Category: zatím nezařazeno
IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support Negotiated with prior publication of a call for competition / competitive with negotiation RailNetEurope, Austria, Wien Estimated value excluding VAT: 360 000,00 EUR Description: The intention is to ensure a train running forecast information in the RNE TIS by implementing a forecasting module to the application providing…
IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support (Hosting, Maintenance and support of Sitecore based sites) International Post Corporation, Brussels Estimated value excluding VAT €700.000 Estimated duration: 5 years with potential to extend a maximum of two extensions of one year Deadline for receipt of expressions of interest: 20/03/2024 20:03:20 Requirements – Certification/Regional Restrictions: •…
Rozbíhá se tendr na Business Intelligence a Data Analytics Solutions pro agenturu EIOPA z Frankfurtu
Tendr: XBRL and DPM Developments, Management of Supervisory Reporting Frameworks in the EU Financial Services and associated Business Intelligence and Data Analytics Solutions Zadavatel: European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), Německo, Frankfurt am Main Kontrakt na 48 měsíců Odhadovaná hodnota bez DPH: €16.421.075 Deadline 4/3 Zakázka je rozdělena na 2 samostatné části: Lot 1)…
O zakázku na grafický design pro novou European Drug Agency z Lisabonu soupeří hned dvanáct firem, z toho tři české. Zajímavé. Spojka připravila nabídku s portugalskou Globaz a drží usilovně palce😊. Tady je seznam firem, které předložily nabídku: Wigo S.C., Dariusz Wieczorek, Ewa Wieczorek Studio Formaat s.r.o., David Sasín, Atelijeur Puda The Others TV SL Deloitte Technology, S.A.…
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Provision of UN Medals, awards and accessories United Nations Procurement Division Expression of Interest deadline: 5/7 Overview: The United Nations intends to issue an Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the establishment of a global system contract for the provision of UN Medals, Awards, and Accessories, which are issued to eligible military personnel and civilian police…
Call: Provision of ICT coordination, cyber and information security, quality and information management services Contracting Authority: Single European Sky ATM Research 3 (SESAR) Joint Undertaking Total budget €2.200.000 / 4 years Deadline 31/5 Short description: The purpose of this call is to provide the following services: The contract is divided into 3 (completely separate) parts:…
Provision of a digital asset management system for WHO communications World Health Organization (WHO), Geneve Closing Date: 10 March 2023 Mandatory experience: Previous experience in digital asset management (DAM) platform. Detailed Terms of Reference 1. Purpose of the APW: Provide and support of a digital asset management system for WHO communications, Digital Unit DC0/DSV. 2. Background: The…
Assistance in supporting the Digital Innovation activities of the EIB Group internal Digital Transformation Programme EIB – European Investment Bank, Luxembourg Multi-operator Framework Agreement with a maximum of five service providers. re-opening of competition Duration: 1-year duration with up to 4 tacit extensions of one year each; the total duration shall not exceed 5 years…
RFI: Project “NATO Software Factory – DevSecOps Platform” Contractor: NCI agency (NATO Communications and Information Agency), Brussels NCI Agency is seeking information from Nations and their Industry regarding available managed services to meet the requirements for a NATO Software Factory DevSecOps platform managed service on the high side. Responses are requested to be submitted by…