Category: grafický design
Provision of services in production of interactive digital learning products including instructional design, and educational animations Buyer: European Union Agency For Law Enforcement, Budapest FWC: 48 months Budget without VAT €800 000,00 EUR Deadline: 27/06/2024 Background: The need for content authoring services, including instructional design, educational animations and interactive digital learning products, is paramount in…
Call: Virtual Museum of Stolen Cultural Objects Buyer: UN agency Background: The Virtual Museum will represent a breakthrough for the international community’s efforts to raise awareness among the relevant authorities, culture professionals and the general public, notably young generations, on the trafficking of cultural property and on the importance of protection of cultural heritage. It…
Mixed Multiple Framework Contract for Thematic Communication Services Buyers: various EU institutions and agencies Total estimated value excluding VAT: €180.000.000 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 28/4 Description: The “Mixed Multiple Framework Contract for Thematic Communication Services” will offer contractual solutions for all types of communication projects with budgets up to €900,000. Activities covered include strategy…
Provision of data visualisation services The European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), Ljubljana, Slovenia Planned negotiated procedure for middle/low value contract (under €144.000) Time limit for expression of interest: 06 March 2024 00:00 ask me how
Long Term Agreement for Communications Products (Graphic Design, Data Visualizations, Audiovisual Products, Digital and Interactive Reports) UNITAID, Geneve Published: 21/2 Deadline: 13/3 Requested start date: April 2024 Completion date: April 2027 Duration of contract period: Three years, renewable twice for an additional period of one year each, at Unitaid’s discretion and subject to satisfactory performance).…
Kdopak se to hlásí do tendru na Strategic, digital, production and training communications services pro European Banking Authority? Jenom pět firem: 1. DELOITTE CONSEIL SAS 2. RUMEUR PUBLIQUE 3. konsorcium INDEPENDENT PICTURES LIMITED + Restless (Europe) BV 4. MARCO DE COMUNICACION SA … a konečně 5. konsorcium Proficio Marketing s.r.o. + incognito studio s.r.o. +…
O zakázku na grafický design pro novou European Drug Agency z Lisabonu soupeří hned dvanáct firem, z toho tři české. Zajímavé. Spojka připravila nabídku s portugalskou Globaz a drží usilovně palce😊. Tady je seznam firem, které předložily nabídku: Wigo S.C., Dariusz Wieczorek, Ewa Wieczorek Studio Formaat s.r.o., David Sasín, Atelijeur Puda The Others TV SL Deloitte Technology, S.A.…
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Tendr: Provoz, údržba, zlepšování a propagace interaktivního webového portálu BUILD UP Zadavatel: European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), Rámcová smlouva na 4 roky / celkový rozpočet €2.800.000 Tendr bude vyhlášen v únoru 2024, takže je ještě dost času na složení vhodného konsorcia. Což bude na 100% potřeba, ideálně z nějaké digitální agentury, IT firmy…
Provision of Branded Material for the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) Estimated total value: €300,000 Deadline: 23/11 Duration in months: 48 (framework agreement) Items (and quantities) covered by the contract Main items covered by the contract are indicated in appendix I. This appendix indicates also minimum technical requirements that articles must comply with. The unit prices…