Author: Tomas Horejsi
Concession Contract for the Implementation of the Union Secure Connectivity Programme European Commission, Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space, Secure Connectivity, Space Surveillance and Applications, Brussels Description: Concession contract for the design, development, validation, deployment, operations and service provision related to the governmental infrastructure of the Union Secure Connectivity programme and for the purchase of…
The contractor is the NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force (NAEW Headquarters), 52511 Geilenkirchen, Germany. Deadline: April 30, 2023, 10.00. Ask me for more info / +32 473 11 68 02
The European School of Brussels IV Laeken vypíše v dubnu tendr na ploty s budgetem až €60.000. Deadline pro projevení zájmu je 9. dubna. The European School of Brussels I Uccle má rozpočet na ploty a branky víc než dvojnásobný: může jít až na €139.000. Deadline pro projevení zájmu 6. dubna. Více info na nebo…
The European School of Brussels IV (Laeken) is planning to launch the following calls for tender. Subject: Outdoor playground (equipment) Type of procedure: negotiated procedure for low value contract Type of contract: Direct contract Approximate start date of the procedure: April 2023 Estimated amount: 15.000,00 – 60.000,00 € Award: Lowest price Deadline for manifesting: 31/03/2023
Jedna ze 4 evropských škol v Bruselu potřebuje instalovat nové dveře a okna a opravit staré. Rozpočet je maximálně €100.000. Kdo by chtěl vědět jak získat zadávací dokumentaci a pozvánku do tendru pište: nebo volejte +32 473 116804. Máte čas do 3. dubna. Sujet : Installation et réparation de châssis et portes. Type de…
Provision of Information Security Risk Assessment Eurocontrol, Maastricht NL Closing date: 18 april 2023 The purpose of this tender is to acquire external tasking services for the execution of an Information Security Risk Assessment for the Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre. MUAC is seeking experienced external consultancy to perform a comprehensive security risk assessment which…
Travaux de câblage des réseaux électriques et de télécommunications et travaux d’aménagement des zones sensibles pour les besoins électriques et de télécommunications dans les bâtiments des Ecoles européennesType de contrat: TravauxDate approximative du lancement de la procédure : Mi-mars 2023Montant estimé : 1.078.000,00 EURAttribution : meilleur rapport qualité-prixDate limite pour manifester votre intérêt à ce marché : 16 mars 2023…
You need to express your interest before March 15th, 15:00. Ask me how: / +32 473 116804
European School II – Woluwe plans to launch the following tendering procedures: