Category: komunikace, propagace
Tendr: Design, layout a výroba tištěných, on-line a audiovizuálních materiálů a materiálů pro výstavy Zadavatel: EU-OSHA (Evropská agentura pro bezpečnost a ochranu zdraví při práci), Bilbao Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €800.000 Deadline pro nabídku: 2/9 Minimum requirements: The contractor must meet the following minimum requirements covering all services described below: • provision of high…
Call: The provision of event organisation services Zadavatel: EIGE – European Institute for Gender Equality, Vilnius Kontrakt na 4 roky Popis: EIGE launches this call for tender with the objective to conclude a single framework service contract for the provision of professional event organisation services for EIGE (such as experts’ working group meetings/workshops, Management Board…
Call for: Contract for the prototyping, the engineering and the production of haptic cubes for a new media installation in the Visitors’ Centre of the European Parliament.Contracting Authority: European Parliament, Directorate-General for Communication, Directorate for Visitors, Brussels EOI deadline: 22/7
Tendr: Grafický design a layout publikací a dalších komunikační produktů Zadavatel: CEDEFOP – European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Thessaloniki – Řecko Rámcová smlouva na 4 roky / budget €410.000 Stručný popis: Agentura Cedefop si chce pořídit si služby grafického rozvržení a návrhu pro výrobu elektronických a tištěných publikací v několika jazycích, v…
Call: Establishment and Management of a Visual Storytelling Lab Contracting Authority: European Parliament´s Liaison Office in Austria Purpose of the action: EPLO Vienna intends to establish a new service to enrich its storytelling on current issues and main legislative topics by means of data-journalistically prepared visual content. The aim is to visually convince media consumers…
Tendr na komunikační služby (Celkem 3) zadavatelé: Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking (SKY), Brussels + Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (S2R), Brussels + Joint undertaking to develop the new generation European air traffic management system (SESAR), Brussels Call for: external support related to strategic communications, editorial support and graphic design, digital communications, organisation of events and web-services.…
Call: Establishment and Management of a Visual Storytelling Lab Contracting Authority: European Parliament, Brussels 4-years long framework contract / budget €120.000 EOI deadline 28/6 Deadline for bids: 28/7
Tendr: Plánování a nákup digitálního reklamního prostoru pro Evropský parlament. Zadavatel: Evropský parlament, Brusel Rámcová smlouva na 4 roky / budget €50.000.000 Stručný popis: Účelem zakázky je mediální plánování, nákup reklamního prostoru, provedení mediálního plánu, výroba/úprava reklam, monitorování a hodnocení kampaní. Případně by mediální plán mohl být plně nebo částečně poskytnut Evropským parlamentem a zhotovitel…
Call: Consultancy Services in the Area of Web User Experience, Design Systems and Web Content Management Contracting Authority: European Environment Agency (EEA), CopenhagenFramework contract for 4 years / budget €1.500.000 Short description: The purpose of this call for tenders is to establish framework service contracts in cascade for the provision of services and support in the…
Call: Online Training on Storytelling using Data Contracting Authority: The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Copenhagen Deadline: 14/6 Scope of works: The scope of work is the preparation, customization and delivery of hands-on, instructor-led virtual trainings on the subject of effective storytelling using data, including how to: – build compelling narratives around information;…