the rise of digitalization and online transactions, the private sector strategy over…
Tendr: Website Development and Maintenance Zadavatel: The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Ženeva Deadline pro EOI: 31/12 Detaily: UNITAR is looking for a website development and management company, specialized in Drupal CMS, to migrate its Event Management System (EMS – from Drupal 7 to 8, develop new functionalities and improve its…
Tendr: Web overhaul / digital ecosystem renew Zadavatel: United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paříž Jazyk: angličtina Deadline: 31. ledna Detaily: The purpose of the assignment is to create a new multi-site platform for the web ecosystem and simplify the global architecture of UNESCO website. Contractors shall update technology stack used for websites…
Jedna z nejdůležitějších institucí Evropské unie – Evropský hospodářský a sociální výbor sídlící v Bruselu – se chystá vypsat v polovině ledna 2020 tendr na “služby v oblasti digitální komunikace”. Půjde o čtyřletý kontrakt s budgetem €900.000. Týkat se bude těchto oblastí: obecné webové projekty; poradenství; informační setkání, prezentace, školení; řízení vícejazyčnosti; architektura webových informací;…
Tendr: Web agency services and web site testing Zadavatel: The European Patent Organisation, HQ v Mnichově, sites in The Hague, Berlin, Vienna and Brussels LOT 1 – WEB AGENCY SERVICES Bidders should be able to provide the following services for intranet, internet and extranet sites (unless otherwise stated): 1. Project management (in the scope of…
Tendr: Marketingové služby a služby komunikace Zadavatel: EIT RawMaterials GmbH (jde o “the largest consortium in raw materials sector worldwide) financované European Institute of Innovation and Technology – EIT), sídlí v Berlíně Main site or place of performance: Berlin, GERMANY, Leuven, BELGIUM, Luleå, SWEDEN, Espoo, FINLAND, Wroclaw, POLAND, Rome, ITALY, Metz, FRANCE. Kontrakt na 2…
Tendr: Professional Support Services for IAEA WEB SSO infrastructure Zadavatel: IAEA – The International Atomic Energy Agency, Vídeň Deadline 14/11 – 17:00 CET Scope: This Statement of Work describes the IAEA´s requirements for professional support services for the IAEA WEB Single Sign On Infrastructure. This Infrastructure was implemented several years ago as a pivotal component…
Tendr: Development of the INFOSAN Community Website v2.0 Zadavatel: WHO – World Health Organization, Řím Place of performance: Remotely Deadline 15/12 Hodnocení: kvalita 60% x cena 40% The objective of the new INFOSAN (the International Food Safety Authorities Network) Community Website (ICW) is to allow an international set of users (currently 600+) supported by a…