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Evropská komise hledá agenturu pro kampaň “Study in Europe”

Tendr: Podpora/poradenství pro kampaň “Study in Europe” (posílení přitažlivosti vyššího vzdělávání v EU)

Zadavatel: Evropská komise, EAC — Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Brussels

Budget €3.500.000 / kontrakt na 36 měsíců

Deadline 15/7

Description: The selected contractor will provide a range of professional services and expertise that together will contribute to raising the visibility and attractiveness of European higher education. If Europe is to remain highly attractive as a destination for internationally mobile students against the rising backdrop of new regional higher education hubs, it should continue its efforts to promote global awareness of the high-quality and the rich diversity of European higher education. Under this tender the Commission will purchase expert services and advice to continue its collaboration with national promotion agencies and stakeholders in order to complement national information and promotion efforts on study and funding opportunities. The services will promote the European dimension of higher education outside Europe via the Study in Europe website, social media and communication tools, a series of European Higher Education Fairs and peer learning activities for national promotion agencies.

Základní požadavky:

*** OBRAT *** Average yearly turnover of the last two financial years above €1.750.000

*** ZKUŠENOSTI *** The tenderer must prove experience in the field of promotion, with strong evidence of experience in the higher education sector. Evidence within the tender and examples provided will need to demonstrate:

 Knowledge of the higher education sector within European countries and the international promotion strategies of European countries and higher education institutions;

 In-depth awareness of the international market for individual mobility within higher education: factors for study destination choice, trends and players on this market, including the existing and potential ‘market’ for individual mobility towards Europe;

 Existing infrastructure or presence in key HE markets outside Europe, and/or the ability to mobilise infrastructure, notably for education fairs;

 Foreign-language capacities required for carrying out the tasks contained within this call for tender, in Europe and in other key markets in other continents;

 A track record of carrying out promotional activities in the higher education sector, or in a comparable sector;

 A track record of event organisation, and the use of internet and social media for promotional purposes;

 Solid experience of working on collaborative projects involving different European countries;

 An effective quality assurance and evaluation system.

*** REFERENCE *** At least five projects, similar in scope and complexity to the individual components of this tender, completed in the last three years preceding the tender submission deadline, with a minimum value for each of them € 200,000… Two or more of these projects should demonstrate a combination of the different capacities – i.e. event organisation with web-based communication, social media etc.

*** SLOŽENÍ TÝMU *** The tenderer should demonstrate that the team as a whole possesses the overall combination of knowledge, skills and competences required (a) to carry out the different components of the project, and (b) to coordinate their delivery and exploit synergies between them. 

As a whole, the team should also combine skills and management capacity in specific activities with an expertise related to work in the higher education sector. Skills and professional experience required are:

 Knowledge of international aspects of higher education, and in particular of student and staff mobility  Knowledge of marketing techniques in this sector  Project planning, resource and team management skills, and experience of working with international projects  Outstanding communication skills

Where possible, individual team members should also display a combination of component specific skills with experience of using them in higher education. 

Individual profiles required:  Project Manager:   Information and Editorial Manager:   Social Media coordinator:   Event coordinator

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