Category: grafický design
Vision and Communication Plan for UNICEF’s Data and Analytics Section Purpose : In 2017, UNICEF completed a 3-year global brand refresh process which resulted in a revised organization brand toolkit and incorporation of a new strategy built around the tagline: “for every child”. The organization also released its data for children strategic framework and a…
Tendr: Dodávka a údržba zařízení pro služby “pre-press” a grafického designu (SW + HW) Zadavatel: Evropská komise, OIB, Brusel Budget €700.000 / 48 měsíců Deadline 1/4 Stručný popis zakázky – bude zahrnovat následující služby: A. Provision of Software for Virtual Servers / Migration and Virtualization B. Provision of graphic design / pre-press (hardware & software)…
* Návrh loga pro agenturu pro atomovou energii z Vídně ( * Pětiletý kontrakt na grafické služby pro agenturu OSN z Vídně ( * UNHCR hledá grafickou agenturu na dlouhodobý kontrakt ( * Layout a grafický design pro WHO. 700 hodin za rok ( * Grafický design pro agenturu UNAIDS, Ženeva (
Tendr: Graphic Design services Zadavatel: UN Industrial Development Organization, Vídeň Deadline: 26/2 Kontrakt na 5 let (3+2) Požadavky: 5 let v oboru, obrat min. €150.000 (rok v posledních 3 letech Zakázka se má týkat především každoroční přípravy UNIDO Industrial Development Report
Tendr: Provision of Graphic Design services Zadavatel: UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Budapešť Deadline 29/3 Dlouhodobý kontrakt na 3 roky Potřeba budou zhruba 2-3 designeři Požadavky: • High standard, quality graphic design work. The bidder shall provide all services and/or hire/outsource the necessary personnel to perform graphic and layout design services required by UNHCR,…
Tendr: Drafting of Graphic Identity and Standard Templates Zadavatel: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) – The Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), Vídeň Deadline 21/2 Popis: The Contractor shall provide a comprehensive set of templates for the OIOS official documentation and written deliverables, and an OIOS logo appropriately nested into the IAEA overall ‘brand’ graphic…
Provision of 700 hours of desktop publishing, layout and design services over a one year period. The World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva Deadline 21/2 WHO requires up to 700 hours of desktop publishing, layout and design work over a one-year period. The provider will often be expected to use existing templates. However, in some cases…
Graphic Design Services (Long Term Agreement na 4 roky) UNAIDS – Agentura OSN pro boj s AIDS, Ženeva Deadline: 27th February 2019, 17:00 Geneva time The provider shall be a public institution, company, individual or NGO operating in the field of graphic design with proven expertise in the creative process of designing print, web and social…
Tendr: Supply and Installation of Virtual Reality Simulation System for Safety Training in Jordan (RFI) Zadavatel: United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Deadline pro odpověď: 12/2 In this RFI, UNOPS intends to identify potential suppliers and to gather ideas from industry for the Supply and Installation of Virtual Reality Simulation System for Safety Training.…
Tendr na strategickou komunikaci a další komunikační, grafické a digitální služby vyhlásí ještě před koncem letošního roku evropský Joint Undertaking SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research, sídlí v Bruselu). Půjde přesně o “provision of strategic communications, editorial support, graphical, digital and events-related communications services”, s rámcovou smlouvou na čtyři roky a s budgetem €1.454.000. Zakázka…