Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Category: IT

  • Computer equipment and supplies European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Reading UK Main place of performance: ECMWF Data Centre, Tecnopolo di Bologna, Via Stalingrado, Bologna, Italy 36+24 months Deadline 11/5 Background ECMWF Data Centre: ECMWF has one of the largest IT data storage facilities in the world comprising its main Data Handling System, which…


  • Call: Provision of ICT coordination, cyber and information security, quality and information management services Contracting Authority: Single European Sky ATM Research 3 (SESAR) Joint Undertaking Total budget €2.200.000 / 4 years Deadline 31/5 Short description: The purpose of this call is to provide the following services: The contract is divided into 3 (completely separate) parts:…

  • Development and maintenance of the HealthData@EU platform infrastructure Contracting Authority: European Commission, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), Brussels Brief description: The activities carried out through this call for tenders are expected to support the development and maintenance of the HealthData@EU platform infrastructure. As proposed in the European Health Data Area Regulation, the…

  • Dynamic purchasing system for IT supplies Contracting Authority: European Commission, Directorate General for Informatics (DIGIT), Brussels Short description: Provision of IT end-user and related services, infrastructure-related (managed) services and their related products linked to the digital workplace context, as well as cyber security solutions. Budget €640.000.000 / 4 years The competition is already running, more…


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  • Supply of high quality workstations, monitors, laptops and computer peripherals for Satcen Contracting Authority: European Union Satellite Centre (Satcen), Torrejón de Ardoz ESP The contract is divided into 2 completely separate lots: Lot 1 – Workstations, monitors and peripherals Description: Supply of computer workstations (towers which must include high performance and latest generation processors, memory…


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  • Data for security: big data and analytics services – development phase Contracting Authority: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Cologne DE Framework contract for 60 months Brief Description: Following a successful proof-of-concept phase that collected and analysed inputs from across the aviation system (including safety reports, flight data from air operators, ATM system operational data and…


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  • Web development services – development, publishing, support and maintenance of web platforms, applications and tools European Investment Bank, Luxembourg Short description: The purpose of this call for tenders is to conclude a framework contract with the successful tenderer for the provision of services consisting of the development, publication, support and maintenance of web platforms, applications…


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  • Dynamic purchasing system for cloud services Contracting Authority: European Commission, Directorate General for Informatics (DIGIT), Brussels Short description: Provision of cloud services in the area of multi-purpose IaaS/PaaS to ensure the continuity of existing operations and the continued implementation of the contracting authority’s cloud strategy. Estimated total value without VAT: EUR 250 000 000.00 The…


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  • Digital Transformation of the European Training Foundation (ETF), Torino (IT) Short description: Range of services to support the ETF digital transformation, including but not limited to software development, IT consulting, and project management. Estimated total value ecxl VAT: €1.900.000 Deadline: 11/5 Digital transformation services (3 lots): Lot 1: Development in Microsoft Ecosystem (budget €1.000.000) Lot…


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  • Concession Contract for the Implementation of the Union Secure Connectivity Programme European Commission, Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space, Secure Connectivity, Space Surveillance and Applications, Brussels Description: Concession contract for the design, development, validation, deployment, operations and service provision related to the governmental infrastructure of the Union Secure Connectivity programme and for the purchase of…


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