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Video a multimediální obsah pro europarlament. Zn: strong digital mind-set

Zakázka: Production of Edited Web Video and Related Multimedia Services

Zadavatel: European Parliament, Brussels

Rámcová smlouva na 4 roky / budget €6.400.000

Stručný popis: Poskytování redakčních služeb a služeb doporučení, plánování, výroby a realizace redigovaných webových obrazových a dalších multimediálních produktů pro Evropský parlament.

Deadline 14/4

TASKS APPLICABLE: The provision of editorial- and recommendation services, planning, production and delivery of edited web video and other multi-media products for the European Parliament.  The European Parliament requires its video productions to be fully inclusive. Diversity should be reflected in the choice of geographical coverage, gender, race, ethnicity, people with disabilities etc.

Requests will be made for production and delivery of products with a number of format and aspect ratios, including: Story (Instagram), gif, sticker, VR or AR effect/filter, live, messenger, AI enabled customization, etc. Aspect ratios expected (but not limited to) are 16:9; 1:1; 9:16; 4:5.

The purpose of the contract is to provide the highest quality, audience-relevant, edited video and other multimedia content for the European Parliament that follows the latest trends.

Principles: A number of important principles, described below, should guide potential contractors in their preparation of tender offers.

Digital mind-set: One of the key elements expected from the successful contractor will be a strong digital mind-set. More than simply playing videos on the web (and elsewhere), the Parliament wishes to follow the latest developments and trends in terms of online video (hereunder videos for social media consumption and promotion and to provide its audience with top-quality video products.

Being present on the newest and most popular online platforms, such as social media networks, with content native to these platforms, is considered as a must. In this respect, the contractor will be expected to provide innovative suggestions, depending on the topics to be covered, about the most relevant platforms and formats to use. The deliverables should fit into original and attractive formats that attract the audience’s attention to view the original multimedia in the context of their platform.

The contractor should be up-to-date on the latest digital and technological evolutions throughout the duration of the contract, to allow Parliament web video services to stay ahead of the game.

The current primary social media channels are listed below, to which content should fit:  Facebook  Instagram  Youtube  Twitter  LinkedIn

This list could evolve throughout the duration of the contract, following the evolution of the social media landscape, and of the latest technologies: augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, etc.

Editorial oversight: The European Parliament will define the editorial line of edited videos and other multimedia products.

The overall political supervision of the editorial line is assured by the Bureau, the Political Authority of the European Parliament. However, the administrative responsibility for supervising the production of content is in the hands of the Directorate General for Communication.

Editorial approval, at all stages of the production chain, of all products will be the sole responsibility of the Directorate and Unit in charge. Content produced for the Campaigns Directorate will be managed by the Web Communication Unit and previously validated by the competent body within DG COMM.

While editorial accountability lies with the European Parliament, the ability to intelligently and proactively provide input on strategic editorial planning is expected, via access to experienced journalistic and specialised digital skill sets, to maximise efficiency and effectiveness in production.

Editorial policy and objectivity for Web Communication content: All Web Communication content should respond to a principle of objectivity.

This means particular importance will be devoted to ensuring coherence between the output of Web Communication and the other press and communication activities of the European Parliament, notably on the Europarl website, and fulfilling the requirements of the mission of the Directorate General for Communication. In particular, it shall ensure that the plurality of opinions in the European Parliament is reflected, with due respect to the relative strengths of the political groups, in accordance with a neutral, non-partisan editorial policy.

Target Audience relevancy: We employ an audience driven approach to our communication the European Parliament communicates with a number of different audiences across 27 different national contexts. We thus strive to see things from the point of view of our audiences, and not our institution. This means that we must first have a clear idea of who our audience is (we never use the term “general audience”), what is important to them, how they consume media and what makes them tick. Knowledge of our audiences is not based on personal opinion, but on robust data and intelligence.

Strategic planning: While the responsibility for strategic planning lies with the Web Communication Unit, the contractor will be asked to provide recommendation on topics subject to production. This recommendation would consider at least three elements:

1. understanding the current and future needs and online behaviours of audiences to be communicated with

2. understanding the roles of different offline and online channels in reaching these audiences (for example, the importance of video for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and its impact on how we produce)

3. the type of content format needed to meet objectives

The key output of this strategic planning task would be better-defined audiences, objectives and KPIs per communications channel to provide clear guidance for production planning.

Production planning for Web Communication content: Production planning will be closely managed by Web Communication and the responsible contractor. The content contractor will be required to make available a mechanism to allow the Web Communication Unit, in cooperation with the contractor, to prepare and oversee the production planning from the beginning until the product is finalised and published online. The contractor is expected to deliver content within various time delays without compromising either technical or editorial quality. Deadlines can vary from less than 1 week up to 8 weeks or more depending on the nature of the request. Highly professional writers/journalists are indispensable and are expected to be fully acquainted with the work and functioning of the European Parliament in particular and the EU in general.

Minimum expectations for the programme publication workflow process are as follows (all phases are to be closely coordinated with the Web Communication Unit):  Production planning meeting  Approval by the Editorial Committee within the European Parliament  Detailed production planning hereunder allocation of technical resources delivered by the contractor, under the supervision of Web Communication Unit  Production itself under the supervision of Web Communication Unit (o these include last minute changes in pre-production (script modifications, mood- and storyboards), o shooting plan, footage and audio (music, effects etc.) changes during the production and postproduction process)  Final approval by Web Communication Unit staff  Delivery of original master versions, associated assets and, when requested, language versions and, if needed  Corrections/changes post final submission of approved project in cases of errors and/or preferential changes requested

Languages: The main language used by the journalist for the master version must be either English or any other official EU language as specified by Web Communication, respecting gender equality as much as possible with a similar representation of female and male voices. Interviews should wherever possible be conducted by journalists capable of expressing themselves in the language so that the interviewee is not forced to speak a language which is not his/her own mother tongue, unless specifically instructed otherwise for the purpose of a video.

Translation and subtitling of content for the Europarl website will be managed separately and will not necessarily be the responsibility of the successful contractor but special emphasis will be placed on timely delivery of original master versions and associated assets in English.

Videos for distribution on social media (either versioning of a video produced for the Europarl website or videos produced solely for a given social media platform) should be delivered with in-video text elements in English and, upon request, in all official languages of the EU.

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