Author: Tomas Horejsi
Provision of Biometrics Information Multimodal Identity Solution Buyer: The International Criminal Court (ICC) The Hague, The Netherlands Request for expression of interest (EOI) – closing date: 13 December 2024 Background: It is anticipated that the ICC will shortly be issuing a solicitation for the provision of Biometrics Information Multimodal Identity Solution. In this connection, the…
Digital Equipment/Furniture for expanded Meeting Room of the International Criminal Court Buyer: The International Criminal Court (ICC) The Hague, The Netherlands Request for expression of interest (EOI) – closing date: 12 December 2024 Background: It is anticipated that the ICC, will shortly be issuing a solicitation for the provision of Meeting Room Digital Equipment/Furniture. In…
RFI: Wayfinding, indoor navigation solution for visually impaired Buyer: United Nations Procurement Division Closing Date for Receipt of RFI: 27 December OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to provide the Office of Information and Communication Technology with information from the market to identify potential vendors that have the capability to implement…
Call: Design and digital printing for facilities and events visual communication Buyer: Eurojust, The Hague EUROJUST/HAG/2024/LVP/0016-EXA Description: The subject of this procurement procedure is the ad hoc and time sensitive production of communication/exhibition items including the graphic design, layout of texts and digital printing in materials such as plastic, plexiglas, foam paper, PVC, etc., stickers,…
Call: Strategic media advice and media auditing (benchmarking) services Buyer: European Commission, DG COMM – Communication, Brussels EC-COMM/2024/MVP/0905-EXA Description: DG COMM wishes to procure the services of a leading consultancy company that can provide strategic media advice and benchmarking services to enable the continuous assessment and improvement of its communication actions, with a focus on…
Call: Provision of Print and Layout Services to Eurojust Buyer: Eurojust, The Hague Background: Eurojust needs a contractor to deliver print, design and layout services: creating layout for and printing publications, reports, wall calendars, leaflets, business cards and other public or limited distribution print products. The future contractor should have (access to) printing facilities (offset…
Fotovoltaické systémy – dodávka, instalace, uvedení do provozu Evropské patentová organizace (EPO), Mnichov Stručný popis: Dodávka, instalace a uvedení do provozu několika fotovoltaických systémů o celkovém výkonu cca 400 kWp v souladu se specifikací VDE-AR-N 4110. Datum zahájení práce: 01/04/2025 – datum ukončení: 31/12/2026 Lhůta pro doručení nabídek: 31/01/2025 – 11:00:00 (UTC+1)
Copernicus Flight Operations Segment Archive Dataspace Buyer: European Space Agency Deadline: not specified yet Budget: not specified yet Description: The Copernicus program, managed by the European Union in collaboration with ESA, represents the most ambitious Earth observation program to date. It is designed to provide a comprehensive system for monitoring our planet, supporting environmental management,…
Global Emerging Markets Data AggregatorBuyer: European Investment Bank, LuxembourgBudget without VAT: €4.666.356 / contract for: 60 monthsDeadline: 13/1Brief description of the required services: Global Emerging Markets (GEMs) Data Aggregator is a cooperation platform among 26 Multilateral Development Banks and Development Financial Institution to share and analyse data and produce risk statistics. On behalf of its…
European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) se intenzivně chystá vypsat tendr na IT systém pro kontrolu předepisování velmi drahých léků v jednotlivých členských státech. V zemích s nízkými objednávkami následně Evropská komise doplatí výrobci vzniklé náklady na zajištění dostupnosti léku na daném trhu.