Brussels connection

the best address for international procurement

Author: Tomas Horejsi

  • Development and maintenance of the HealthData@EU platform infrastructure Contracting Authority: European Commission, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), Brussels Brief description: The activities carried out through this call for tenders are expected to support the development and maintenance of the HealthData@EU platform infrastructure. As proposed in the European Health Data Area Regulation, the…

  • Dynamic purchasing system for IT supplies Contracting Authority: European Commission, Directorate General for Informatics (DIGIT), Brussels Short description: Provision of IT end-user and related services, infrastructure-related (managed) services and their related products linked to the digital workplace context, as well as cyber security solutions. Budget €640.000.000 / 4 years The competition is already running, more…


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  • Supply of high quality workstations, monitors, laptops and computer peripherals for Satcen Contracting Authority: European Union Satellite Centre (Satcen), Torrejón de Ardoz ESP The contract is divided into 2 completely separate lots: Lot 1 – Workstations, monitors and peripherals Description: Supply of computer workstations (towers which must include high performance and latest generation processors, memory…


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  • Data for security: big data and analytics services – development phase Contracting Authority: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Cologne DE Framework contract for 60 months Brief Description: Following a successful proof-of-concept phase that collected and analysed inputs from across the aviation system (including safety reports, flight data from air operators, ATM system operational data and…


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  • Web development services – development, publishing, support and maintenance of web platforms, applications and tools European Investment Bank, Luxembourg Short description: The purpose of this call for tenders is to conclude a framework contract with the successful tenderer for the provision of services consisting of the development, publication, support and maintenance of web platforms, applications…


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  • Dynamic purchasing system for cloud services Contracting Authority: European Commission, Directorate General for Informatics (DIGIT), Brussels Short description: Provision of cloud services in the area of multi-purpose IaaS/PaaS to ensure the continuity of existing operations and the continued implementation of the contracting authority’s cloud strategy. Estimated total value without VAT: EUR 250 000 000.00 The…


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  • Digital Transformation of the European Training Foundation (ETF), Torino (IT) Short description: Range of services to support the ETF digital transformation, including but not limited to software development, IT consulting, and project management. Estimated total value ecxl VAT: €1.900.000 Deadline: 11/5 Digital transformation services (3 lots): Lot 1: Development in Microsoft Ecosystem (budget €1.000.000) Lot…


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  • Provision of medical services to the EUSPA EU Agency for the Space Programme, Prague Expression of Interest deadline: 25/4 The subject matter of the procurement procedure is the provision of medical services to the EUSPA. Required medical services shall comprise particularly: (i) pre-recruitment medical examination of candidates, (ii) annual medical check-up of EUSPA’s staff members…


  • Zakázka: Poskytování služeb pro osobní/hybridní/virtuální konference Zadavatel: Evropská komise, Generální ředitelství pro tlumočení – Conference Services, Brussels Stručný popis: Účelem této výzvy je uzavřít smlouvu na konferenční služby na podporu Evropské komise a výkonných agentur při organizování jejich konferencí na úrovni vnější komunikace. Poskytované služby budou mimo jiné zahrnovat celkovou koordinaci, vývoj koncepcí, vyhledávání a…

  • Půl milionu samostatně zabalených dřevěných párátek, třicet tisíc rolí papírových utěrek, sto dvacet pytlíků na sandwiče… To je jenom hodně malý vzorek toho, co hodlá Evropská komise pořídit do svých kantýn pro příští čtyři roky. Celý seznam viz příloha Tendr vyhlašuje Úřad pro infrastrukturu a logistiku v Bruselu. Deadline pro odevzdání nabídek je 27.…


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