Brussels connection

the best address for international procurement

Category: UN

  • The International Labour Office (Genève)  Creative Publishing and Communications:• Lot 1: Conceptual Design for Strategic Publications• Lot 2: Layout and Typesetting for Strategic Publications• Lot 3: Graphic Design for Other Publications• Lot 4: Digital Design and Development• Lot 5: Branding and Campaigns• Lot 6: Visual Storytelling• Lot 7: Data Visualization Deadline May 25

  • Long-term agreement for the development, maintenance and support of mobile apps and other related online tools World Health Organization, Geneve Deadline 31/3 The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to enter into a contractual agreement with a successful bidder and select a suitable Contractor to carry out the following work: • Maintenance and…

  • Call: Data Backup Solution Contracting Authority: International Telecommunication Union, Geneve Deadline 18/4 Front-end Capacity Estimate on Backup Storage Device (Projected usage for 5 Years): 117 TB in the total. Technical Requirements for the Backup Solution General Requirements Architecture                            It is mandatory for the bidder to provide the architecture of the Backup System as follows: Backup…


  • Tender: Creation of multimedia content and equipment supply (Creation of a content for multimedia interpretation output in a number of cultural heritage assets in Albania) Zadavatel: UNOPS – UN Office for Project Services Scope of Works: The contractor under this ToR is required to provide all the necessary task force to carry out all activities…

  • Tender: Migration from SAP WCEM to SAP Commerce Cloud Contractor: The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva Deadline: 7/3 Project Background Information: ITU has an e-commerce solution for more than 20 years. The first solution was developed in-house. In January 2010, that solution was migrated to the SAP CRM platform with SAP Web Channel Experience Management…


  • Tender: Provision of design services to the United Nations Zadavatel: UN Procurement Division (The main client will be United Nations Development Coordination Office – UNDCO). Momentálně běží výzva k projevení zájmu, deadline 31/1 – zadavatel následně vyzve vybrané zájemce k účasti v tendru The United Nations Procurement Division intends to establish a Long Term Agreement (LTA) for design…

  • Call: Image-based indoor mapping and navigation solution (RFI) Zadavatel: United Nations Procurement Division Request for Information (RFI) deadline 16/12 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: As the central technology provider of the United Nations, Office of Information and Communication Technology (OICT) is working to develop an indoor navigation (wayfinding) solution for staff and visitors at UN premises as…


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  • Call: Supply and Delivery of Furniture for the IAEA Library Zadavatel: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna Deadline: 23/11 Scope: The specification describes the requirements for supply and delivery of furniture for  the Stress-Free Zone room in the IAEA Library, to provide a relaxing space in the  library for staff and visitors to read…


  • Tendr: Supply, delivery, installation of shelving units at VIC (Vienna International Centre) Library Zadavatel: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna Deadline: 26/11 Scope: This specification describes the requirements for supply, delivery, and installation of shelving units for the Stress-Free Zone room in the library room in F Building of the Vienna International Center. The…


  • NETROUFÁTE SI, ale některé zakázky tady vypadají dost lákavě? Jakoby NA MÍRU pro vás? Proto sem občas zajdete a na chvilku se ZASNÍTE, jaké by to bylo vypadnout z toho českého smrádečku…? Jestli na to máte, což zjistíme za pár týdnů, pomůžu vám začít vyhrávat zajímavé mezinárodní tendry. Mám dokonalý přehled o veřejných i neveřejných příležitostech…


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