Author: Tomas Horejsi
Tendr: Poskytování služeb stravování Zadavatel: Agentura pro evropský GNSS (GSA), Prague Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget: 13.000.000 CZK Předpokládaný termín zahájení tendru: 30. listopadu 2020 Stručný popis: Cílem zadávacího řízení bude poskytování stravovacích služeb. Zakázka bude mít maximální celkovou dobu trvání 4 let.
Tendr: Electronic Key Management Cabinets, Lockers, Software and Licensing Zadavatel: Evropský parlament, Directorate-General for Security and Safety Stručný popis: Dodávka, instalace a zprovoznění skříní na klíče, uzamykatelných skříněk a souvisejícího softwaru a licencí na třech pracovištích Evropského parlamentu v Bruselu, Štrasburku a Lucemburku. Zakázka na 4 roky / budget €500.000 Deadline 17/11 Description of the…
Tendr: Umělá inteligernce a hudba Zadavatel: Evropská komise, CNECT — Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Brusel Trvání zakázky: 12 měsíců Budget: €275.000 Deadline pro podání nabídek: Nov. 12 Short description: Organize a hybrid networked AI and Music Festival that combines the best characteristics of offline and online as well as of a central localized and…
Tendr: Grafické rozvržení, návrh a výroba tištěných a elektronických materiálů Zadavatel: Agentura Evropské unie pro bezpečnost letectví Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €300.000 Deadline Nov 13 Description of the Subject and Scope of the Contract – The main subject of the envisaged contract shall be the provision of the following services: Layout services…
Call: Provision of graphic and event design services (digital and/or print) Contracting Authority: WTO – World Trade Organization, Geneva Deadline: Oct. 28 Framework contract for 3+2 years Budget CHF 300.000 The estimated annual amounts for each category (lot) are as follows: LOT1: Graphic design CHF 10’000 LOT2: Event design CHF 20’000 LOT3: Publications CHF 10’000…
Call: New communications campaign concept and strategy Contracting authority: NATO HQ, Brussels Deadline: 26/10 Start: contract signature – end: no later than Dec.31, 2020 Bidders are informed that the total firm fixed price of a proposal must not exceed the limitations of € 160.000. Bidders must note that offers that result in a total price…
The aim of the contest is to develop a location-based solution, such as mobile application, wearable-based solution, asset management, tracking solution, or robotics, leveraging Galileo as a source of positioning, navigation and/or timing. Deadline Oct 14 – 23:59
Call: Innovative ICT-enabled monitoring solutions to improve health status and optimise hypertension care Contractor: European Commission, The Horizon 2020 – Health Status Monitor PCP project Deadline: 13 November 2020 Budget: Five procurers from four countries are providing up to 4.62 million Euros for suitable solutions to address the challenges they are facing in providing better…
Learning simulation and game-based training tools The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Deadline Oct.9 Objective: UNOPS offers a holistic approach to learning including professional and leadership development opportunities. These are delivered primarily in the format of blended learning journeys and virtual instructor led (VILT) training. One of the key elements of our learning…
Call: WeAreNATO mini campaign – concept, design, content creation and evaluation Contractor: NATO HQ, Brussels Old deadline Oct 13 was changed to Oct 16 at 15:00 CET. The purpose of this Request For Proposals (RFP) is to award a single contract for the provision of mini-campaign WeAreNATO in Q4 2020 including its concept, design, content…