Category: IT
Call: External Service Provision – European Railway Agency Information Systems Development 7 Buyer: European Railway Agency (ERA), Valenciennes Framework contract for 4 years / estimated value excluding VAT: €5.000.000 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 17/04/2024 Background and objectives: “ESP-EISD 7: External Service Provision for ERA’s Information Systems Development” is intended as a service to support…
Call: End-to-end Implementation and Operation of the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS)/2024-2027 updates Buyer: European Environment Agency (EEA), Copenhagen Duration: 48 Month / estimated value excluding VAT: €7.550.000 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 15/04/2024 – 14:00:59 (UTC+2) Description: Production of the 2024, 2025, 2026 and 2027 updates, implementation, and maintenance of the European Ground Motion…
Call: Sourcing of professional services for IT: consulting, development, operations Buyer: European Commission, DG DIGIT – Digital Services, Brussels Estimated value excluding VAT: € (= in words: one billion two hundred million euros) Duration: 48 Month The tender should be launched in early April
Platform for Advanced Virtual Human Twin Models Buyer: European Commission, DG CNECT – Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Brussels Estimated value excluding VAT: €24.000.000 Estimated date of publication of a contract notice within this procedure: 08/04 Description: A virtual human twin is a computational model of human patho-physiological processes at different anatomical scales. VHTs hold…
Long Term Agreement for Communications Products (Graphic Design, Data Visualizations, Audiovisual Products, Digital and Interactive Reports) UNITAID, Geneve Published: 21/2 Deadline: 13/3 Requested start date: April 2024 Completion date: April 2027 Duration of contract period: Three years, renewable twice for an additional period of one year each, at Unitaid’s discretion and subject to satisfactory performance).…
Organizace United Nations Global Service (UNGSC, Brindisi – Itálie) hledá vhodně kvalifikovaného dodavatele, který zajistí návrh, dodávku, instalaci a uvedení do provozu 3D tištěného ubytovacího prototypu v UNGSC Brindisi. Background: Tábory OSN, které hostí mise v terénu, jsou obvykle složeny z prefabrikovaných ubytovacích jednotek. Tento typ ubytování podléhá dlouhým dodacím lhůtám z důvodu centralizované distribuce…
IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support Negotiated with prior publication of a call for competition / competitive with negotiation RailNetEurope, Austria, Wien Estimated value excluding VAT: 360 000,00 EUR Description: The intention is to ensure a train running forecast information in the RNE TIS by implementing a forecasting module to the application providing…
IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support (Hosting, Maintenance and support of Sitecore based sites) International Post Corporation, Brussels Estimated value excluding VAT €700.000 Estimated duration: 5 years with potential to extend a maximum of two extensions of one year Deadline for receipt of expressions of interest: 20/03/2024 20:03:20 Requirements – Certification/Regional Restrictions: •…
Název: Provision of services for development and consultancy on information systems under Time and Means conditions Zadavatel: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), Varšava Popis: The main goal of this procurement procedure is to establish multiple Framework Contracts with re-opening of competitions enabling efficient provision of services for development, implementation, consultancy and support of information systems…
Tendr: Multilingual live and on-demand video streaming services and associated services Zadavatel: Generální sekretariát Rady Evropské unie, Brusel Vítěz dostane rámcovou smlouvu na 36 + 12 + 12 měsíců Deadline pro odevzdání nabídky: 31/1/2024 Cílem tendru je uzavřít pětiletou rámcovou smlouvu na poskytování vícejazyčného živého vysílání a video/audio streamingu na vyžádání a souvisejících služeb pro…