Category: UN
Tendr: Physical Security Platform Contractror: IAEA – International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna EOI deadline 30/4 1. Physical Security at the IAEA The IAEA is utilizing a Physical Security Platform (PSP) which was deployed in 2007 at the IAEA Headquarters (Vienna, Austria) and later rolled out across the Agency’s premises in Seibersdorf (Austria). IAEA Safeguards Office…
Tendr: Supply of Website Maintenance and DesignContractor: UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services)/Cities Alliance Secretariat, BrusselsRFQ deadline 7/5 Background: Cities Alliance, the global partnership promoting the role of cities in poverty reduction and sustainable development, requests the services of an expert website maintenance and design company for the purposes of executing design and functionality…
Pro tendr jedné z agentur OSN – resp. její pobočky ve Vietnamu – hledám experty v těchto kategoriích: * Video Creation, Direction, Production & Editing * General Graphic Design * Animation Video Production * Photography Kde jinde hledat mladé, kreativní a schopné Vietnamce/Vietnamky než v Česku, říkám si:) Většina práce se bude dělat z Česka, další…
Request for Information: Design and Development of a publishing module based on Adobe InDesign, integrated with the Treaty Information and Publication System Zadavatel: UN Procurement Division Deadline: 18/5 pro odpověď na RFI Specific requirements: The publications are composed using metadata and associated Word, TIF and PDF files (the logic of the generation process is described…
Request for Information: Migration of the Documentum repository of the Treaty Information and Publication System to Microsoft Sharepoint Zadavatel: UN Procurement Division Deadline: 18/5 pro odpověď (po RFI budou logicky následovat specifické tendry). DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: The purpose of this RFI is to provide the Treaty Section, OLA, United Nations with a list of vendors…
Jde to rychleji, než jsem čekal. Nejakceschopnější je zatím OSN, kupodivu😊. Ale další mezinárodní organizace včetně Evropské unie budou pochopitelně brzy následovat. Některé firmy čekají dobré časy😊. UN Procurement Division už kvůli současné pandemii COVID19 vyhlásila Request for Information na poskytování služeb “Video Interviewing and Online Testing/Assessment”. “The purpose of the RFI is to provide…
EU agentury a instituce začínají ve velkém posouvat deadliny již vyhlášených tendrů, takže máte unikátní příležitost stihnout kvůli coronaviru soutěže, které jste už třeba pro nedostatek času odpískali… Navíc, proč si to neříct, získat v této nejisté době dlouhodobé kontrakty od renomovaných, a hlavně platících mezinárodních institucí může být pro nejednu firmu záchrana před bankrotem.…
Tender: Provision of an Event Mobile App for ITU Digital World 2020 and 2021 Contractor: The International Telecommunication Union Deadline 13/3 Background: The ITU is looking for an event mobile application provider for 2020 and 2021 (two-year period), including its upcoming event ITU Digital World 2020 taking place from 6 to 9 September 2020 in…
Tender: Video Interviewing Software Package Contractor: The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Vienna Deadline: 2/4 Background: As part of the Commission’s recruitment process, the Human Resources Services (HRS) requires the pre-recorded video interviewing software to be used as a candidate pre-screening tool. The software will provide candidates with flexibility to complete interviews…
Tender: Provision of the Digital Intelligence and Search Engine Optimization Services Contractor: UNICEF, New York Deadline: March 19 Purpose: The purpose of this Request for Proposal for Services (RFPS) is to seek proposals from qualified contractors and to establish a Long-Term Arrangement for Services with several qualified companies for the provision of Digital Intelligence, Analytics…