Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

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Category: IT

  • Provision of Warehouse Digitalization Solutions (RFI) Contractor: United Nations Global Service Centre, Brindisi – Italy Closing Date for Receipt of RFI: 12 November The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to provide the UN Global Service Centre (UNGSC) with the latest knowledge and capabilities of the market with respect to newest technologies, solutions,…


  • Call: Amplification of WHO’s health messages on digital and social media channels Zadavatel: World Health Organization, Ženeva Deadline 29/10 Kontrakt na jeden měsíc Obsah nabídky:  Confidentiality Undertaking (Annex 2)  Presentation of your Company / Institution (Annex 3)  Proposed solution  Proposed Approach/Methodology  Proposed time line  Financial proposal – Currency. 1.…


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  • Zakázka: Externí poskytování služeb v režimu Time and Means pro rozvoj, poradenství a podporu v oblasti informačních systémů Zadavatel: European Commission, Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT), Brussels Kontrakt na 4 roky / celkový budget €2.800.949.850 (ano, dvě miliardy osm set tisíc…) Stručný popis: Cílem zadávacího řízení je externí poskytování služeb pro rozvoj, poradenství a podporu v…

  • Zakázka: Three years contract for the management of Frontex official website Zadavatel: (the European Border and Coast Guard Agency), Warsaw Short description – Hosting of Frontex website and register of documents– Maintenance of Frontex website and register– Additional website development Jde o neveřejnou zakázku “na výzvu” Deadline pro projevení zájmu: 13/10 – vybraní zájemci budou…

  • Call: Electronic Reporting Platform for data collecting, extracting, analysing and visualizing for UNECE Contractor: UNECE – The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneve EOI Phase – Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: 20 Sept. The basic technical requirements for the online reporting system are set out below: a. The system should allow country representatives…


  • Call: Telemedicine service provision solutions Contractor: UN Procurement Dept. Closing Date for Receipt of RFI: 1 October 2021 The UN is looking for a telemedicine solution(s) suitable to address UN operational requirements as follows: a. Priority 1 – Remote trauma care support in the battlefield. b. Priority 2 – Remote patient monitoring during Medical Evacuation…


  • Call: Security, Network and Authentication & API Management Contractor: Interpol, Lyon 2 stages: 1) application + NDA, 2) restricted tender CONTEXT: To enhance global police cooperation, INTERPOL provides Web Services / Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to member countries and partners, through “INTERPOL Secure Cloud” and other channels. As threats and attacks constantly evolve, the highest…


  • Tendr: Provoz, údržba, zdokonalení a propagace interaktivního internetového portálu „Build up“ Zadavatel: Evropská Výkonná agentura pro klima, infrastrukturu a životní prostředí (CINEA), Brusel Kontakt na 4 roky / budget €2.500.000 Background: CINEA hodlá uzavřít smlouvu o poskytování služeb, jejímž účelem je „provoz, údržba, zdokonalení a propagace interaktivního internetového portálu „Build up“.Poskytovatel služeb přebuduje internetovou stránku…


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  • IT Development Services UPU – Universal Postal Union The UPU seeks contractor to provide IT development services for a period of 4 years. The objectives of the services are to support and supplement UPU’s own software development activities in accordance with the system requirements, technical summary and instructions contained herein. The selected vendor shall, under…


  • ITB for the UN Cloud ICC – International Computing Centre (OSN), Ženeva UNICC is based in Geneva and has offices in New York, Rome, Brindisi and Valencia.UNICC is meeting the challenges and drivers for organizations to move to new private, hybrid and public cloud offerings. UNICC offers assessment, migration and implementation as well as fully…

