Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Author: Tomas Horejsi

  • Call: UX/UI Analysis for the future Vaccine Safety Net Portal Contracting Authority: WHO (World Health Organization), Geneva Closing Date: 28/05/2020, 05:00 PM CET Evaluation method: quality 60% x price 40% Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking offers for an in-depth analysis of the profile, experience and user interface, upstream of our project for…

  • Tendr: Design and UX services Zadavatel: agentura EU Rámcový kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €200.000 Deadline konec června Požadované služby: 1. Service design: Assistance, advice, guidance and/or provision of services in the areas of service design and design thinking.  2. User experience: Assistance, advice, guidance and/or provision of services in the area of user experience,…

  • Tendr: Development of a Global digital awareness campaign Zadavatel: INTERPOL, Lyon Deadline 29/5 Jazyk tendru: angličtina Proposal should deal with these three main capacities: 1. Defining a Communication plan for a campaign in an effort to raise global awareness amongst INTERPOL’s National Central Bureaus and to engage external high-level decision makers within law enforcement, academia…

  • S vítězem tendru uzavře agentura OSN se sídlem v Paříži dlouhodobý kontrakt na 4 roky. Objem odhaduji na €300 až €400 tisíc. O co půjde? Čistě o grafický design vlajkové publikace agentury – specializované výroční zprávy o 370 stranách – a další navazující půblikace a reporty. Jazyk tendru: angličtina. Deadline 2/6 Základní požadavky na kapacity…


  • Tendr: Provision of Firewall and Security Orchestration Solution Contractor: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna Deadline: 1/6 Background: The provision of the Solution includes the supply, delivery, configuration, installation, testing and commissioning, as well as technical and consultancy services. Training will also be included as part of the Services for the purpose of managing the…


  • Tendr: Call-off Contract for Maintenance and Support of On Site Inspection Software Applications Zadavatel: CTBTO – The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Vídeň Deadline pro odevzdání nabídky: 1/6 Bidder’s Experience  Experience in managing and executing work of similar scope and complexity. Please provide a description of past projects of similar scope…


  • Tendr: Metadata-driven Document Management System Zadavatel: International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna RFI deadline 29/5 The System shall be delivered, installed and hosted in the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna, Austria. Background: The IAEA Department of Safeguards (responsible for verifying that Member States are complying with their Safeguards Agreements) seeks for a metadata-driven document management system to…


  • Tendr: Provision of Multi-Language Audio Video Streaming Services Zadavatel: International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna Zatím běží “předběžná” fáze Request for Information, kdy chce zadavatel zjistit možnosti na trhu. Následně bude vyhlášet tendr a zájemci dostanou podrobnou dokumentaci. RFI deadline 1/6 Kontrakt na 5 let (3+2) Technical Specifications and Requirements 1. Scope As per the current…


  • Další z agentur OSN vyhlásí brzy tendr na grafický design, layout dokumentů a jejich tisk. Bude to práce na 5 let, budget odhaduji na něco kolem €800 tisíc. Zájemci musí projevit zájem před 25/5. Vítěz tendru bude poskytovat tyto slyžby: – Digital communications: design, development and/or enhancement of websites, microsites and mobile applications, design of…

  • RFI: NATO HQ Business Opportunities Portal Solution (NATO BizOpps) Zadavatel: NATO HQ, Brussels Request for Information: zatím jde o “průzkum trhu”, nicméně účastníci tohoto předkola budou vyzváni k osobní prezentaci a následně k účasti v samotném tendru Background: The main purpose of this RFI is to explore the solutions that are available in the market…

