Tendr: Provision of Firewall and Security Orchestration Solution Contractor: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna Deadline: 1/6 Background: The provision of the Solution includes the supply, delivery, configuration, installation, testing and commissioning, as well as technical and consultancy services. Training will also be…
Tendr: Call-off Contract for Maintenance and Support of On Site Inspection Software Applications Zadavatel: CTBTO – The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Vídeň Deadline pro odevzdání nabídky: 1/6 Bidder’s Experience Experience in managing and executing work of similar scope…
Tendr: Metadata-driven Document Management System Zadavatel: International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna RFI deadline 29/5 The System shall be delivered, installed and hosted in the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna, Austria. Background: The IAEA Department of Safeguards (responsible for verifying that Member States are complying…
Tendr: Provision of Multi-Language Audio Video Streaming Services Zadavatel: International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna Zatím běží “předběžná” fáze Request for Information, kdy chce zadavatel zjistit možnosti na trhu. Následně bude vyhlášet tendr a zájemci dostanou podrobnou dokumentaci. RFI deadline 1/6 Kontrakt na 5…
Další z agentur OSN vyhlásí brzy tendr na grafický design, layout dokumentů a jejich tisk. Bude to práce na 5 let, budget odhaduji na něco kolem €800 tisíc. Zájemci musí projevit zájem před 25/5. Vítěz tendru bude poskytovat tyto slyžby: – Digital communications:…
RFI: NATO HQ Business Opportunities Portal Solution (NATO BizOpps) Zadavatel: NATO HQ, Brussels Request for Information: zatím jde o “průzkum trhu”, nicméně účastníci tohoto předkola budou vyzváni k osobní prezentaci a následně k účasti v samotném tendru Background: The main purpose of this…
Tendr: Physical Security Platform Contractror: IAEA – International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna EOI deadline 30/4 1. Physical Security at the IAEA The IAEA is utilizing a Physical Security Platform (PSP) which was deployed in 2007 at the IAEA Headquarters (Vienna, Austria) and later…
Tendr: Supply of Website Maintenance and DesignContractor: UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services)/Cities Alliance Secretariat, BrusselsRFQ deadline 7/5 Background: Cities Alliance, the global partnership promoting the role of cities in poverty reduction and sustainable development, requests the services of an expert website…
Pro tendr jedné z agentur OSN – resp. její pobočky ve Vietnamu – hledám experty v těchto kategoriích: * Video Creation, Direction, Production & Editing * General Graphic Design * Animation Video Production * Photography Kde jinde hledat mladé, kreativní a schopné Vietnamce/Vietnamky než…
Call: Commercial cloud services to boost research capabilities in Europe Contractor: Open Clouds for Research Environments (EU-funded project) The EU-funded project OCRE (Open Clouds for Research Environments) has published a new tender. The tender aims at better interconnecting commercial cloud services with the…