Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Zcela unikátní bruselská příležitost pro komunikační, digitální, AV a podobné agentury

Call: Dynamický nákupní systém pro komunikační služby

Zadavatel: Evropská komise, Generální ředitelství pro komunikaci (COMM)

Předpokládaná celková hodnota: €38.500.000

Doba trvání v měsících: 48

DŮLEŽITÉ: Půjde o tzv. “dynamický nákupní system”: zájemci se přihlásí do lotů(u), který jim vyhovuje. Pokud projdou “sítem”, bude je zadavatel v průběhu platnosti uzavřené rámcové smlouvy (4 roky) oslovovat s jednotlivými poptávkami (“mini-competitions”). Nikdo z venku oslovován nebude a nebude se moci přihlásit.

Stručný popis: Tento DPS se týká zajištění komunikačních a souvisejících služeb. Řízení je rozděleno do sedmi samostatných a nezávislých DPS takto:

Kategorie č. 1: Plánování a nákup médií; Budget €25.000.000

Kategorie č. 2: Poradenství a srovnávání v oblasti mediálního plánování; €1.000.000

Kategorie č. 3: Tvůrčí služby a produkty; €3.000.000

Kategorie č. 4: Redakční služby a produkty a překlad / jazykové úpravy; €3.000.000

Kategorie č. 5: Akce a konference; €5.000.000

Kategorie č. 6: Dárkové předměty; €500.000

Kategorie č. 7: Strategie a výzkum.€1.000.000

Scope of the mini-competitions – The scope of the contracts resulting from the mini-competition under this DPS for communication services is split into seven categories each forming separate and independent DPSs as follows:

1. Media planning and buying: Under this category, participating institutions and bodies will request services related to media planning and buying:

• providing media planning.

• purchase of advertising services and related activities for diffusion of existing ready-made content, previously obtained services, as well as securing media partnerships and sponsorship and activation.

• joining and coordinating with communication agencies working on a creative strategy for ongoing campaigns conducted by the Commission or other EU institutions, bodies or agencies, in order to come up with a coherent and comprehensive media plan, adapted to the set objectives, geographical scope, target audience and other relevant criteria.

• adapting existing material to fit the needs of the various media chosen for distribution, in particular from a technical perspective.

• other auxiliary services needed to provide services in this category

The Contracting Authority reserves the right to remove services related to media planning and leave this category for media buying services. This change will be announced via publication of a new version of this DPS specifications in the Negometrix platform and the publication of a corrigendum contract notice on the Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) at

2. Media planning consultancy and benchmarking: Under this category contractors will be required to support and advice customers when devising, assessing and accepting media plans, produced either in-house or provided by other contractors and/or partners. Contractors will assess any media plan from two perspectives:

• adequacy with the stated parameters and objectives, such as target audience, messaging, values compatibility, etc.

• cost effectiveness, especially by benchmarking proposed media plans against available information, such as rate cards and industry standards parameters, such as cost per mille (CPM), cost per point (CPP), etc.

3. Creative services and products: This category will be used to provide services and products of a particularly creative nature. Usually, they will be individualised, although series or thematic categories of services and/or products can be requested as well:

• Audiovisual original products, such as still images (including photoshoots), videoclips, soundtracks, including multimedia or virtual reality products or deliverables.

• Visual identities, style manuals, templates, etc.

• Other communication products or services with emphasis on creativity and originality.

4. Editorial services and products and translation/linguistic adaptation: This category will be used to provide consistent editorial support and linguistic adaptation:

• Publications, brochures, newsletters, banners, etc. including online products;

• Managing content of thematic websites: producing stories; redrafting policy and technical documents into wider audience editorial products; managing comments sections.

• Conference proceedings and synthesis of stakeholders contributions, including conference harvesting.

• Other editorially-centered products and services.

5. Events and conferences: This category will be used to provide the necessary services and associated products for organisation of events and conferences, including virtual and hybrid events:

• Advice and consultancy (including thematic consultancy);

• Venue, equipment and catering: identifying the suitable venues, renting, decoration and signage, cleaning, catering, including special dietary requirements, recording and streaming (including multichannel streaming) security, etc.

• Digital platform for virtual or mixed events: providing the use of the platform, creating the immersive content, ensuring assistance and troubleshooting;

• Participants: managing registrations and participants’ lists, participants’ kit, ensuring badging, group hotel booking, reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses (where applicable), etc.

• Assistance in identifying valuable speakers and moderators and securing their participation.

• Events / conferences materials and content: visual identity, programme, proceedings, proposing and organising associated performances, etc.

• Managing VIP participants and media presence.

• Creating stands, designing and decorating pavilions.

• Interpretation

• Any other services and products needed to deliver on requests for events or conferences.

6. Gadgets: Under this category, contractors will be required to propose possible gadgets suitable for the various needs of the customer. The requests will either identify one or more category of objects, or will define the objectives of the customer, and allow tenderers to propose their solution. Particular emphasis will be placed on green, sustainable and ethically-sourced products.

7. Strategy and research. This category will be used for strategic and consultancy services, as well as for the necessary research in support of strategic decisions:

• Overall strategic consultancy, communication concepts, including messaging, partnership approaches, media balance, calls to action, etc.

• Market research

• Audience research, including focus groups and persona creation

• Any other research or similar flanking measure.

Each mini-competition organised under each separate category shall determine the exact scope and requirements of the resulting contract. For the purpose of the proper performance of the contract resulting from the mini-competition under each category, the contracting authority may define, profiles based on the nature of tasks and knowledge and skills required. This will be specified at the level of the mini-competition.

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