Call: Design and digital printing for facilities and events visual…
Call: Strategic media advice and media auditing (benchmarking) services Buyer:…
Call: Provision of Print and Layout Services to Eurojust Buyer:…
Fotovoltaické systémy – dodávka, instalace, uvedení do provozu Evropské patentová…
Global Emerging Markets Data AggregatorBuyer: European Investment Bank, LuxembourgBudget without…
European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) se intenzivně chystá…
Stavební služby – Evropský patentový úřad (Mnichov)Půjde o vnitřní vybavení…
Call: Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN)…
In the tender for ICT consultancy for the European Labour…