Category: UN
Tendr: Provision of Radio Frequency Identification Plastic Cards Zadavatel: United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV), Austria Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: 14 February 2020 Details: The Procurement Unit of the United Nations Office at Vienna hereby invites qualified vendors to submit their Expression of Interest (EoI) for the provision of RFID Identification Plastic Cards…
Tendr: Creative Communication ServicesZadavatel: sekretariát UNFCCC (Rámcová úmluva OSN o změně klimatu), Bonn – Německo jazyk: angličtinadeadline pro EOI: 14/2 Background: UNFCCC Secretariat is seeking a qualified vendor who can provide the following creative services: • Design for digital and print (web, app, print/promotional products) • Corporate branding It is intended to set up multi-source…
Tendr: Framework Agreement for Microsoft Business Intelligence services Consultant Zadavatel: UN Volunteers Information and Communications Technology Unit, located in Bonn, Germany Jazyk: angličtina Deadline: 31/1 Duration of contract: Up to 3 years (Max. 600 hours) 1. BACKGROUND: UNV Information and Communications Technology Unit (ICTU), located in Bonn, Germany, is responsible for maintaining and improving multiple…
Call: Fundraising analytical platform services Authority: UNHCR (The office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), Geneva Closing date: 13 February 2020 Background: In 2018 UNHCR Private Sector Partnership (PSP) contributed 11% to the overall budget of the organization with the rest coming from governments. UNHCR has private sector fundraising programmes in 30 countries,…
Tendr: Procurement of Video Teleconferencing (VTC) Equipment Zadavatel: UNOPS – The United Nations Office for Project Services, Kodaň – místo dodání/instalace: Makedonie The video teleconferencing system will be used for video conferencing with the EU offices, Macedonian Delegations in EU, and possibly between different governmental institutions within the country. At the moment, network infrastructure at…
UNESCO hledá pro svoje Mezinárodní středisko pro teoretickou fyziku (International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste – Italy) dodavatele nového video-monitorovacího systému. Dodavatel má odstranit stávající systém a instalovat nový. Středisko momentálně používá 105 kamer rozdělených do 9 skupin a 9 DVR. Deadline pro nabídky: 10. únor 2020
Call: Provision of Expert Support in Strategic Planning and Creative Services Contracting Authority: The World Food Programme (WFP) Deadline for the EOI: 23/12- 16:00 Brussels time WFP is seeking to invest in new solutions so as to spike response from individual fundraising. Given the rise of digitalization and online transactions, the private sector strategy over…
Mimořádně nabízím dva měsíce monitoringu ZDARMA, jako odměnu za rychlost! Firmám, které se rozhodnou zaplatit si dvanáctiměsíční MONITORING mezinárodních tendrů ještě teď v prosinci, nabízím dva měsíce navíc zdarma. Takže ušetříte €300. Zájemci pište na nebo volejte +32-473-116804. Děkuji za důvěru. Tomáš Hořejší
Tendr: Website Development and Maintenance Zadavatel: The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Ženeva Deadline pro EOI: 31/12 Detaily: UNITAR is looking for a website development and management company, specialized in Drupal CMS, to migrate its Event Management System (EMS – from Drupal 7 to 8, develop new functionalities and improve its…
Tendr: Web overhaul / digital ecosystem renew Zadavatel: United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paříž Jazyk: angličtina Deadline: 31. ledna Detaily: The purpose of the assignment is to create a new multi-site platform for the web ecosystem and simplify the global architecture of UNESCO website. Contractors shall update technology stack used for websites…