Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Category: EU

  • Communication Services (Lot 1) and Event Organisation Services (Lot 2) for EFCA European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA), Vigo – Spain Framework contract 48-months long / total budget €4.145.000 LOT1 – Communication Services – €1.165.000 LOT2 – Event Organisation Services – €2.980.000 Deadline 6/2 Place of performance: The contractor shall be able to deliver the services or…


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  • Strategic and Digital Communication Services European Training Foundation (ETF), Torino IT and European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), Vilnius Lithuania Short description: The ETF and EIGE are looking for effective and high-quality external support for communication strategy design and advice, the development of specific communication campaigns as well as digital and online communications. €1.400.000 /…


  • Call: Služby podpory při organizování akcí a dalších komunikačních a informačních činností kontaktní kanceláře Zadavatel: Evropský parlament, Brussels (EPs Liaison Office – EPLO, Prague) Rámcový kontrakt na 48 měsíců Celkový rozpočet: €575.000 Deadline pro nabídku: 16/3 Popis zakázky: Cílem je poskytnout podporu a technickou pomoc při organizaci komunikačních a informačních činností kanceláří EPLO. Kanceláře EPLO…

  • Consolidated, Managed and Outsourced Services (COSMOS) European Commission, Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT), Brussels Framework contract with a single contractor for 96 months Short description: Provision of managed services in relation to the hosting of information systems and for the execution of day-to-day EC data centre operations in Luxembourg and Brussels. Provision of managed services in…


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  • IT Consultancy for Application and Data Integration, Event Streaming, Data Virtualisation and Python Platform Services (INTEGER)European Investment Bank, Luxembourg Short description: The objective of this call for tenders is to award a framework agreements to up to five successful tenderers for the provision of IT consultancy services for maintenance, support, development and implementation of application…


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  • Dodávka hardwaru a spotřebního zboží, služeb IT a prvků vybavení pro výstavy Europa Experience a další zařízení pro návštěvníky Evropský parlament, Generální ředitelství pro komunikaci (COMM), Directorate for Visitors, Europa Experience Unit, Brussels Stručný popis: Účelem této rámcové smlouvy je vybrat zhotovitele, který poskytne Evropskému parlamentu služby IT, dodávku IT hardwaru a spotřebního zboží a…


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  • Assistance in supporting the Digital Innovation activities of the EIB Group internal Digital Transformation Programme EIB – European Investment Bank, Luxembourg Multi-operator Framework Agreement with a maximum of five service providers. re-opening of competition Duration: 1-year duration with up to 4 tacit extensions of one year each; the total duration shall not exceed 5 years…


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  • Call for: Provision of IT and Data Services to the EIF Contracting Authority: The European Investment Fund (hereinafter ‘the EIF’), Luxembourg 5 providers will get framework agreements – re-opening of competition mechanism later on Budget max €60.000.000 over 4 years Scope of Services: The scope of this procurement procedure is the provision of services to…


  • 3D Drawing Services European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.R – Support Services (Brussels), JRC.R.6 – Support Services – Geel, Belgium Framework contract for 4 years / total budget €1.250.000 Deadline 13/1 Short description: JRC-Geel covers an area of 38 ha consisting of 21 buildings and approximately 20 cabins, of which thirteen buildings need to…

  • Tendr: Poskytování poradenských služeb pro obchodní procesy správy zařízení, migraci dat, správu dat a pro CAD, podporu správy dat pro konstrukční a strojírenské výkresy a dokumenty Zadavatel: Evropská centrální banka, Frankfurt a/M Kontrakt na 4 roky / celkový budget €1.410.000 Deadline: 7/12 Stručný popis: ECB hledá dodavatele, který zajistí poradenské služby pro obchodní procesy správy…


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