Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Author: Tomas Horejsi

  • Evropská pohraniční stráž potřebuje nové kovové skříně na zbraně Tendr: Skříně na zbraně a individuální skříňky na zbraně Zadavatel: FRONTEX – The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Evropská agentura pro pohraniční a pobřežní stráž), Varšava Rámcová smlouva na 4 roky / budget €630.000 Lhůta pro doručení nabídek: 08/07/2024 Rozsah smlouvy: Předmětem zakázky je dodávka…


  • Call for: Business Intelligence Global Support Buyer: ITER ( The purpose of this framework contract(s) is to procure: A-Services category: Covers the business intelligence stack -Evolution and maintenance of Data Warehouse; – Evolution and maintenance of Data Integration Service; – Evolution and maintenance of Data Visualization Service: paginated reports, mobile ;reports, KPIs, dashboards and Power…


  • Multiple Framework Contract for the Provision of the Services for Designing, Implementing, Managing, Operating and Supporting Information Systems under Time and Means Conditions (DESOPS) Estimated value excluding VAT: €186.500 .000 Buyer: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), Warsaw Duration: 48 Months Deadline for receipt of tenders: 15/07/2024 Description: The main goal of this procurement…


  • I. OP Portal Managed Services Buyer: European Commission – Publications Office, Luxembourg Estimated value excluding VAT: €7.500.000 Buyer: European Commission – Publications Office, Luxembourg Duration: 48 Months Description: The objective of the procurement procedure is to procure managed services related to the Portal of the Publications Office (“OP Portal”) – one of the key digital…


  • Multiple framework contract for impact assessments, evaluations and related studies and services in the field of communication Budget without VAT: €30.000.000 / 4-years long Framework Contract Buyer: European Commission, DG COMM – Communication, Brussels The extended deadline for submission is 28/06/2024 LOT-1: Impact assessments, evaluations and related studies in the field of communication. Budget without…


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  • Production of audiovisuals, mobile applications, electronic publications based on HTML, video games, applications based on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies, and publications with interactive information visualisations EU Publications Office, Luxembourg Lot 1 – Production of audiovisual (AV) publications 1 PEDIO MEDIA SA 2 Aha International Media GmbH [Aha International Media GmbH, Alt&Cramer GmbH] 3…

  • Development and Implementation of a Climate and Weather Chatbot for Destination Earth Buyer: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Germany, Bonn Budget €500.000 Deadline: 17/07/2024 Description: The main deliverable of this contract is a weather and climate web-based chatbot that needs to cover a wide variety of use-cases. The individual components should consist of:…


  • Teleconferencing services Buyer: European Parliament, LINC – Directorate-General for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences, Belgium Estimated value without VAT: EUR 22 000 000,00 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 10/06/2024 LOT-0001: Joint public procurement open procedure LINC/EUVC – Lot 1 – Video-conferencing system Duration: 48 Months Estimated value without VAT: EUR 9.500.000 LOT-0002: Joint public procurement…

  • Call: Publication Production Works Buyer: European Central Bank, Německo, Frankfurt am Main Budget without VAT: €1.600.000 Contract from: 01/01/2025 to 31/12/2026 Bid deadline: 18/07/2024 Scope of deliverables The deliverables to be procured are the technical production works of publications as described further in the below paragraphs. A more detailed description of some production processes can…

  • I am looking for an IT hardware supplier who can compete in international tenders (EU, NATO, UN) with established companies such as Bechtle, Cancom or NTT. I will lead you to victory, as in the case of Autocont… How about this? Two to four thousand laptops (Intel I3 and I5 CPUs), almost two thousand webcams,…
