Category: EU
Rámcová smlouva (na 5 samostatných lotů) – for the supply of medical facilities, vehicles and individual equipment for partner armed forces supported by the European Peace Facility Kupující: European Commission, FPI – Service for Foreign Policy Instruments, Brussels Odhadovaná celková hodnota bez DPH: €214.270.000 / doba trvání: 48 měsíců Deadline pro nabídky: 12/05/2025 – 10:00:59…
Printing, Premedia, Multichannel and PDF Remediation Services Kupující: European Commission, Publications Office, Luxembourg Budget (bez DPH): €23.500.000 Doba trvání: 48 Měsíce Lhůta pro doručení nabídek: 30/04/2025 – 10:00:59 (UTC+2) LOT-0001: Printing services. Odhadovaná hodnota bez DPH – €10.000.000 LOT-0002: Premedia and multichannel services (Psaní, zpracování textů a stolní typografie – €3.000.000 LOT-0003: Remediation services for accessibility in PDF publications, documents, and forms – €500.000 LOT-0004: Printing of…
European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) Call for tenders ENISA/2025/OP/0002 – Development, consultancy, support & maintenance services for IT assets Framework contract, 48 months, budget €15.000.000 The total estimated budget for the framework contract is fifteen million € over a maximum duration of four years. The estimated partition of the aforementioned amount is the following:…
Call: Dynamic Purchasing System for the Supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Buyer: European Commission, Directorate-General Health Emergency Preparedness andResponse Authority (HERA)Deadline for participation in the DSP (Phase I): 31/05/2026 The purchases are organized directly by the European Commission (or its Directorate- General for Health Emergency Preparedness and Response – DG HERA) on behalf of the…
Exploring communication techniques and messages for social impact Estimated value excluding VAT: €300.000 Buyer: European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), Vilnius Duration: 48 Months Deadline for receipt of tenders: 24/03 Purpose: EIGE seeks to conclude a framework contract with company/ies capable of providing a wide range of services related to the strategic development of EIGE’s…
Call: Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) Communication Services Buyer: European Investment Bank, Luxembourg Framework Contract – 96 months Budget: €22.800.000 Deadline: 13/03/2025 – 15:00:59 (UTC+1) Details: The objective of this Call for Tenders is to award a Framework Agreement to a successful tenderer for the provision of Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)…
Call: Video production with actors for educational purposes Buyer: European Union Agency for Asylum, Valletta, MALTA 4-years long framework contract (single) / budget €1.000.000 Deadline: 6/2 Objectives: The overall objective of the contract resulting from the present procurement procedure is the provision of video production services for training purposes. This will enable the Training and…
Production of videos, multimedia assets and associated services Estimated value excluding VAT: €10.000.000 Buyer: European Parliament, COMM – Directorate-General for Communication Just for planning: the tender will be launched in mid-March LOT1: Social media video and other multi-media services for the Web Communication unit of the European Parliament Duration: 60 Months Estimated value excluding VAT:…
Thematic Communication ServicesBuyers: 5 EUs Joint Undertaking based in Brussels (Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking, Chips Joint Undertaking, EDCTP3 JU – Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking, Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking, SNS JU – Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking)Estimated value excluding VAT: €3.402.850Duration: 48 monthsDeadline for receipt of tenders: 26/02/2025 – 16:00:59 (UTC+1) Description: CBE…
IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support (MAIA) Buyer: European Commission, DG DIGIT – Digital Services, Brussels Framework contract – duration: 36 months Deadline: 7/3 Lot 1 – IS development, maintenance, migrations to cloud, operations and support predominantly in AWS. Estimated value without VAT: EUR 50.207.079 This lot will result into a single framework…