Brussels connection

the best address for international procurement

Category: UN

  • Call: Telemedicine service provision solutions Contractor: UN Procurement Dept. Closing Date for Receipt of RFI: 1 October 2021 The UN is looking for a telemedicine solution(s) suitable to address UN operational requirements as follows: a. Priority 1 – Remote trauma care support in the battlefield. b. Priority 2 – Remote patient monitoring during Medical Evacuation…


  • IT Development Services UPU – Universal Postal Union The UPU seeks contractor to provide IT development services for a period of 4 years. The objectives of the services are to support and supplement UPU’s own software development activities in accordance with the system requirements, technical summary and instructions contained herein. The selected vendor shall, under…


  • ITB for the UN Cloud ICC – International Computing Centre (OSN), Ženeva UNICC is based in Geneva and has offices in New York, Rome, Brindisi and Valencia.UNICC is meeting the challenges and drivers for organizations to move to new private, hybrid and public cloud offerings. UNICC offers assessment, migration and implementation as well as fully…


  • 5 year contract for off-site storage of United Nations audio-visual collections, management, on-demand digitization, delivery and pickup services Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: 6 August 2021 The Contractor will be able to provide the following services: – Storage and management of audio-visual archives in a wide variety of formats and sizes within minimum standards…

  • Tendr: Long-Term Agreement for the provision of Graphic Design Services Zadavatel: IMO – The International Maritime Organization, (Organizace OSN), Londýn Kontrakt na 5 let, celkový odhadovaný budget (nad) €575.000 Deadline 9, August 2021, 12:00 hours (UK time) The IMO intends to award a yearly contract for a maximum period of 5 years for the Graphic…


  • Tendr: Design and Layout Services Zadavatel: Jedna z agentur OSN (joint agency of the WTO and the UN based in Geneva (360 staff, 1000+ consultants) Rámcová smlouva na max. 5 let Deadline pro nabídky: 5. dubna Scope of Services: DESIGN Design of events, promotional and publication projects (including creation of new visual concepts) that adhere…

  • Tendr: GMS RFID installation in China Contracting Authority: UPU – Universal Postal Union, Geneve Subject: This call for tenders concerns the provision of technical support services for the installation of Global Monitoring System (GMS) radio frequency identification (RFID) equipment at the offices of China Post in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Tianjin and Guangzhou as and…


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  • Call for: The supply and delivery of animated videos UNHCR (UN High Commissioner for Refugees)´s Representation for EU Affairs, Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands (REUA) – Brussels Objectives: To produce short animated videos at UNHCR’s request to enhance UNHCR’s profile on key issues in order to support the advocacy, fundraising and EU visibility efforts…


  • Call: Provision of Campaign and Public Relations Services Zadavatel: UN World Food Programme Zakázka bude rozdělena na dvě samostatné části: a. Creative Campaign Development and Execution (Job Lot 1) b. Publicity and Public Relations (Job Lot 2) Eligibility to participate – company experience working with global brands in one or more of the above-named areas;…


  • Významná agentura OSN (skoro 10 tisíc zaměstnanců) se sídlem ve Švýcarsku zahájila vyběrové řízení na “design and layout services for a series of publications”. Kontrakt by měl trvat zhruba 2 roky (15/03/2021  to 31/12/2022 – Indicative timelines). Dodavatel musí povinně splňovat tyto kritéria: previous work with WHO, other international organizations and/or major institutions in the…

