Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Author: Tomas Horejsi

  • Tendr: Provision of Website Development, Maintenance and Support Zadavatel: EU agentura – Lucembursko Detaily: Zadavatel hledá dodavatele, se kterým podepíše 4-letou rámcovou smlouvu na „comprehensive range of website services to enhance, develop, maintain, host, and support“. Stávající website je postaven na CMS Drupal 7 s následujícími funkcemi: „…on VMWare there is a set of virtual machines…


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  • Tender: Content migration automation tool and services for IBM Unite Connects & Microsoft Sharepoint Contracting Authority: UN Procurement Division, NY EOI deadline: Nov 16 The Organization has recently moved its email platform from Lotus Notes to Office365. OICT is looking to decommission legacy collaborative systems, such as IBM Connections or IBM FileNet and Sharepoint 2007/2010/2013,…


  • Tender: SharePoint Support & Maintenance – MyHealth App and ESMP Contracting Authority: World Health Organization, HQ in Geneva The purpose of this APW is to provide IT support and maintenance for two applications based on SharePoint 2013 using Nintex Mobile, Workflows and Forms. Background: Two applications have been recently developed based on SharePoint 2013: MyHealth…


  • Tender: The Provision of Backup, Archive and Recovery solution to STO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE). Contracting Authority: NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE), La Spezia – Italy Descriptions: CMRE requires an enterprise-grade data backup, archive and recovery solution for its unclassified data centre in La Spezia and for the smallerscale…


  • Evropský patentový úřad (sídlí v Mnichově) vyhlašuje tendr na  “Video Making, Video Promotion and Distribution for the European inventor award”. Půjde vlastně o propagaci udělování ceny pro mladé vynálezce (jsou z různých zemí, točí se jejich “video-portréty”). Deadline je 5/11 (doručení).


  • Call for: Temporary Infrastructure for Conferences (TIC) Contracting Authority: the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: 15 October 2018 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: The United Nations Office at Geneva (“UNOG”), Switzerland, located at the Palais des Nations, is the largest United Nations Office in Europe, providing conference support and facilitating…


  • Tender: Provision of Touch-Screen Totems Contracting Authority: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD, Řím) Deadline 19 October 2018 – 15:00 Number not specified but IFAD is asking for the financial proposal for 1, 10 and 15 pieces. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS – General Requirements * delivery time should be as short as possible (in any case no…


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  • Tender: Video Production Services – Africa Storytelling Videos Zadavatel: UNOPS (Nákupní agentura OSN) Deadline: 8/10 Background: Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) seeks a video authoring, production, and technical support firm to work with Sustainable Energy for All in the production of two multiple-version videos originating from a development journalism/story collecting trip taking place in Africa.…


  • Nákupní agentura OSN (UNOPS) nakoupí pro potřeby ukrajinské policie (regiony Kyjev, Charkov, Lvov) 29 kovových troj-laviček. Rozměry 1500 x 700 x 800 mm (+/- 5%); výška 450 mm (+/- 5%). Material of frame: perforated metal sheet with inserts for artificial leather, with an abrasion resistance of at least 30,000 cycles of Martindale. Material of seats: metal with…


  • Rada EU schválila plán na zřízení jednotné digitální brány: zlepší se online přístup k informacím a postupům v celé EU. Detaily tady.

