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EU seeks agencies to help it deal with the day-to-day communication challenges

Mixed Multiple Framework Contract for Thematic Communication Services

Buyers: various EU institutions and agencies

Total estimated value excluding VAT: €180.000.000

Deadline for receipt of tenders: 28/4

Description: The “Mixed Multiple Framework Contract for Thematic Communication Services” will offer contractual solutions for all types of communication projects with budgets up to €900,000. Activities covered include strategy and concepts, production and media planning and buying for all types of media based on delivery via fixed price services or Times-and-Means. Additionally, the Framework Contract provides for a reasonable use of reimbursable costs, thus allowing the use of local services at market prices whenever possible (e.g. for catering, logistics, cleaning or security services, participation at fairs, festivals or other events by exclusive providers; as well as media buying). The Framework Contract is a follow-up to the 2019 Thematic Communication Framework Contract.

Lot 1 – Mixed Multiple Framework Contract for Thematic Communication Services. The contract will offer contractual solutions for all types of communication projects with budgets up to €900,000. Activities covered include strategy and concepts, production and media planning and buying for all types of media based on delivery via fixed price services or Times-and-Means. Additionally, the Framework Contract provides for a reasonable use of reimbursable costs, thus allowing the use of local services at market prices whenever possible (e.g. for catering, logistics, cleaning or security services, participation at fairs, festivals or other events by exclusive providers; as well as media buying). The Framework Contract is a follow-up to the 2019 Thematic Communication Framework Contract. Under lot 1, service delivery is via either fixed priceitems, Quoted-Times-and-Means or Times-and-Means. Duration: 48 Month. Estimated value excluding VAT €100.000.000

Lot 2 – Assistance for Thematic Communication Services. The contract will offer contractual solutions for all types of communication projects with budgets up to €900,000. Activities covered include strategy and concepts, production and media planning and buying for all types of media based on delivery via fixed price services or Times-and-Means. Additionally, the Framework Contract provides for a reasonable use of reimbursable costs, thus allowing the use of local services at market prices whenever possible (e.g. for catering, logistics, cleaning or security services, participation at fairs, festivals or other events by exclusive providers; as well as media buying). The Framework Contract is a follow-up to the 2019 Thematic Communication Framework Contract. Under Lot 2, ‘assistance for thematic communication services’, services are delivered via Times-and-Means and Proximity Times-and-Means, in other words exclusively viaservice providers. Duration: 48 Month. Estimated value excluding VAT €80.000.000.

LOT1 – DETAILS The “Mixed Multiple Framework Contract for Thematic Communication Services” Lot 1 will cater for well-defined, short and medium-term communication initiatives with budgets of up to EUR 900 000. The Framework Contract will focus on the design, management and implementation of communication initiatives and cover elements such as strategy, editorial services, campaigns, participation in fairs and exhibitions, organisation of events, media planning and buying, monitoring, etc. It will cover all distribution channels (online including social media, print, out-of-home, television, radio, etc.) needed to deliver on the communication initiatives.

The successful Contractors need to be fully adapted to digital and hybrid ways of delivering communication initiatives, while being able to deliver on physical, out-of-home and print media communication initiatives and events. All services, except Times-and-Means, can be ordered as stand-alone services.

The Framework Contract “Thematic Communication Services” will allow Ordering Services to be flexible, innovative and coherent in addressing their daily communication challenges, as it offers a wide range of services that Ordering Services can combine according to their specific needs.

The contract is expected to be used by a large number of services within the Commission and other participating contracting authorities, with the possibility of a sizeable number of Specific Contracts running concurrently, involving peaks in workload. Contractors need to be able to adapt to these delivery requirements and scale up their operations as needed in order to provide timely, efficient and effective services for all ongoing requests.

The contract is expected to be used for the delivery of communication products and services via a combination of fixed prices and Quoted Times-and-Means (extramuros service providers under the direct coordination of the Contractor). The use of the listed profiles as Times-and-Means (in-house service providers and assimilated (1)) is exceptionally possible in combination with other services.

The exposure of citizens to large-scale disinformation, including misleading or outright false information, is a major challenge for Europe. The Commission is working to implement a clear, comprehensive and broad set of actions to tackle the spread and impact of online disinformation in Europe and ensure the protection of European values and democracy (2). Communication initiatives under this call for tender may also fall under this scope.

Devising and implementing effective crisis communication strategies is also becoming increasingly important. Crisis communication needs to be adaptable, mitigate risks and prevent reputational damage by correctly identifying the main challenge, the most appropriate channels, messages and tone, and the most effective timeline for action. Communication initiatives under this call for tender may also fall under this scope.

SERVICES REQUIRED. For this call for tenders, a project, hereafter referred to as a Thematic Communication Initiative, may consist of the following steps:

• Consultancy, Research and Design: research, definition of Key Performance Indicators, defining and segmenting the target audience(s), designing a strategy including messages, localisation and the appropriate mix of communication channels as well as the timing for different stages of the Initiative;

• Management: overseeing the whole project, liaising with the Ordering Services throughout the Initiative, ensuring timely delivery via suitable planning and project management tools (including templates, charts, dashboards, etc.), and managing all involved parties;

• Production: production and adaptation of multilingual material, in any EU language and also in other languages when required, and in accessible format(s) according to the required standards;

• Dissemination: dissemination of the material and messages that were produced and roll-out of all communication actions. Dissemination includes media planning and buying as well as community management;

• Monitoring and reporting: monitoring dissemination channels to track the performance of the different actions using relevant tools and techniques; if required, providing media monitoring; sentiment analysis; reporting on agreed Key Performance Indicators; other reporting; cooperating with independent evaluators and all other related activities that might be required.

As the needs of the Ordering Services will differ from project to project, the Contractor may be asked to deliver on all steps of a communication initiative or just a selection of it. This call for tenders is looking to find Contractors who can support all stages and types of communication initiatives.

Thematic Communication Initiatives will predominantly be conducted in the Member States of the EU, but they may also be carried out in outermost regions, neighbouring countries, and EU candidate countries as well as third countries all over the world. They can have a local, regional, national, multi-national, European or external dimension. Target audiences will be defined on geographical, socio-demographic or other relevant criteria and may include (non-exhaustive list):

• particular segments of the general population (e.g., students, young people, artists, entrepreneurs, rural populations, etc.).

• information multipliers (journalists, networks, influencers, etc.);

• stakeholders (e.g., experts, NGOs, policy makers, public administrations, businesses, etc.)

Potential multipliers or partners for Thematic Communication Initiatives are:

• Representations of the European Commission in the Member States;

• EU Delegations in third countries;

• The EUROPE DIRECT network, managed by Directorate General for Communication of the European Commission;

• National, regional or local authorities and assimilated entities, in particular within EU Member States and Candidate Countries;

• Beneficiaries of EU funding, e.g. universities and research institutes, NGOs, etc.

Thematic Communication Initiatives will vary in their complexity and duration. The complexity of a Thematic Communication Initiative is defined by its duration and the number of communication channels to be used. A communication channel is understood as a channel or medium for communication in the widest sense. The principal communication channels are (non-exhaustive list):

• online communication channels (online media, apps, social media platforms, interactive tools, and other online resources);

• audiovisual media (TV, cinema, etc.);

• audio only (radio, podcasts, etc.);

• print media (magazines, newspapers, brochures, and other printed materials);

• out-of-home advertising (street posters, billboards on busses, outside screens, etc.);

• events (open days, festivals, trade fairs, exhibitions, etc.);

• any other channels, including distribution channels that do not exist or are not established at the date of the publication of the contract notice, and techniques deemed appropriate by the Contractor and approved by the Ordering Service for reaching specified target audiences.

For this call for tenders, the level of complexity of a Thematic Communication Initiative is defined as follows:

• Simple: a maximum of two communication channels used for less than six months;

• Medium: a maximum of four communication channels used for less than six months, or a maximum of two communication channels used for more than six months;

• Complex: five or more communication channels for up to six months or more than two communication channels for more than six months.

Communication must be adapted to local markets and audiences. Contractors will need to provide and consistently use a robust network of local partners (at least one for each Member State of the European Union), with and the necessary language skills (cf. part 1 administrative specifications) to engage with the target media and wider audiences via the relevant methods and channels and in the local language. The network must be available at any time through the duration of the framework contract and ensure all tasks can be covered locally.

For all services under section 2, the Contractor must inform the Ordering Service in advance whenever they use AI technology to produce the requested service. The final product must always be checked by a member of the project team before it is shared with the Ordering Service.

CONTRACTUAL FRAMEWORK. The services will be the subject of a Mixed Multiple Framework Contract, partly in cascade (without reopening of competition) and partly with reopening of competition, with a maximum of three (3) Contractors.

The draft Framework Contract is attached in Annex II to the Invitation to tender. The Framework Contracts resulting from this call for tenders will be implemented by means of Specific Contracts between the Ordering Service and the respective Contractors.

In drawing up their bids, the tenderers should bear in mind the provisions of this draft Framework Contract.

1. CASCADE (WITHOUT REOPENING OF COMPETITION). Cascade (without reopening of competition) will be used for “standard purchases”, that can be requested by applying the price list of the Framework Contract. Standard purchases are considered to be those with a budget up to and including EUR 100 000.

For the cascade part, the Contracting Authority will have ranked the successful tenderers in descending order with a view to establishing the list of Contractors and the sequence in which they will be offered the orders when awarding the multiple Framework Contracts. A renewal of a Specific Contract is possible if the new contract is a direct follow-up or continuation of the initial contract. The modalities of implementation of the framework contract in cascade are set out in article I.4. of the draft Framework Contract.

2. CASCADE OR REOPENING OF COMPETITION. For purchases from EUR 100 001 up to and including EUR 350 000, the award mechanism can be either Cascade or Reopening of Competition depending on the complexity of the assignment and the level of needed creativity. This shall be determined taking into account whether:

• the Ordering Service can precisely define its needs and identify a solution for its project in the pricelist, in which case it should apply the Cascade;

• the technical specifications cannot be established with sufficient precision by the Ordering Service, in which case it should use reopening of competition;

• the project requires highly creative or innovative solutions, in which case the Ordering Service should use reopening of competition.

Where Cascade is applicable, the Specific Contract will be awarded following the procedure described in section 10.1 above and Article I.4 of the Framework Contract. Where Reopening of Competition is applicable, the Specific Contract will be awarded following the procedure described in section 10.3 below and Article I.4 of the Framework Contract.

3. REOPENING OF COMPETITION. Reopening of Competition will be used for non-standard purchases where the particular assignment is complex, combines several communication actions, and requires creativity. All projects with budgets starting from EUR 350 001 up to a maximum amount of EUR 900 000 per Specific Contract will automatically fall under this category. Media buying is part of the reopening of competition.

LOT2 DETAILS. The “Mixed Multiple Framework Contract for Thematic Communication Services” Lot 2 will cater for well-defined, short and medium-term communication initiatives with budgets of up to EUR 900 000. The Framework Contract will focus on the design, management and implementation of different types of communication activities.

The Contractor will perform all services via:

– Times-and-Means Specific Contracts, which correspond to the order of a number of days for defined tasks performed by in-house or assimilated service providers1, usually at the Ordering Service premises.

– Proximity Times-and-Means Specific Contracts, which correspond to the order of a number of days for defined tasks performed by extra-muros service providers at the Contractors’ offices.

It is expected that the vast majority of the contracts under the current Lot will consist of Times-and-Means Specific Contracts, with services being delivered at the Ordering Service premises in line with article I.15 of the Framework Contract.

Off-site delivery will sometimes be needed, following the express demand of the Ordering Service, usually as part of Specific Contracts involving on-site delivery.

The Contractor is expected to deliver services on the categories of services described under Section 2, with all the necessary details of the needed services being fine-tuned via the Request for Services associated to each Specific Contract. The Contractor will mainly assist by providing Times and Means services for defined tasks and sub-tasks, usually longer term, but short-term services might also be needed.

At the moment of launching the procedure, the Contracting Authority estimates that among the categories detailed under Section two, around 50% of the requests might concern services related to creation and delivery (with a roughly equal distribution between editorial, graphic and video/animation), 25% strategic advice, events and project management and 25% social media and community management, media management and support (with a majority of assignments concerning social media and community management). The final division of services requested will depend on many factors and cannot be predicted with absolute certainty.

The contract is expected to be used by a significant number of services within the Commission and other participating contracting authorities, with the possibility of a sizeable number of Specific Contracts running concurrently, involving peaks in workload. Contractors need to be able to adapt to these delivery requirements and scale up their operations as needed in order to provide timely, efficient and effective services for all ongoing requests.



The Contractor shall assist the Ordering Services by providing services in communication and related areas, in all its components: defining the challenges and objectives, audience identification and segmentation, choice of communication channels, production of material, monitoring of performance of the communication actions, etc. Strategic advice and project management services may also be needed.

The services required will include the following categories:

1.1 Strategic advice:

− Development of communication strategies.

− Coordination of input from all relevant sources.

− Advising on the implementation and ongoing improvement of communication strategies.

− Development of strategic considerations to enhance the quality and effectiveness of communication projects.

− Participation in meetings and teams on strategic planning to align projects with the organisation’s broader strategic goals.

− Proposing communication objectives, target audiences and key performance indicators to feed into the overall communication strategy.

− Providing insights into communication trends and how they might impact the Ordering Service’s communication strategy.

1.2 Project Management:

− Development of project briefs and project management approaches and tools to ensure the successful execution of communication initiatives and actions;

− Adaptation of project management tools to the specific project and managing and/or teaching others how to manage the tool to track implementation;

− Creation of project timelines, monitoring of project progress;

− Coordination of project teams, ensuring efficient collaboration and communication among team members;

− Presentation of the project to get endorsement and support among internal and external stakeholders;

− Ensure the collection of project data for monitoring purposes and contribute to independent evaluations as needed;

− Allocation of resources according to needs, the definition of work packages and timelines, the review of deliverables, the assurance of quality control and risk analysis as well as the daily management and follow-up;

− Participation in working groups and progress meetings;

− Management of portfolio planning and resources;

− Reporting of progress, risks and potential changes in scope to relevant stakeholders;

− Drafting meeting minutes, reports and other updates.

− Risk Management: identifying and addressing potential project risks and challenges, implementing mitigation strategies to ensure project success;

− Quality Assurance: maintaining high-quality standards throughout the project lifecycle, adhering to best practices and quality control measures.


The Contractor shall assist Ordering Services with comprehensive creative services:

• Editorial services, such as drafting or proofreading newsletters, web content, media reports, press releases, thematic brochures, blog posts, conference reports or proceedings, linguistic adaptation, copywriting and any other assignment involving writing assignments with focus on clarity and creativity.

• Graphic design for all media and channels used by the Commission, including publications, web and social media, posters, banners and any type of other graphic creation, with focus on creativity and consistency.

• Sound and video production, including animation, such as clips for all the media and channels used by the Commission, such as social media, web, radio and television.

• Any other creative assignment or training sessions into relevant areas, as needed by the Ordering Services.

The services required will include the following categories:

2.1 Creative advice:

– Creative leadership in the development of key concepts, visuals and slogans.

– Understanding the Ordering Service’s communication needs to make relevant concept and style recommendations.

– Giving direction on how to represent a concept visually and which type of photographs, art, or other design elements to use.

– Review of the overall look or style of a campaign and its assets.

– Supervision of design team members when needed.

– Coordination of activities with other artistic or creative departments to ensure alignment of creative development.

– Presentation and pitching of concept and design solutions to clients for approval.

– Advising on the application of brand guidelines.

– Debriefing on the development and production process and impact of products and outcomes.

2.2 Graphic design services:

− Development of designs and creation of design proposals that effectively represent pre-approved concepts visually, aligned with project objectives and creative briefs.

− Development of the overall look, style, and visual identity for campaigns, projects, and their assets to maintain consistent branding in line with the campaign concept.

− Selection and usage of specific photographs, artwork, or design elements to enhance the visual appeal and impact of projects.

− Transformation of existing concepts or assets into different formats, including static images, GIFs, and others, to optimise reach and engagement.

− Coordination and laying out of designs for multiple language versions, ensuring content is effectively presented to diverse audiences.

− Upholding of visual identity and brand guidelines, ensuring that design work aligns with established branding standards.


The Contractor will assist Ordering Services with services such as:

• Social media and community management, such as assisting in the management of the Ordering Service’s presence on social media platforms, including strategy development and implementation (publication and engagement) for both organic and paid content as well as various analyses related to the impact, uptake and tonality of the conversations around this presence.

• Media management and analysis, such as implementing and managing media campaigns, implementing and delivering public relations and media partnerships, including drafting or adapting existing materials to fit the objectives of the Ordering Services.

• Research into various trends, themes, communities, public perception assessment studies and their development in time, intensity, scientific or technical studies, or any other elements needed to feed into the strategic or creative process of devising, developing, implementing or assessing the communication initiatives needed to reach the objectives of the Ordering Service.

• Any other support services needed, in particular in relation to project management and implementation.

The services required will include the following categories:

3.1 Media management

− Design and implementation of media strategies to achieve communication initiatives targets for audio-visual, cinema, out of home, digital and any other types of media.

− Conceptualising, developing and evaluating media partnerships.

− Identification of press opportunities.

− Assessing, analysing and informing the Ordering Service about new media trends

− Identification of opportunities for collaboration with other multipliers.

− Monitoring the implementation and results of media campaigns, prepare reports and analyses and make proposals for independent evaluations and future communication initiatives.

− Providing feedback on ongoing projects and strategic input in order to improve the Contracting Authorities’ media presence.

3.2 Web services

− Assistance with the integration and updating of content in preformatted pages and forms.

− Management of the content publication life cycle.

− Support of content integration (e.g., document transformation from format to format, basic multimedia editing).

− Ensuring the coherence of the logical and physical structure of websites, web pages and of navigation.

− Writing of technical documentation.

− Quality checks on the code.

− Correction of encoding mistakes.

3.3 Copywriting and editorial services

− Proposing editorial concepts based on gathering and analysing relevant materials.

− Writing and editing of high-quality original content.

− Management of editorial projects; for proficient and senior profiles, this may include the coordination of the work of the junior writers.

− Ensuring the quality of written material, including proofreading and linguistic check.

− Performance of journalistic research and interviews if needed.

− Transfer of knowledge on good/bad copy to various internal stakeholders.

− Rewriting and adapting content for specific target audiences (online and offline).

3.4 Audiovisual design services:

− Creation of audiovisual products and animations and/or audio-only products such as podcasts as stand-alone products or to support campaigns.

− Proposing concepts, writing scripts, coordinating shootings or recordings

− Arranging, connecting, tuning and operating the audio and video equipment provided to produce professional videos and podcasts.

− Editing, inserting subtitles, infographics, credits and other additional information to videos.

− Adaptation of videos to different formats ranging from social media to TV.

− Respecting brand guidelines and advising internal stakeholders on their application in audiovisual products.

− Following trends and new formats in the audiovisual field.

3.5 Social media management:

− Interaction with users of social media platforms to respond to their questions and suggestions in line with corporate objectives and priorities.

− Helping to build, grow and manage online communities.

− Ensuring continuous participation in online conversations and act as community manager.

− Usage of analytics tools to monitor social media outlets, online forums and blogs.

− Organising social media live events.

− Creation or gathering of content – involving multiple departments – for distribution on various social media sites.

− Identification of threats and opportunities in user-generated content surrounding the Contracting Authority’s brand.

− Close collaboration with internal teams (web, audiovisual) to design and implement social media measurement strategies across social media platforms.

− Advising on short-term and long-term KPIs for social media advertising (both paid and organic).

− Setting up, implementing and optimising social media advertising campaigns.

− Gathering social media data, using the analytics tools provided.

− Providing both regular and ad hoc reporting, analysis, and insights around social media trends and behaviour, sentiment analysis, social media advertising trends and opportunities, and social media campaign performance.

− Regular monitoring of social media performance.

− Writing and editing suitable content for social media.

Analysis of key trends in relevant content and activity.

3.6 Event management services

− Developing or contributing to the event concept.

− Providing the full project management of the event and ensuring service delivery from the initial proposal through to completion of the event.

− Managing the selected event platform, registration platform and other tools for the event management.

− Defining and/or implementing project milestones and deadlines.

− Liaison and coordination of external Contractors and their services (e.g., catering, security, cleaning services, travel and accommodation) as well as identifying, contacting and liaising with speakers, moderators and other contributors and participants.

− Drafting and editing minutes, presentations, mailing lists and other materials.

− Collection of information and data on the event.

CONTRACTUAL FRAMEWORK. The services will be the subject of a Multiple Framework Contract in cascade with a maximum of three Contractors drawn up between the Contracting Authority and the tenderers to whom the contract is awarded.


When awarding the Multiple Framework Contract in cascade with three Contractors, the Contracting Authority will rank the successful tenderers in descending order with a view to establishing the list of Contractors and the sequence in which they will be offered the orders.

In all cases the first Contractor must be consulted first. This means that all tenderers must be ready to assume the full volume of a given lot on their own (with their partners and subcontractors) in the event that they are ranked in first place and must therefore guarantee their ability to hire service providers at the rates proposed. In this case all communications between the Contractors and the Contracting Authority will be carefully documented in order to ensure a decision, which is transparent to all parties.


The following paragraphs detail the processes for the request of Specific Contracts using the cascade mechanism, cf. Article I.4.3 of the Framework Contract, as relevant.

(a) The Contracting Authority will send to the Contractor a Request Form together with a completed draft Specific Contract, including payment schedule, and a Technical Annex to the Specific Contract detailing:

• the overall communication needs and objectives;

• specification of requested services and deliverables, including any minimum requirements;

• requested profiles to perform the requested services and deliverables;

• time-schedule;

• the budget for the Specific Contract;

• the KPIs that need to be met and tracked, if appropriate;

• any other relevant information deemed necessary for the Contractor to understand the request and be able to estimate the time necessary for each category of profiles relevant to carry out the tasks of the Specific Contract.

Within three working days, the Contractor must either:

(b) Confirm to the Contracting Authority its acceptance of the request. For each request, the Contracting Authority will specify a date by which it must then receive a proposal (typically at least 10 (ten) working days after acceptance by the Contractor). The Contractor shall make its proposal in response to the Contracting Authority’s specifications within this time limit.

(c) Ask for further clarifications, in the form of a clear questionnaire, allowing the Contracting Authority to provide the necessary details in a rapid and structured manner.

Upon receipt of the response (option c) above) from the Contractor, the Contracting Authority has two working days to:

(d) send the completed questionnaire, as per c) above.

In case of point (d) above, the Contractor has two working days to:

(e) Send back to the Contracting authority an acceptance of the request;

(f) Acknowledge that it cannot deliver on the Request for Services. In this case, the Cascade mechanism, cf. Article I.4.3 of the Framework Contract, is activated.

In case of an updated response, as per point (e), the Contractor then has at least ten (10) working days, as specified in the request, to send a proposal. At the end of the period to make a proposal:

(g) If the Contractor has not delivered a proposal by the proposal date, the Contracting Authority may extend the deadline or consider this as a failure to respect the requirements. In this case, the Contracting Authority will inform the Contractor that the proposal cannot be accepted.

(h) If the Contractor sends a proposal, the Contracting Authority may ask the Contractor for clarifications on its proposal, but the Contractor may not make a new proposal.

(i) If the Contracting Authority accepts the proposal, it informs the Contractor that the proposal is accepted and is to be regarded as the basis for a Specific Contract.

(j) If the Contracting authority does not accept the proposal, it informs the Contractor, with reasoning, that the proposal cannot be accepted.

In case of (h), the Contractor has two (2) working days to provide the required specifications. The Ordering Service then proceeds to (i) or (j).

When the Ordering Service has accepted a proposal (i), it will:

(k) Adapt the draft Specific Contract and annexes if necessary and initiate the formalities for the signature of the Specific Contract;

In case of points (g) or (j), the Contracting Authority has two working days to

(l) Acknowledge that the Contractor cannot deliver on the Request for Services. In this case, the Cascade mechanism, cf. Article I.4.3 of the Framework Contract, is activated by informing the DG responsible for managing the Framework Contract (DG COMM) and contacting the second Contractor, starting from (a).

Upon joint agreement, the Ordering Service and the Contractor may, for any given Request for Services, shorten the deadlines for steps (a) through (j) or to add supplementary steps based on the steps (a) through (j) above.

Within two working days of the receipt of the draft Specific Contract, the Contractor shall return it signed with the necessary Qualified Electronic Signature or by handwritten signature. In the event of handwritten signature, the Specific Contract shall be posted within the two working days and a scanned version of the Specific Contract shall be submitted to the Contracting Authority within the same deadline. For contracting authorities for whom the use of the electronic exchange system specified under Article I.7.1 of the Framework Contract is activated, the ordering process may take place in that system.

The Ordering Service may, at any stage during the ordering process, cancel the request. In that case, it will immediately inform the Contractor of the cancellation.

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