Category: AV technika, streaming
Call for: Video streaming and archive platform Buyer: CTBTO (The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization), Vienna Deadline: 7 April SCOPE OF WORK The objective of this contract is to provide the Commission with access to a suitable, modern video streaming and archiving platform that meets current and future requirements. The selected platform…
Digital Equipment/Furniture for expanded Meeting Room of the International Criminal Court Buyer: The International Criminal Court (ICC) The Hague, The Netherlands Request for expression of interest (EOI) – closing date: 12 December 2024 Background: It is anticipated that the ICC, will shortly be issuing a solicitation for the provision of Meeting Room Digital Equipment/Furniture. In…
Call: Audio-visual media production support Buyer: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), Warszawa Poland Framework contract for 48 months / est total value: €2.300.000 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 06/12/2024 – 16:00:59 Details: The purpose of this tender is to establish multiple framework contracts for the provision of professional media production and related services.…
Teleconferencing services Buyer: European Parliament, LINC – Directorate-General for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences, Belgium Estimated value without VAT: EUR 22 000 000,00 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 10/06/2024 LOT-0001: Joint public procurement open procedure LINC/EUVC – Lot 1 – Video-conferencing system Duration: 48 Months Estimated value without VAT: EUR 9.500.000 LOT-0002: Joint public procurement…
This tender illustrates how European tenders can be truly international. You can work from anywhere. The Luxembourg-based European Investment fund selected suppliers from eight countries (Luxembourg, UK, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Hungary, Croatia, Spain Call: Provision of Services in the Field of Marketing Consultancy and Content Production to the European Investment Fund (EIF) Buyer: European Investment…
Content Management Platform Buyer: European Parliament, COMM – Directorate-General for Communication, Brussels Budget: 6.000.000 EUR Contract: 60 months deadline: 01/07/2024 Executive Summary The audio-visual unit has a long-term vision under the concept of « Content Management Platform » that aims to embrace transformation projects during the coming years to replace old systems and to upgrade…
Call for: Integrated audiovisual production, distribution and archiving services Buyer: European Commission, DG COMM – Communication, Brussels Framework contract 72 months / total budget €66.000.000 LOT-0001: Audiovisual production, editing, transmission and distribution of audiovisual material, maintenance and support of audiovisual infrastructure. Budget €55.000.000 LOT-0002: Audiovisual archiving and distribution. Budget €10.000.000 LOT-0003: Streaming, transcoding, hosting and…
Mixed Multiple Framework Contract for Thematic Communication Services Buyers: various EU institutions and agencies Total estimated value excluding VAT: €180.000.000 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 28/4 Description: The “Mixed Multiple Framework Contract for Thematic Communication Services” will offer contractual solutions for all types of communication projects with budgets up to €900,000. Activities covered include strategy…
Tendr: Multilingual live and on-demand video streaming services and associated services Zadavatel: Generální sekretariát Rady Evropské unie, Brusel Vítěz dostane rámcovou smlouvu na 36 + 12 + 12 měsíců Deadline pro odevzdání nabídky: 31/1/2024 Cílem tendru je uzavřít pětiletou rámcovou smlouvu na poskytování vícejazyčného živého vysílání a video/audio streamingu na vyžádání a souvisejících služeb pro…
Zakázka: Poskytování služeb pro osobní/hybridní/virtuální konference Zadavatel: Evropská komise, Generální ředitelství pro tlumočení – Conference Services, Brussels Stručný popis: Účelem této výzvy je uzavřít smlouvu na konferenční služby na podporu Evropské komise a výkonných agentur při organizování jejich konferencí na úrovni vnější komunikace. Poskytované služby budou mimo jiné zahrnovat celkovou koordinaci, vývoj koncepcí, vyhledávání a…