Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Category: UN

  • Služby grafického designu a layoutu Zadavatel: International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) – Vídeň (práce pro pobočku na Maltě) Budget nespecifikován S vítězem bude uzavřen kontrakt na 36 měsíců Deadline: 17.1.2020 – 16:00 Pozn.: ICMPD je mezinárodní organizace financována svými členy, Evropskou komisí a OSN Dodavatel musí mít: * the average annual turnover of…


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  • Tendr: Digital Media Services for UNHCR Private Sector Partnerships in Belgium Zadavatel: UNHCR (UN High Commissiioner for Refugees), Ženeva Jazyk: angličtina nebo francoužština Deadline 8. ledna 2010 UNHCR hledá digitální agenturu na rozvoj a řízení programů digitální akvizice dárců. With a specific focus on donor acquisition as well as quality leads, in order to: •…


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  • Docela výjimečně zde nabízím zajímavý tendr na nábytek: jde o “Dodávku a instalaci nábytku pro jednací místnosti a kanceláře manažerů” pro OSN – regionální kancelář FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) pro Evropu a Střední Asii. Sídlí v Budapešti. Můj stálý klient zrovna kvůli ostatním zakázkám nestíhá, takže pokud má zájem někdo jiný, rád s ním…


  • Tendr: Kancelářské LED lampy Zadavatel: UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Ženeva Deadline: 12. prosince S vítězem bude podepsána smlouva na 2+1 rok Naceňuje se 7 typů lamp, v počtech 10, 100 a nad 100 Pro kategorii 1 až 4 bude třeba poslat vzorky TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TYPE 1   MANDATORY – Freestanding LED light for 4…


  • Tendr: Professional Support Services for IAEA WEB SSO infrastructure Zadavatel: IAEA – The International Atomic Energy Agency, Vídeň Deadline 14/11 – 17:00 CET Scope: This Statement of Work describes the IAEA´s requirements for professional support services for the IAEA WEB Single Sign On Infrastructure. This Infrastructure was implemented several years ago as a pivotal component…


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  • Tendr: Development of the INFOSAN Community Website v2.0 Zadavatel: WHO – World Health Organization, Řím Place of performance: Remotely Deadline 15/12 Hodnocení: kvalita 60% x cena 40% The objective of the new INFOSAN (the International Food Safety Authorities Network) Community Website (ICW) is to allow an international set of users (currently 600+) supported by a…

  • Tendr: Provision of Laptops and Desktops Zadavatel: OPCW – Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (UN), The Hague, The Netherlands Deadline 30/10 – 16:00 CET During the validity of the Framework Agreement, orders will be raised on an “as required” basis for varying quantities. Estimated quantity for the duration of the Agreement (3 years):…


  • Tendr: Provision of High-speed WiFi Services Zadavatel: SEforALL initiative, Vídeň Deadline 31/10 – 11:00 CET Objective: The present Terms of Reference aim to provide a framework for full TCP/IP Managed Internet Service Provision for the SEforALL Vienna, Austria. The service should be provided based on fixed monthly fee. Capacity requirement is minimum: Symmetric 100 Mbps…


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  • Tendr: Storage Systems Zadavatel: UN – International Laboour Office (ILO), Ženeva Deadline 23/10 Background: The ILO is refreshing its data backup infrastructure and is adopting a software defined strategy. This project requires the acquisition of network attached storage (NAS) to retain deduplicated backed up data. The target architecture uses backup servers in charge of collecting,…


  • Tendr: Provision of Digital Intelligence, Analytics and SEO consulting across UNICEF digital ecosystem Zadavatel: UNICEF, New York + další místa Kontrakt na 3+2 roky Deadline 31/10 00:00 Atlantic time PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this Request for Proposal for Services is to seek proposals from qualified contractors and to establish a Long-Term Arrangement for…