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Self-booking tools for Vienna-based International Agency ICMPD



Tendr: Provision of Business Travel Services

Contracting Authority: International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), Vienna

Deadline 8/4

Description: ICMPD staff and personnel are regularly required to go on business travels. They travel globally, including to risk locations. Currently, the flight booking orders are communicated to the Travel Agency by a network of 80+ registered and trained Travel Organisers located in ICMPD HQ Vienna, Brussels Mission as well as field offices via tailor-made e-mail Request for Options form to Travel Agency. While it is planned to follow this procedure, ICMPD wishes to modernize the travel workflow and explore possibilities for using self-booking tools in addition to offline booking. ICMPD operates internationally and issuing of tickets may prove challenging for some destinations.

Background: The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is an international organisation with 17 Member States and about 300 staff members. Active in more than 90 countries worldwide, it takes a regional approach in its work to create efficient cooperation and partnerships along migration routes. Priority regions include Africa, Central and South Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Its three-pillar approach to migration management – structurally linking research, migration dialogues and capacity building – contributes to better migration policy development worldwide. The Vienna-based organisation has a mission in Brussels, a regional office in Malta and project offices in a number of countries.

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