Author: Tomas Horejsi
Tendr: Poskytování služeb v oblasti analýz digitální komunikace Zadavatel: Evropský hospodářský a sociální výbor (EESC), Brusel Rámcový kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €900.000 Maximální počet firem, se kterými EESC podepíše rámcový kontrakt: 3 (systém: kaskáda) Stručný popis: Obecné webové projekty; poradenství; informační setkání, prezentace, školení; řízení vícejazyčnosti; architektura webových informací; technický vývoj webových stránek…
Tendr: Miscellaneous creative and printing services (to source a variety of service providers in the area of graphic design, photography, videography and printing) Contracting Authority: World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva Deadline: 9/3 Work to be performed: This request for proposals covers several areas and interested providers are invited to submit a bid in area/areas of…
Tender: Redesign of Flash-based On-Site Inspection E-Learning Modules Contracting Authority: CTBTO -The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Vienna Deadline: March 17 Purpose/objective of the project: The use of OSI e-learning resources takes place both prior to and throughout the conduct of the training programme and provides important background information and knowledge to…
EOI: To operate and maintain the WMO Community Platform on a set of online tools (Dynamics 365, CRM, Drupal) Zadavatel: The World Meteorological Organization, Ženeva EOI deadline: 10/3 Background: The WMO Community platform consists on a set of online tools to ensure exchange of information, connecting experts and of sharing the information among its community.…
Tender: Supply of computer network equipment and tablets. Contracting Authority: International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), Vienna Anticipated launch: March 13 Supply of Computer Network Equipment and Tablets in the Scope of the Border Management Programme for the Maghreb Region – Moroccan Component The contract will be divided into two separate parts: Lot1: Computer…
Tendr: Poskytování provozních a podpůrných služeb infrastruktury ICT Evropského parlamentu Zadavatel: Evropský parlament, DG Innovation and Technological support (ITEC), Luxembourg Rámcový kontrakt na 72 měsíců / celkový budget €115.000.000 LOT1: Poskytování provozních a podpůrných služeb infrastruktury IKT Evropského parlamentu.. Budget €85.000.000 LOT2: Specializované a pokročilé služby v oblasti infrastruktury IKT. Budget €30.000.000 Deadline 20/4
Tendr: Provision of Business Travel Services Contracting Authority: International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), Vienna Deadline 8/4 Description: ICMPD staff and personnel are regularly required to go on business travels. They travel globally, including to risk locations. Currently, the flight booking orders are communicated to the Travel Agency by a network of 80+ registered…
Provision of cloud and infrastructure consultancy services UN World Food Programme (WFP), Rome IT Deadline pro EOI: 21/2 Services required WFP seeks expressions of interest from companies, service providers, system integrators, consulting firms, or other technology companies with proven experience in Microsoft based technologies, covering the following areas: • Active Directory Federation Services; • Azure…
Tendr: Establishment of a Long Term Agreement for Cloud Video Endpoint Subscription Contracting Authority: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Copenhagen DK Deadline: 28/2 Background: UNFPA is an international development agency that works to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every child birth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. Through its…
Tendr: Vývoj softwarového řešení pro přístup členů týmu EBCG (European Border and Coast Guard) do schengenského informačního systému Zadavatel: Frontex – Evropská agentura pro pohraniční a pobřežní stráž, Warsaw PL Typ smlouvy: rámcová smlouva na 14 měsíců + 2×1 rok prodloužení. Smlouva na podporu 6 měsíců + 5×6 měsíců prodloužení Popis zakázky: Rámcová smlouva, která…