Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

“Brusel” zaplatí za podporu znalostí v oblasti Bid Data, Internet of Things a Cybersecurity pro střední a malé firmy

Zakázka: Podpora rozvoje specializovaných dovedností v oblastech Big Data, Internet of Things a Cybersecurity pro malé a střední podniky

Zadavatel: Výkonná agentura pro malé a střední podniky (EASME), Brussels

Kontrakt na 24 měsíců/ budget €500.000

Popis zakázky: EASME wishes to enter into a service contract for researching, identifying, designing, testing and validating specific measures supporting specialised skills development related to big data, Internet of things (IoT) and cybersecurity for SMEs in Europe. The service contract will be implemented with a view to supporting the goals set out in the new skills agenda, especially in the blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills. Special attention will be devoted to building synergies with activities stemming from the digital skills and jobs coalition, and to avoiding a duplication of efforts. Work should be based on a demand-led, pragmatic and results-oriented approach with a view to proposing concrete measures and solutions, including the creation of a toolbox aimed at providing appropriate tailored solutions for SMEs. Outcomes of this assignment should contribute to strengthening SMEs’ workforce adaptability and capacity for the short to medium term.

Deadline 10/7

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