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Design a layout pro evropskou agenturu z Bilbaa

Tendr: Design, layout a výroba tištěných, on-line a audiovizuálních materiálů a materiálů pro výstavy

Zadavatel: EU-OSHA (Evropská agentura pro bezpečnost a ochranu zdraví při práci), Bilbao

Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €800.000

Deadline pro nabídku: 2/9

 Minimum requirements: The contractor must meet the following minimum requirements covering all services described below:

• provision of high quality deliverables in all EU languages according to agreed standards;

• dedicated team of designers, audiovisual experts and project managers with extensive experience of working on design, layout and production of publications, audiovisual and exhibition material;

• provision of expertise in communication strategies and visual concepts;

• capacity to work with EU-OSHA national partners to deliver design, layout and production projects at national level across Europe;

• provision of necessary staff capacity to adjust to a higher workload when required.

Provision of a clear and concise monitoring system of tasks and regular update of the client. The contractor should undertake the following services:

Graphic design and layout:

• development and implementation of branding strategies;

• development of visual identity strategies;

• graphic design for print, online and audio-visual materials;

• layout services;

• consultancy and induction for related services and products.


• audio-visual materials;

• local video production;

• small-scale printing services;

• exhibition materials.

The selected contractor must be flexible enough to carry out different projects or tasks simultaneously since different needs may arise at the same time or there may be a reprioritisation of tasks.

Asi nejsložitější může být ta „local video production“, ale nebude toho moc. Dá se tam zaletět nebo najmout nějakou místní firmu/filmaře (jsou levní a nemají moc práce):

The contractor should be able to provide facilities in the Bilbao area and/or to facilitate filming crew to record video messages for events, short video clips or ad-hoc recordings in any point of the EU. The contractor should be able to edit these videos and deliver edited videos in a relevant format available for screening.

Estimated workload (na rok):

The average quantities per year can be roughly broken down as follows:

Graphic design and layout  Category   Percentage of workload
Branding and visual identities15%
Graphic design65%
Consultancy and induction2%


Product                                     Quantity

Videos                                     6-10

Subtitling of films                      1 or 2

Infographics                              3

Local video production             1

Small scale printing services      5,000 printed copies

Pop-up displays                        15

Roll-up banner stands                30

Place of performance

The services will be performed at the following locations:

• mainly the contractor’s premises;

• occasionally, onsite attendance at EU-OSHA’s events.

Minimum level of capacity

Specific turnover of past two years (for which accounts have been closed from each concerned involved entity), with a minimum of EUR 200,000.

At least the profiles described below, with a B2 level or equivalent in English, with a minimum of three years of experience

• creative director

• production director

• project manager

• account manager

• graphic designer senior

• graphic designer junior

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