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Evropská komise hledá dodavatele IT poradenství pro provoz datových center, řešení digitálních pracovišť a e-Business

Tendr na IT Consultancy

Zadavatel: Evropská komise, Generální ředitelství pro informatiku (DG Informatics – DIGIT), Brussels

Bude použit plně elektronický Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) – což znamená, že (pouze) vybraní uchazeči v úvodním tendru budou průběžně vyzývání k účasti v mini-tendrech na jednotlivé položky

Úvodní tendr má 3 na sobě nezávislé části:

1:  IT Consultancy in the field of Datacentre Operations

2: IT Consultancy in the field of Digital Workplace Solutions

3: IT Consultancy in the field of e-Business Solutions.

Nature of the purchase: The general scope of the DPS for IT Consultancy is the procurement of highly specialised and high-level consultancy services in the following areas and technical domains, which are further defined under the scope of the mini-competitions:

• Technical domain 1 – Datacentre Operations: technical support and engineering for datacentre platforms, operations, IT security and hybrid Cloud infrastructure management;

• Technical domain 2 – Digital Workplace Solutions: technical support and engineering for Digital Workplace and user device management solutions;

• Technical domain 3 – e-Business Solutions: technical support and engineering for eBusiness security, custom standards-based identity and access management, blockchain implementation and cloud-native applications.

Scope of the mini-competitions The scope of the contracts resulting from the mini-competition under this DPS are services in the fields of:

• Datacentre Operations: Design, implementation, management and operation of Data Centre facilities hosting the Commission’s ICT systems, infrastructures, data storage and high availability computing platforms; design, implementation, management and operation of datacentre processes and services, identity-related services and security monitoring; design, implementation, management and operation of hybrid cloud infrastructure environments.

• Digital Workplace Solutions: Multi-dimensional architecture design and operations across heterogeneous and full-stack enterprise platforms. This includes project management, security and data protection design; provision of high-level and tactical technological assistance; troubleshooting of complex product integration issues, falling at the border of a product or service supplier’s scope for technical assistance. It also includes technological assistance and expertise in development, implementation, management and support of enterprise IT solutions for user devices.

• e-Business Solutions: Digital signature and identity and access management development; mobile security app development; blockchain architecture and development; architecting and developing cloud-native applications.

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